MERP Anatomy Mini one study guide

Surface anatomy

Study of the surface of the body without dissection

Gross anatomy

Study of the body without a microscope usually involves dissection

Systemic anatomy

Study of the body based on systems (digestive, respiratory, etc)

Regional anatomy

Study of anatomy that is based on region ie arm, leg etc.

Radiographic anatomy

Study of anatomy that is using radiographic techniques, ie MRI, CT)


Study of the initial development of a fetus up to 28 days


Referred to as histology (study of tissues) of cytology (study of cells)

Name and describe the germ layers

1. Ectoderm - outermost germ layer: skin, hair, brain, nerves, "attract o derm"
2. Mesoderm - middle most: cardiac, skeletal, renal, muscle, blood, "means o derm"
3. Endoderm - inner most latyer: lung, gut, thyroid, pancreas "en-dernal organs"
4. Coelom -

Light microscope

Most common microscope; gives the lowest resolution.

Transmission electron microscope

Next highest resolution compared to light microscope. Has a viewfinder (resolution up to 200-300 nm)

Scanning electron microscope

Highest resolution. Produces a "3D" image on a tv viewing screen. Accomplished by sprinkling a fine layer of gold/palladium on the sample.


The subject being viewed with the microscope.

What are microtome sections?

Very fine slices of specimen created with a tool called a microtome. Used to make specimens for viewing on a microscope.

What are the section techiques of a microtome?

1. Oblique section - cut at an angle that is not parallel or perpendicular
2. Cross section - perpendicular cut
3. Longitudinal section - parallel cut

Hematoxylin stain

Stains acidic components of cell blue. Some acidic structures that stain blue are: nucleus (due to DNA); acidic regions of cytoplasm; cartilage matrix.

Eosin stain

Stains basic components of cell red. Some basic structures that stain red or pink are: basic regions of cytoplasm; collegen fibers.

Masson's trichrome stain

1. Dark blue: nuclei
2. Red: muscle, keratin, cytoplasm
3. Light blue: mucinogen, collagen

Toluidine blue stain

Used to identify mast cells and connective tissue. Mast cells are found in the connective tissue and their cytoplasm contains granules (metachromatic) composed of heparin and histamine. Toluidine blue should stain mast cells red-purple (metachromatic stai


Lab technique that uses antibodies to target specific antigen epitopes (peptides or proteins specific to antigen)

Define fixation techniques for transmission electron microscope (TEM) sample prep

Fixation - prevents post mortem changes
1. glutaraldehyde: fixes proteins
2. osmium tetroxide: fixes lipids
3. potassium permanganate: fixes lipids
4. dehydration: usually done with alcohol
5. embedding in epoxy resin: used to harden sample so it can be s

Plasma membrane

1. Consists of lipid bilayer and associated proteins

Lipid bilayer

Mostly made of phospholipids and cholesterol, and glycolipids. Phospolipids hydrophilic heads out, hydrophobic tails in. Tails form weak bonds.


Restricted to outer leaflet facing out, their polar carbohydrates are needed to form glycocalyx, which is important in cell protection, cell to cell recognition, attachment of the cell to extracellular matrix, binding of antigens, etc.

Cholesterol function in plasma membrane

Helps maintain integrity and control fluidity (decreases fluidity)

Describe the orientation of peripheral proteins in plasma membrane lipid bilayer.

1. Mostly located at the cytoplasmic-side of inner leaflet. 2. Some are attached to glycolipids of outer leaflet and extend to extracellular matrix. Important for attachment of cytoskeleton and in secondary messengers system.
3. Inner leaflet: upper half


1. Eukaryotic cells contain three main kinds of filaments: microfilaments, intermediate filaments, and microtubules.
2. Provides the cell with structure and shape.


Thick fibers in cytoskeleton that make cilia, and provide structure in the cell.


Microtubule organizing center" where microtubles are produced.

Extracellular matrix

matrix that cells "sit in

Intermediate filaments

Form a meshwork that gives cell mechanical strength
and shape

Golgi apparatus

Group of flattened sacs arranged like a stack. They function to modify and package proteins and lipids into vesicles.

Actin filaments

Microfilaments that are flexible and are usually layered beneath the plasma membrane. Involved in cell motility.

Nuclear envelope

Double membrane that covers eukaryotic DNA. Has an inner and outer nuclear membrane.

Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)

Membrane is continuous with the nuclear envelope; structure inside ER is called the ER lumen.

Nuclear pore complex

Facilitates exchange between the nucleus and the cytoplasm (ex. Ribosomes and RNA)

Perinuclear space (perikaryon)

The space between the two membranes that make up the nuclear membrane itself


Fluid within the cytoplasm. Contains chemicals dissolved and/or suspended in water.

Cytoskeleton contents

Microtubules, intermediate filaments, and microfilaments are three protein fibers of decreasing diameter, respectively. All are involved in establishing the shape or movements of the cytoskeleton, the internal structure of the cell.

Inclusions in cytoplasm

Consist of metabolic by-products, storage forms of various nutrients, inert crystals, pigments


Metabolically active cellular structure that executes specific functions.


1. Double layered:
a) outer membrane, which surrounds the whole organelle
b) inner membrane, which is thrown into folds (cristae)
2. Self-replicating
3. Contains own genome

Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER)

1. Ribosomes adhere to its outer surface
2. Translation of mRNA that will stay in this organelle or
Protein synthesis for exported proteins occur on ribosomes of organelle.

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER)

1. No ribosomes attached
2. Membrane-bound vesicle continuous lumen with RER
3. Synthesis of steroids, cholesterol, and triglycerides
4. Detoxification of toxic materials (alcohol & barbiturates)
5. Recipient for those proteins synthesized in RER


1. Make protein
2. Can float freely in cytoplasm or be bound to endoplasmic reticulum

Neural tissue

Used for sensor, and implementation of messages.

Muscular tissue

used for structure, support and motion.

Epithelial tissue

uninterrupted layer of cells that covers body surfaces, lines body cavities and forms glands.

Connective tissue

connects body parts, fills spaces, supports other tissues.

What are the functions of epithelia tissue?

1. Barrier (protection)
2. Secretion (glands)
3. Transport across an epithelium
4. Absorptionfrom the lumen (intestine)
5. Detection of sensations (special epithelia)

Surface epithelia basement membrane

1. Basement membrane: thin sheet of collagen and glycoproteins produced by epithelial cells and fibroblasts.

What are the three types of surface epithelia linings?

1. Endothelium: very thin single layer of simple squamous epithelium lines entire circulatory system - heart, arteries, veins, capillaries, sinusoids, lymphatics.
2. Mesothelium: thin layer that lines lines walls and covers contents of closed body cavitie

Simple epithelium

Single cell layer

Stratified epithelium

more than one cell layer


Flat-shaped epithelia cell.


Square-shaped epithelial cell.


Column-shaped epithelial cell

Surface characteristics of epithelia

Microvilli: increase surface area. Located in intestine, plasma surface of eggs, cell surface of white blood cells
Cilia: hairlike projections used for moving particulates
Flagella: tail-like projection. locomotion and sense organ. 9+2 of microtubules cal

Connective tissue fibers

Collagen: thick structural fibers cross each other, NO branch.
Reticular: form supporting framework, irregular anastomising network
Elastic: delicate threadlike branching strands

Types of Connective Tissue Proper (CT Proper)

Loose: areolar. individual elastic fibers are easily seen (fills in spaces of body just deep to skin)
Dense: contains more fibers and fewer cells than loose tissue (make it resistant to stress)
Reticular: fibers form an irregular anastomosing network (str

Dense Connective Tissue (Dense CT) types

1. Dense Regular Connective Tissue: arranged in parallel resists stress and stretching in one direction.
b) 2 types
i) Collagenous: ligaments & aponeuroses
ii) Elastic: thin sheets or membranes in large blood vessels, ligaments of vertebral column
2. Dens

Types of membranes in macroanatomy

Adventitia: layers of connective tissue that connects and binds some internal organs (esophagus, blood vessels)
Serous membrane (serosa): thick membrane; connective tissue covered by mesothelium. Secretes serous fluid.
Mucous membrane (mucosa): lines cavi

Central nervous system (CNS)

Brain and spinal cord. Integrate and coordinate neural signals and perform higher mental functions.

Peripheral nervous system (PNS)

Located outside dorsal cavity. Peripheral nerves (cranial and spinal), ganglia, receptors and enteric plexus. Carries signals to and from CNS.

Sensory nerve fibers

Receive stimuli. Conduct impulses from receptors (sensors) to CNS.

Motor fibers

Respond to stimuli. Conduct impulses from CNS to the effectors.

Motor division of nervous system

Consists of:
SNS-somatic (voluntary): conscious control, which controls skeletal muscles
ANS-autonomic (involuntary or visceral): controls cardiac muscle, smooth muscles and glands. ANS is divided into sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions.

Sympathetic Nervous System

Fight or flight

Parasympathetic Nervous System

Rest and digest


Processing cell. Signals can go through the neuron only one way: dendrites, soma, axon hillock, axon, axon terminal, synapse.

Soma (body of neuron)

Center of a neuron, contains nissl bodies, nucleus, has dendrites extending from it.


receive nerve impulses and brings information to soma.


Carries nerve impulses to the synaptic bulbs.

Axon terminals

Has synaptic bulbs (knobs/boutons). Takes action potential and causes the release of neurotransmitters.

Nissl bodies

Large granules that are rough endoplasmic reticulum, with free ribosomes, and are the site of protein synthesis in a neuron.

Axon hillock

Valley before the axon where an action potential is initiated. Higher density of voltage-gated ion channels than is found in the rest of the neuron.


Chemical released by synaptic bulbs in presynaptic neurons into synapse causing reaction on membrane of postsynaptic neuron

Synapse (neural)

Gap between terminal branches of one neuron and dendrites of another

Presynaptic (neuron)

Before neurotransmitter release. Signal-passing neuron.

Postsynaptic (neuron)

After neurotransmitter release. May be another neuron, muscular cell or the cell of glandular epithelium.

Name both CNS and PNS glia.

CNS: astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglia, ependymal cells
PNS: Schwann and satellite cells (Similar role to astrocytes of the CNS)


Glia cells that provide structure and support; form vascular feet around blood vessels and next to pia mater (blood brain barrier); form scar tissue after CVI or TBI. Control the environment surrounding neurons: ions, neurotransmitters, control flow in an


Make myelin sheath around axons in CNS.


Phagocytes in neural tissue. Cleanse and removal of debris.

Ependymal cells

Provide support. Cuboidal epithelial cells; form internal membrane of spinal cord central canal, ventricles of brain, external membrane next to pia. Some are ciliated and assist in movement of CSF; along with capillary they form choroid plexus.


Specialized ependimal cells that supply neurosecteretory cells in hypothalamus.

Schwann cells

Make myelin sheath around axons in PNS.


over 80% of neural tumors are overgrowths of astrocytes; usually seen in traumatic brain injuries

Describe the anatomy of a nerve.

1. Each nerve is a cord-like structure that contains many axons (fibers)
2. Within a nerve, each axon is surrounded by endoneurium
3. Axons are bundled together into groups called fascicles, and each fascicle is wrapped by perineurium 4. 4. Finally, entir

Sensory (afferent) nerves

Receives impulses. Conduct signals from sensory neurons to the central nervous system (ex. from mechanoreceptors in skin).

Motor (efferent) nerves

Acts upon impulses. Conduct signals from the central nervous system to their target muscles and glands.

Interneurons (neurons of association)

Connects impulses between sensory and motor neurons

Multipolar neurons

Have many dendrites and one axon. They are usually neurons of association or motor neurons. (usually found in CNS)

Bipolar neurons

Sends impulses up or down. Has two poles. Found in sensory organs.

Unipolar neuron

Receives a nerve impulse and sends out in one direction (usually found in sensory system)

Cerebral cortex

Layers from skull to deep part of brain: pia mater>gray matter>white matter
Role in complex brain functions including memory, attention, perceptual awareness, "thinking", language and consciousness

Gray matter

Contains collections of neuron cell bodies
Segmental Demyelination - type of demyelination focused around peripheral nerves
Axonal Degeneration - axons degenerate in response to injury usually after demyelination
Reinnervation - restoration of nerve funct

White matter

Collection of myelinated axons

Define and explain the meninges in cranium

Pia Mater: deepest layer of the meninges
Subarachnoid space: filled with CSF
Arachnoid mater: spider-like fibrous/elastic tissue
Subdural space: space between arachnoid and dura maters (subdural hematoma)
Dura mater: outermost meninge with 2 layers - exte

Segmental Demyelination

Injury to Schwann cell leads to loss of myelin.

Axonal degeneration

Injury to axon which causes rapid separation of the proximal (the part nearer the cell body) and distal ends. Causes axon to degenerate.


Restoration of nerve function to part from which it was once lost (usually to an organ or muscle). Neurons can regenerate if the Schwann cells are realligned.


Degeneration of muscle. Muscle weakness from loss of function. Lack of innervation.

Anatomical position

Palms forward standing staight up.

Supine position

Laying down on your back

Prone position

Laying down on your abdomen








Front of body


















Upper arm










Back of hand






Back of the head




Shoulder blade




Near the umbilicus/naval/belly button








Between hips








Hollow behind the knee


Front of leg










Top/above structure

Median plane



Towards midline


Away from midline


Closer to trunk


Farther from body trunk


Below/bottom structure


Behind structure


Close to skin/surface


Farther from skin/surface


Imaginary flat surface that passes through the body


Type of cut. One of the two surfaces (pieces) that results when the body is cut by a plane passing through it.

Median or midsagittal plane

Splits body into left and right halves.

Parasagittal plane

Parallel to midsagittal and splits body into left and right halves

Coronal (frontal) plane

Cuts body into anterior and posterior segments

Transverse plane

Cuts a cross section into top/bottom (superior/inferior)

Oblique plane

Cuts at an angle. Not parallel to any plane.


Occurs equally (ex. 2 lungs, 2 kidneys)


Both sides of the body


One side of the body


Same side of the body


opposite sites of the body

Thoracic cavity

Upper chest. Above abdomen

Abdominal cavity

Contains visceral organs

Ventral cavity

Front cavity

Dorsal cavity

Contains brain and spinal cord

Crainial cavity

Houses the brain

Spinal (vertebral canal)

Houses the spinal cord


Protective layers surrounding brain and spinal cord

Serous membranes

Membranes that have a double layer and provide lubrication:
Two layers:
1. parietal layer-outer layer/lining of cavity
2. visceral layer closest to organs


Serous membrane around lungs.


Serous membrane around heart


Serous membrane around abdominal viscera

Describe the two layers of a serous capsule.

Visceral layer: closest to the organ
Parietal: lines the cavity
Space between: serous fluid

Abdominal quadrants of abdominopelvic cavity

Defined by two planes: median and transumbilical, passing through the belly button at a right angle to median: RUQ -right upper quadrant, LUQ -left upper quadrant, RLQ -right lower quadrant and LLQ -left lower quadrant

Abdominal regions of abdominopelvic cavity

Abdominal regions are defined by:
1. 2 vertical midclavicular planes - cuts along clavicle
2. 2 subcostal planes: 10thcostal cartilage (rib)
3. 1 transtubercular plane: cuts through L5
4. RH -right hypochondriac, E-epigastric, LH -left hypochondriac, RL -

Thoracic cavity

Filled with lungs and mediasinum (houses heart, esophagus, trachea, important nerves and blood vessels)


Space between lungs. Houses heart, esophagus, trachea, important nerves and blood vessels.


Decreases angle between parts


Increases angle between parts


Away from midline/body


towards midline/body

Medial rotation

Rotating towards median/center of body

Lateral rotation

Rotating away from median/center of body


Making circles/circular rotation of ball and socket joints


Palm down to palm up


Palm up to palm down.


Move part of body posterior/sinking in


Move body part anterior/sticking out


Raised area/movement in superior (upward) direction


Sunken area/move body part in inferior (downward) direction

Inferior nasal concha

Lower bones of inside the nose. There are 2

Lacrimal bone

Medial bones within the orbital. Think of lacrimal glands that produce tears.


Lower jaw


Upper jaw


Top of the nose


Bone immediately posterior to the maxillae


Small bone at the middle bottom of the nasal area. Looks like a spoon.

Zygomatic bones

Cheek bones

Ethmoid bone

Bone above the vomer, posterior to the nasal bone

Frontal bone

Covers the frontal lobe of brain


Covers occipital lobe of brain

Parietal bone

Top of the skull

Sphenoid bone

behind ethmoid bone; looks like a butterfly

Temporal bone

Bone near the ear; covers the temporal lobe of brain.

Occipital condyles

Cranium articulates with vertebral column; 2 large protuberances.

Mastoid process

Located on temporal bone. Attachment for jaw muscles; bilateral attachments behind ear

Coronoid process

Anterior portion of top of mandible. Attachment of temporalis muscle. Part of mandible and is thinner than condyloid process.

Condyloid process

Posterior portion of the upper ramus of the mandible. Part of mandible and is thicker than coronoid process.

Mental protuberance

Chin. Part of mandible that protrudes anteriorlly.

Zygomatic arch

arches of cheeks

Styloid process

Looks like a spike posterior and inferior to zygomatic arches. Slender pointed piece of bone just below ear and projects down and forward from the inferior surface of the temporal bone. Serves as an anchor point for several muscles associated with tongue

Superior orbital fissure

Fissure above orbital. Middle cranial fossa>superior orbital fissure>superior ophthalmic vein+oculomotor nerve (III); trochlear nerve (IV); lacrimal, frontal and nasociliary branches of ophthalmic nerve (V1); abducent nerve (VI)

Inferior orbital fissure

Fissure below the orbital. Sphenoid and maxilla>inferior orbital fissure>inferior ophthalmic veins+infraorbital artery; infraorbital vein; zygomatic nerve and infraorbital nerve of maxillary nerve (V2); orbital branches of pterygopalatine ganglion

Sella tursica

Small ridge anterior to foramen magnum. Seat of the saddle is known as: hypophyseal fossa and holds pituitary gland in a depression in the body of the sphenoid bone.
Tuberculum sellae>hypophyseal fossa>dorsum sellae

Posterior fossa

Rear 1/3 of cranium. Contains internal auditory meatus; facial canal; stylomastoid foramen (CN-VII,VIII); jugular foramen (CN-IX,X,XI); foramen magnum (CN-XI); hypoglossal canal (CN-XII); condylar canal; mastoid foramen to nasal cavity: nasolacrimal canal

Anterior fossa

Front 1/3 of cranium

Middle fossa

Middle 1/3 of cranium

Name contents of the peripheral nervous system (PNS)

Is located outside dorsal cavity. Consists of peripheral nerves (cranial and spinal), ganglia, receptors and enteric plexus. The function is to carry signals to and from CNS.

Enteric Plexus

separate portion of PNS that controls GI system

How many crainial nerves are there?

12 pairs of crainial nerves (CN): I - Olfactory nerve; II - Optic nerve; III - Oculomotor nerve; IV - Trochlear nerve/pathic nerve; V - Trigeminal nerve/dentist nerve; VI - Abducens nerve; VII - Facial nerve; VIII - Vestibulocochlear nerve/Auditory nerve;

How many spinal nerves are there?

31 left-right pairs of spinal nerves: 8 cervical spinal nerve pairs (C1-C8), 12 thoracic pairs (T1-T12), 5 lumbar pairs (L1-L5), 5 sacral pairs (S1-S5), and 1 coccygeal pair

Name the contents of the central nervous system and what cavity it's located.

Brain and spinal cord occupy dorsal cavity and constitute CNS.
Brain: in cranial cavity.
Spinal cord: seated in spinal cavity (AKA vertebral canal or spinal canal)

Cauda equina

Bundle of spinal nerve roots

Filum terminale

Connects bottom of vertebrae to end of spinal cord where it terminates in this fibrous extension.

Conus Medullaris

End of the spinal cord at approximately L2.
Conus medullaris>cauda equina>filum terminale

Name and describe the layers of spinal cord meninges

Vertebral canal>epidural space: adipose and blood vessels>dura mater (outermost layer)>dura-arachnoid interface: no natural space between these two regions>subdural space: artificial space created by the separation of the arachnoid mater from the dura>ara

Explain the layers of cranial dura mater sinuses

Dural reflections (infoldings): divide the cranial cavity into compartments and act as seat belts supporting parts of the brain
Falx cerebri: strong sickle like fold of dura mater that sits in the longitudinal fissure between left and right hemispheres

Dural venous sinuses

Endotherlial-lined spaces between the periosteal and meningeal layers of the dura. They form where dural infolding attach.

Name and describe the major parts of the brain

Cerebrum: cognitive processing
Corpus Collosum: interhemispheric communication
Cerebellum: proprioception, below occipital lobe
Thalamus: sensory filtering. Relay center
Hypothalamus: sensory regulation. Homeostasis
Pituitary Gland: small master gland by

Describe CSF circulatory pathway.

2 Lateral Ventricles>intraventricular foramen (foramen monroe)>cerebrum (upper brain contains the lobes)>cerebral aqueduct (aqueduct of sylvius): connects 3rd and 4th ventricles>fourth ventricle: CSF drains out through 1 median (foramen magendie) and 2 la

Where is CSF produced?

Produced in ventricles by choroid plexus

What happens to excess CSF and define arachnoid granulation.

Excess CSF drains into superior sagital sinus where it is returned to blood circulation through filtration via arachnoid villi.


Inflammation of the meninges

What are the differences between obstructive and non-obstructive hydrocephalus? What is the treatment?

Obstructive hydrocephalus: blockage caused by mechanical or disease
Non-obstructive hydrocephalus: excess CSF production
1. hydrocephalous shunt (ventriculoperitoneal shunt): drains CSF from subararachnoid space and pumps it into peritoneal ca

Describe the different types of intracranial hemorrages

Classified by location between meninges: epidural, subdural, subarachnoid
Subdural hematoma: bleeding into the subdural space (can cause increased ICP)
Subarachnoid hematoma: bleeding into subarachnoid space (usually presents with vomiting, LOC, sometimes

Spinal tap (lumbar puncture)

Diagnostic procedure where a needle is inserted into spinal column to obtain CSF sample from subarachnoid space usually at the levels of L3-L5.

Epidural block

Anesthesia is injected into epidural space between lumbar or sacral canal. Inhibits sensory signals coming from peripheral nerves before entering dural sac.

Briefly describe flow of CSF through ventricles

Choroid plexus>lateral ventricles>interventricular foramina>third ventricle>cerebral aqueduct>fourth ventricle>2 lateral apetures & 1 median aperture>spinal cord subarachnoid space>superior saggital sinus>blood circulation

Describe the difference between three types of muscle tissue: ability to regenerate, voluntary vs. involuntary, satellite cells.

1. No striations
2. No voluntary control
3. can regenerate
4. located in blood vessels, viscera, skin
5. mesoderm origin
6. Spindle-shaped cells with single nucleus
1. Striated
2. Voluntary control
3. limited regeneration
4. located ever

Identify three types of muscular tissue cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle and smooth muscle.

-Histology: look at tissue surrounding, too muscle: connective tissue; contrast of nuclei
Smooth muscle: fibers close together with centrally located nuclei; look for lack of striations, density
Skeletal muscle: fibers close together but nuclei are periph

Identify the parts of the skeletal muscle: muscular fibers, endomysium, perimysium, epimysium, tendon, belly of the muscle.

Epimysium: layer of dense connective tissue covering entire muscle
Perimysium: less dense CT, it surrounds fascicles(bundles of muscle fibers (cells)
Endomysium: composed of loose reticular fibers, surrounds individual muscle cells (fibers)
Epimysium> sur

Describe and identify the features of myofibril: sarcomere, thick and thin filaments, A-band, I band, M-line, Z-line, sarcoplasmic reticulum, T-tubules, triad, motor end plate.

1. Myofibril: thick/thin filaments organized in repeating structures called sarcomeres
2. Thin filaments: made of actin, they are attached to Z-line.
I-band (light stripe): made of thin filaments
3. Thick filaments: made of myosin, they are attached to M-

Compare and contrast red vs. white muscle fibers.

Red and white fibers in skeletal muscle:
Red Fibers: high levels of myoglobin, many mitochondria; greater local capillary density
White Fibers: low levels of myoglobin; glycogen storage; low capillary density; few mitochondria

Differentiate between motor pool and motor unit.

Motor unit (MU):
1. all fibers controlled by same neural cell
2. AP reaches fibers all contract simultaneously
3. few to few hundred muscular fibers in one motor unit
4. more motor units involved in contraction> stronger contraction
Motor neuron pool (MNP

Describe and identify neuromuscular junction.

1. Synapse between axon terminal knob and sarcolemma
2. Sarcolemma has folded appearance to increase the receptor covered surface, this site is referred as motor end plate.
3. AP generated on motor end plate propagates along entire sarcolemma and T-tubes

Discuss clinical applications of muscle anatomy: myasthenia gravis, muscular dystrophy, myocardial infarction and necrosis.

1. Myasthemia gravis: muscle weakness caused by circulating antibodies that block acetylcholine receptors. Inhibits excitatory effects of acetylcholine on nicotinic receptors; treated> cholinesterase inhibitors
2. Muscular dystrophy: group of muscle disea

Be able to identify the components of the spinal cord: dorsal, ventral and lateral grey horns, anterior, posterior and lateral white columns, grey commissure and central canal. Describe their functional significance and differences.

1. Central canal: filled with CSF
2. Gray comissure: strip of gray matter; connects left/right halves of spinal cord and surrounds central canal
3. Posterior (dorsal) gray horns: receive sensory information
Anterior (ventral) gray horns: contain somatic m

Explain the functional significance of the dorsal root ganglia.

The bodies of the sensory neurons are residing in the dorsal root ganglia. There is one such ganglion for every spinal nerve. The sensory neurons, which are located in these ganglia are unique because unlike most neurons they are unipolar.

Explain the roles of white matter and gray matter in processing and relaying sensory information and motor commands.

White matter (myelinated axons) tracts propagate sensory impulses from receptors to the brain and motor impulses from the brain to the effectors.
Gray matter (bodies of neural cells) receives and integrates incoming and outgoing information.

Define contralateral control in nervous system

90% of upper motor neuron axons (UMN) decussate to contralateral side in medulla oblongata; remaining 10% eventually cross over at spinal cord level when they synapse with an interneuron or lower motor neuron (LMN)

Identify and differentiate between the three somatic sensory pathways: Dorsal Column - Medial lemniscus pathway, anterolateral spinothalamic tracts, spinocerebellar tracts

Somatosensory system: division allowing perception of different sensations from the body; all signals relayed to cerebellum for constant feedback regarding body movements via three somatosensory (afferent) pathways:
1. Dorsal Column - Medial Lemniscus Pat

Discuss the difference between sensory and motor pathways. Rationalize the types of function losses from spinal cord injuries.

Somatic Motor Pathway
1. Movement Initiation controlled by prefrontal cortex; supplementary motor area; premotor cortex; basal ganglia
2. Signal is communicated to motor cortex
3. Motor cortex sends nervous impulses to muscles required to perform action;

Where would the sensory loss be, if you cut:
1) The left gracile fasciculus? 2) The left dorsal columns (gracile & cuneate)? 3) The right medial lemniscus, in the medulla? 4) The left internal capsule?

1) The left leg and lower left trunk. 2) The left side of the body below the level of the cut. 3) The entire left body, from the neck down. 4) The entire right body (including the face, because the face joins the pathway in the Pons)

Differentiate the major areas of the cerebral cortex: somatosensory cortex, motor cortex and selected Brodmann's areas.

1. Cerebral cortex: thin layer of gray matter overlying white matter; cerebral cortex, cerebellar cortex
-Gyri: convex folds
-Sulci or fissures: concave grooves
-left & right cerebral hemispheres divided into 5 lobes: -frontal, parietal, temporal, occipit

Somatosensory system

Nervous system division allowing the perception of different sensations from the body (e.g. light touch, pain, pressure, temperature and proprioception).

Name the parts of the spinal cord

Labeled parts of the spinal cord

Label the missing parts of the somatic fiber pathway

Labeled parts of the somatic fiber pathway

Label the components of the spinal cord

Labeled components of spinal cord

Label the brain and cranial nerve anatomy

Labels for brain and cranial anatomy

Label Brodman's sensory areas of the cerebral cortex

Labeled Brodman's sensory areas of cerebral cortex

Label Brodman's motor areas of the cerebral cortex

Labeled Brodman's motor areas of cerebral cortex

Define Brodmann's areas

Assigned numbers to areas with different functions; size of area is proportional to number of receptors to corresponding body part rather than size of body part

Label the muscle fiber structures

Labeled muscle fiber structure

Identify the parts of the skeletal muscle

Action of the skeletal muscle

When the muscular fibers contract within muscle they pull connective tissue, which is pulling the tendon that pulls the bone (or another organ attached to the tendon). When muscular fibers relax the elasticity of connective tissue returns the muscle to th

Compare and contrast the origin and insertion of muscles

-Origin and insertion of the muscle are the sites where connective tissue attaches muscle to the bone.
-Insertion: more movable part; attaches to structure that will be moved by muscle contraction
-Origin: less movable part

Compare and contrast tendons vs. ligaments and aponeuroses

Tendon: attach skeletal muscles to bones
Aponeuroses: attach muscle to muscle
Ligaments: attach bone to bone; visceral organs to the abdominal wall, or to each other.

Identify types of movements skeletal muscles perform

Synergists: muscles that have the same action
Antagonists: muscles that perform opposite movements

Name the muscles of facial expression

Galea aponeurotica (epicranial aponeuroses) connects frontalis and occipitalis, orbicularis ocili, levator labii superioris, zygomaticus major and minor, risorius, platisma, depressor anguli oris, sternoclaidomastoid, mentalis, depressor labii inferioris,

Identify the muscles of facial expression

Identify the facial expression muscles

Occipitofrontalis: origin, insertion, main action(s)

Frontal belly:
-Epicranial aponeurosis
-Skin and subcutaneous tissue of eyebrows and forehead
-Elevates eyebrows and wrinkles skin of forehead; protracts scalp (indicating surprise or curiosity)
Occipital belly
-Lateral two thirds of superior nuchal line

Orbicularis oculi (orbital sphincter): origin, insertion, main action(s)

-Medial orbital margin; medial palpebral ligament; lacrimal bone
-Skin around margin of orbit; superior and inferior tarsi (tarsal plates)
-Closes eyelids: palpebral part does so gently; orbital part tightly (winking)

Orbicularis oris (oral sphincter): origin, insertion, main action(s)

-Medial maxilla and mandible; deep surface of peri-oral skin; angle of mouth
-Mucous membrane of lips
-tonus: closes mouth; phasic: compresses and protrudes lips (kissing) or resists distension (when blowing)

Buccinator (cheek muscle): origin, insertion, main action(s)

-Mandible, alveolar processes of maxilla and mandible, pterygomandibular raphe
-Angle of mouth (modiolus); orbicularis oris
-Presses cheek against molar teeth; works with tongue to keep food between occlusal surfaces and out of oral vestibule; resists dis

Platysma: origin, insertion, main action(s)

-Subcutaneous tissue of infraclavicular and supraclavicular regions
-Base of mandible; skin of cheek and lower lip; angle of mouth; orbicularis oris
-Depresses mandible (against resistance); tenses skin of inferior face and neck (conveying tension and str

Zygomaticus Major and Zygomaticus Minor: origin, insertion, main action(s)

1. Major
-Zygomatic arch
-Angle of the mouth
-Elevates angle of the mouth (smile)
2. Minor
-Zygomatic arch
-Upper lip
-Elevates upper lip

Risorius: origin, insertion, main action(s)

-Fascia (connective tissue) of the cheek near ear
-Angle of the mouth
-Retracts angle of the mouth (false smile)

Depressor anguli oris: origin, insertion, main action(s)

-Angle of the mouth
-Depresses angle of the mouth

Mentalis: origin, insertion, main action(s)

-Lower lip (inferior)
-Protracts lower lip

What cranial nerves innervate the facial muscles?

-via its posterior auricular branch
-via temporal, zygomatic, buccal, marginal mandibular, or cervical branches of parotid plexus

Name the muscles of mastication

masseter, temporalis, pterygoid medial and pterygoid lateral

Identify the muscles of mastication

Masseter: origin, insertion, main action(s)

-Zygomatic arch
-Angle of the mandible
-Elevates and protracts mandible

Temporalis: origin, insertion, main action(s)

-Temporal bone
-Coronoid process of the mandible
-Elevates mandible

Pterygoid medial: origin, insertion, main action(s)

-Pterygoid pcs of sphenoid
-Medial surface of mandibular angle and ramus
-Elevates and protracts mandible; unilateral - side to side

Pterigoid lateral: origin, insertion, main action(s)

-Pterygoid process of sphenoid
-Mandibular condyle
-Depresses and protracts mandible; unilateral - side to side

What cranial nerve innervates the muscles of mastication?

Mandibular nerve branch of trigeminal (CN V)

Name the muscles that move the tongue

Genioglossus, Hyoglossus, Styloglossus, Palatoglossus. Intristic muscles: vertical, longitudinal and transverse fibers.

Identify the genioglossus muscle

Genioglossus: origin, insertion, main action(s)

-Posterior mental protuberance of the mandible
-Ventral surface of the tongue
-Bilateral- depresses and protrudes the tongue; unilateral - draws tongue ipsilateraly

What cranial nerves innervate the muscles that move the tongue?

CN XII: Hypoglossal nerve
Palatoglossus: Vagus nerve (CN X).

What muscle moves the head?

Sternocleidomastoid muscle moves head

Identify the sternoclaidomastoid muscle.

Sternoclaidomastoid: origin, insertion, main action(s)

-Manubrium of the sternum; medial clavicle
-Mastoid process
-Bilateral- flexes cervical vertebrae and extends head; unilateral - flexes the neck laterally and rotates face to contralateral side

What cranial nerve innervates the sternoclaidomastoid muscle?

Receives motor signals from Accessory (spinal accessory) nerve (CN XI). Sensations from this muscle perceived via cervical plexus.

List twelve pairs of cranial nerves and their locations

I - Olfactory
II - Optic
III -Oculomotor
IV - Trochlear
V - Trigeminal
VI - Abducens
VII - Facial
VIII - Vestibulocochlear
IX - Glossopharyngeal
X - Vagus
XI - Accessory (Spinal Accessory)
XII - Hypoglossal

Explain functions and types of twelve pairs of cranial nerves

I - Olfactory: special sensory (smell).
II - Optic: special sensory (vision)
III -Oculomotor: somatic motor, visceral motor, general sensory (proprioceptive).
IV - Trochlear: somatic motor.
V - Trigeminal: mixed - general sensory and somatic motor.
VI - A

Cranial nerves

-Contain sensory or motor fibers, or combination
-Innervate muscles or glands; carry impulses from sensory receptors
-emerge from foramina
-Carry one or more of five main functional components:
1. Motor fibers innervating voluntary (striated) muscle; CN I

Discuss clinical applications of cranial nerves impairment: Olfactory Nerve: (CN I)

-Transmits the sense of smell; regenerative
-Temporary anosmia resulting from nasal mucosa inflammation and age
-Injury to nasal mucosa, olfactory nerve fibers, olfactory bulbs, or olfactory tracts may also impair smell
-Head injuries olfactory bulbs may

Discuss clinical applications of cranial nerves impairment: Optic nerve (CN II)

-Passes posteromedially in orbit, exiting through optic canal (optic foramen) to enter middle cranial fossa; forms optic chiasm
-Nasal (medial) half of each retina decussate in chiasm and join uncrossed fibers from temporal (lateral) half of retina to for

Discuss clinical applications of cranial nerves impairment: Occulomotor Nerve (CN III)

-Originates from mesencephalon
-Somatic motor innervation to four of six extra-ocular muscles: superior, medial, and inferior rectus and inferior oblique; and to the levator palpebrae superioris
a) proprioceptive innervation to those as well
b) visceral (

Discuss clinical applications of cranial nerves impairment: Trochlear Nerve (CN IV)

-Originates between mesencephalon and pons
-provides somatic motor and proprioceptive innervation to contralateral superior oblique
a) CN IV is rarely paralyzed alone
b) Diplopia (double vision) when looking down; occurs because superior oblique

Discuss clinical applications of cranial nerves impairment: Trigeminal Nerve (CN V1, V2, V3)

-Originates from pons
-Largest cranial nerve; fibers extend from pons to face and form three divisions: ophthalmic, maxillary; mandibular
-General sensory nerves of face; transmit afferent impulses
-general sensory nerve for head: face, teeth, mouth, nasa

Discuss clinical applications of cranial nerves impairment: Abducens Nerve (CN VI)

-Originates between pons and medulla
-provides somatic motor to and proprioceptive information from one extra-ocular muscle> lateral rectus
-Injury to CN VI
a) has long intracranial course; easily stretched when intracranial pressure rises compressing CN

Discuss clinical applications of cranial nerves impairment: Facial Nerve (CN VII)

-Originates between pons and medulla
-at parotid gland it divides into five major branches:
1. Somatic (Branchial) Motor
a) supplies the striated muscles of facial expression
2. Visceral (Parasympathetic) Motor
a) parasympathetic fibers of CN VII provide

Discuss clinical applications of cranial nerves impairment: Vestibulocochlear nerve (CN VIII)

-Originates between pons and medulla
-Special sensory nerve of hearing and equilibrium
-Nerve emerges from pons and medulla junction and enters internal acoustic meatus> separates into vestibular and cochlear nerves
-Vestibular nerve: equilibrium

Discuss clinical applications of cranial nerves impairment: Glossopharyngeal Nerve (CN IX)

-Emerges from lateral aspect of medulla and passes anterolaterally to leave cranium through jugular foramen
-Somatic (Branchial) Motor: innervates stylopharyngeus
-Visceral (Parasympathetic) Motor: innervate parotid gland
-Somatic (General) Sensory: phary

Discuss clinical applications of cranial nerves impairment: Vagus Nerve (CN X)

-Rootlets from lateral aspect of medulla that merge and leave cranium through jugular foramen positioned between CN IX and CN XI
-Somatic (Branchial) Motor fibers supply:
a) Pharyngeal muscles via pharyngeal plexus with fibers of glossopharyngeal nerve

Discuss clinical applications of cranial nerves impairment: Accessory Nerve (CN XI)

-somatic motor to sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and trapezius muscles
-Because of its nearly subcutaneous passage through the posterior cervical region, CN XI is susceptible to injury during surgical procedures such as lymph node biopsy, cannulation

Discuss clinical applications of cranial nerves impairment: Hypoglossal Nerve (CN XII)

-somatic motor to intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of tongue: styloglossus, hyoglossus, genioglossus
-motor nerve
-several rootlets from medulla and leaves cranium through hypoglossal canal
a) paralyzes ipsilateral half of tongue
b) tongue atrophi

Which foramina do the cranial nerves exit?

Cribriform plate (Olfactory), Optic canal (Optic), Superior Orbital Fissure (Oculomotor), Superior Orbital Fissure (Trochlear), Superior Orbital Fissure (Trigeminal - Ophthalmic), Foramen Rotundum (Trigeminal - Maxillary), Foramen Ovale (Trigeminal - Mand

Labeled cranial nerves

Labeled muscles of facial expression

muscles the move the neck

muscles of mastication

What cranial nerves have parasympathetic function?

3, 7, 5, 10