Anatomy Final

sensory function

detects changes in internal and external environment via receptors

integrative function

processes sensory information

motor function

carries information from integrator to effector for a response

somatic receptors

sensory receptors in skin, skeletal muscle, joints

visceral receptors

sensory receptors in internal organs

sensory (afferent) division

somatic and visceral sensory nerve fibers; conducts impulses from receptors to the CNS

peripheral nervous system (PNS)

cranial nerves and spinal nerves; communication between CNS and body

central nervous system (CNS)

brain and spinal cord; integrative and control centers

motor (efferent) division

motor nerve fibers; conducts impulses from the CNS to effectors (muscles and glands)

somatic nervous system

somatic motor (voluntary); conducts impulses from the CNS to skeletal muscles

autonomic nervous system (ANS)

visceral motor (involuntary); conducts impulses from the CNS to cardiac muscles, smooth muscles, and glands

sympathetic division

mobilizes body systems during activity; "fight or flight

parasympathetic division

conserves energy; promotes housekeeping functions during rest; "resting and digesting


nerve cells; excitable; amitotic; high metabolic rate

cell body

biosynthetic center of the neuron; contains nucleus and organelles

nissl bodies

rough endoplasmic reticulum (site of protein synthesis); located in the cell body


part of cytoskeleton (maintains cell shape and integrity); located in the cell body


receptive regions; branched projections off cell body; always unmyelinated

axon (nerve fiber)

impulse (action potential) generating and conducting region; long, thin projection off of cell body

axon hillock

region at junction between cell body and axon; point where action potential is initiated


terminal branches of axon

axon terminals

distal ends of telodendria; secretes neurotransmitters

neuroglia (glial cells)

not excitable; provide support, nourishment, protection of neurons; mitotic

ependymal cells

line brain and spinal cord cavities; produce CSF that fills cavities; cilia circulate CSF (CNS)

microglial cells (microglia)

phagocytic- remove microorganisms and debris; protect neurons (CNS)


must abundant glial cells in CNS; anchor neurons to other structures (ex. blood capillaries); control the chemical environment of neurons (maintains the ion balance that is essential for neurons to produce action potentials)


wrap their processes around nerve fibers (axons) to form myelin sheaths

myelin sheaths

form insulative coverings; has a white appearance

white matter

collection of myelinated axons

gray matter

collection of cell bodies, dendrites, and unmyelinated axons

satellite cells

surround neuron cell body; function unknown (PNS)

Schwann cells

wrap their processes around axons to produce myelin sheaths

nodes of Ranvier

unmyelinated gaps along axon (between Schwann cells)

classification of neurons

structural and functional

structural types of neurons

mulitpolar, bipolar, and unipolar neurons

mulitpolar neurons

many processes extend from the cell body; all are dendrites except for a single axon (most common- found in CNS and motor neurons of PNS)

bipolar neurons

two processes extend from the cell body: one is a fused dendrite, the other is an axon (receptors in eye, ear, nose)

pseudounipolar neurons

one process extends from the cell body and forms central and peripheral processes, which together comprise an axon (sensory neurons in PNS)

peripheral process on pseudounipolar neuron

carries signal toward cell body, but also can generate and conduct an impulse and is myelinated- classifying it as an axon

functional types of neurons

sensory (afferent) neurons, motor (efferent) neurons, interneurons (association/connection neurons)

sensory (afferent) neurons

carries sensory information (from receptors to CNS; from low to high brain centers)

motor (efferent) neurons

carries motor (processed) information (from CNS to effectors; from high to low brain centers)

interneurons (association/connection neurons)

any neuron between 1st sensory neuron and last motor neuron; only in CNS

sensory receptors

allow us to detect stimuli (ex. touch/pressure, hot/cold, pain, relative position and movement of body parts)

stimulus: touch, pressure

receptors: mechanoreceptors (merkel discs, pacinion corpuscles)

stimulus: hot, cold

receptors: thermoreceptors (free nerve endings)

stimulus: pain

receptors: nocioreceptors (free nerve endings)

stimulus: change in body position

receptors: proprioreceptors (muscle spindle, goldi tendon organ; monitor change in body position by how much organs (muscles) are stretched)


cell membrane

Resting Membrane Potential (RMP)

potential difference in the resting neuron; same RMP as in muscle cells= -70 mV

RMP: outside of cell more positive than inside

Na/K ATPase pumps 3 Na out for every 2 K in; more K leaks out than Na leaks in; Anions inside cell

Membrane Channels

ion channels, chemically-gated ion channels (ligand gated), and voltage-gated ion channels

ion channels

passive: always open (although size and charge restrictions apply)

chemically-gated ion channels (ligand gated)

integral proteins that change shape to function as gates to restrict/allow movement across membrane in response to binding of NEUROTRANSMITTER

voltage-gated ion channels

integral proteins that change shape in response to ELECTRICAL CHANGES in membrane (important in action potentials)

voltage-gated ion channels in NEURONS

voltage-gated Na and K channels are present ONLY on surface of axon and axon hillock

voltage-gated ion channels in MUSCLE FIBERS

voltage-gated Na and K channels are present over entire sarcolemma


decrease in membrane potential (becomes less negative than RMP (more positive); decrease in charge separation)


returning to RMP


increase in membrane potential (becomes more negative than RMP; increase in charge separation)

two types of signals produced by changes in membrane potential

graded potentials and action potentials

graded potentials

short-lived, localized changes in membrane potential; changed cause current flows that decrease in magnitude over distance; "graded" because their magnitude varies directly with stimulus strength

action potentials

signals do not die off over distance; APs are all alike and are independent of stimulus strength; they are the same in neurons and skeletal muscle cells

action potentials don't die off over distance

neurons propagate action potentials over long distances; voltage-gated channels keep action potential alive

action potentials in neurons

nerve impulse


level of depolarization that must be reached AT THE AXON HILLOCK in order to produce an action potential; all-or-none phenomenon; -55 mV

action potential initiation

initiated at the axon hillock and propagate down the axon;

action potentials occur only in axons

not cell bodies or dendrites; axon is only place where voltage-gated Na and K channels are present

How can CNS determine whether a stimulus is strong or weak?

FREQUENCY of action potentials

strong stimulus

causes action potentials to be generated more often in a given interval

weak stimulus

action potentials generated less often

Refractory periods

absolute and relative refractory period

absolute refractory period

period between voltage-gated Na channels opening and resetting; neuron cannot respond to another stimulus, no matter how strong

relative refractory period

follows absolute refractory period; period when voltage-gated Na channels are closed and voltage-gated K channels are still open (hyperpolarization occurring);

to stimulate relative refractory period again

need stronger than normal stimulus to reopen voltage-gated Na channels (during this period, the threshold for action potential generation is substantially elevated)

conduction velocity

rate of propagation of impulse (action potential)

conduction velocity is influenced by

axon diameter, myelination, temperature and pressure/blood flow, and local anesthetics

axon diameter

larger diameter->less resistance to electrical current (faster propagation)

types of fibers

A fibers, B fibers, and C fibers

A fibers

large, myelinated; fastest conduction; motor neurons to skeletal muscle

B fibers

intermediate size, myelinated; slower conduction; some sensory fibers from skin and visceral organs

C fibers

smallest, unmyelinated; slowest conduction; sensory fibers for pain


continuous conduction of action potential down the membrane; slower


saltatory conduction; better because faster and uses less energy


action potentials jump from node to node (myelin does not conduct electricity (insulator)); action potentials only occur at noes of Ranvier

myelinated=uses less energy

easier for Na/K ATPase pump to reestablish RMP over smaller surface of membrane

multiple sclerosis

disease causes demyelination in CNS

temperature and pressure/blood flow

temperature and pressure affect blood flow; cold and/or higher outside pressure->decrease blood flow->reduced oxygen and nutrients to cell->less ATP->slower conduction rate

local anesthetics

block voltage-gated sodium channels (no pain) ->no APs generated

Chemical and Electrical Synapses

sites where impulses are transmitted between cells

electrical synapse (faster)

electrical current (ions) spreads between cells via gap junctions; fast conduction between cells; locations: cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, some areas of brain

chemical synapse (slower)

neurotransmitter released by presynaptic cell binds to receptor on postsynaptic cell

three types of chemical synapse

neuromuscular junction, neuroglandular junction, synapse

neuromuscular junction

neuron to muscle cell

neuroglandular junction

neuron to glandular tissue


neuron to neuron

presynaptic neuron

conducts impuse toward synapse

postsynaptic neuron

conducts impuse away from synapse


can occur at dendrites, cell body, or axon hillock of postsynaptic cell; electrical signal (from pre-synaptic neuron) is converted to chemical signal (neurotransmitter release) then converted back to electrical signal (on postynaptic neuron)

stopping neurotransmitter effects

1. enzymatic digestion, 2. reabsorbed by pre-synaptic neuron, 3. diffusion away from synapse

postsynaptic membrane potentials

binding of neurotransmitters to receptors on post-synaptic membranes open ion channels (converts chemical signals to electrical signals); these channels (unlike voltage-gated channels in axon) are insensitive to changes in membrane potential so cannot gen

two types of synapses

excitatory synapse and inhibitory synapse

excitatory synapse

neurotransmitter binding: causes DEPOLARIZATION of postsynaptic membrane; produces local, graded potential called EPSP

inhibitory synapse

neurotransmitter binding: causes HYPERPOLARIZATION of postynaptic membrane; produces local, graded potential called IPSP


excitatory postsynaptic potential

EPSP effect on membrane potential

becomes less negative

EPSP membrane potential relative to AP threshold

makes it closer to threshold

EPSP AP generation (at axon hillock)

facilitates it

EPSP mechanism

binding of neurotransmitter opens Na/K channel; allows both Na and K to diffuse across membrane; Na influx > K efflux: net result is more positive on inside= depolarization


inhibitory postsynaptic potential

IPSP effect on membrane potential

more negative

IPSP membrane potential relative to AP threshold

makes it further from threshold

IPSP AP generation (at axon hillock)

inhibits it

IPSP mechanism

binding of neurotransmitter opens K+ channel and/or Cl- channel; K efflux and/or Cl- influx: net result is less positive on the inside= hyperpolarization

Integration of postsynaptic events

in neurons, transition between local and graded potentials (EPSPs and IPSPs) and action potentials takes place at the AXON HILLOCK; EPSPs and IPSPs that arrive at the axon hillock are summed, and if they reach the -55 mV threshold, then an AP is produced

two types of summation

temporal summation and spatial summation

temporal (over time) summation

occurs when presynaptic neuron fires rapidly-> increase in neurotransmitter release->more graded potentials produced->graded potentials are added together

spatial (over space) summation

occurs when postsynaptic neuron is stimulated by many axon terminals and/or different neurons at the same time-> more graded potentials produced->graded potentials are added together

no action potential generated

if summed graded responses (temporal and spatial, generated by EPSPs and IPSPs on postsynaptic neuron stimulated by presynaptic neuron) do not reach -55mV threshold at axon hillock

action potential generated

if summed graded responses (temporal and spatial, generated by EPSPs and IPSPs on postsynaptic neuron stimulated by presynaptic neuron) do reach -55mV threshold at axon hillock

1. excitatory > inhibitory, but less than threshold

facilitates only

2. excitatory > inhibitory and reaches threshold

action potential

3. inhibitory > excitatory

no action potential (inhibition only)

Neurotransmitters (NTs)

over 50 different types of NTs have been identified; NTs may be excitatory (generate EPSPs) or inhibitory (generate IPSPs); some neurons release only one type of NT, others release more than one type (different NTs are released at different stimulation fr

NTs chemical classes

Acetylcholine; Biogenic amines: dopamine, norepinephrine, epinephrine, serotonin, histamine; Amino acids: glutamate; Peptides: endorphins; Purines; Dissolved gasses: nitric oxide

serotonin (NT)

mostly inhibitory; located in CNS; plays a role in sleep, appetite, regulation of mood; drugs that block its uptake (ex. Prozac) relieve anxiety and depression

glutamate (NT)

mostly excitatory; located in CNS; plays role in learning and memory


patterns of synaptic connections among neurons

diverging circuits

when one presynaptic neuron influences many cells; produces a more widespread effect (amplifying effect); ex. single neuron in brain activates many motor neurons in spinal cord which causes thousands of skeletal muscle fibers to contract

converging circuits

when several presynaptic neurons affect 1 postsynaptic neuron; produces a concentrating effect, different stimuli can have same effect; ex. both seeing car approach and hearing brakes squeal cause muscle contraction to move you out of car's path

Central Nervous System (CNS)

includes brain and spinal cord; composed of white and gray matter


clusters of cell bodies in the CNS


clusters of cell bodies in PNS


bundle of axons in CNS

nerve (nerve fiber)

bundle of axons in PNS

4 regions of the brain

cerebrum/cerebral cortex, cerebellum, diencephalon, brain stem

1. Cerebrum/Cerebral Cortex

conscious mind"; 2 cerebral hemispheres (R and L); 5 lobes: frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, insula


outer gray matter (surrounds internal white matter, although there are some islands of gray matter within)


specific areas of cortex for motor and sensory functions

amount of cortex devoted to function

determines the level of control/sensation for body part

contralateral information processing

right side of brain controls left side of body; left side of brain controls right side of body

lateralization or specialization of function

2 hemispheres not equal in function (functional asymmetry)

3 types of functional areas in cerebral cortex

motor areas, sensory areas, and association areas

motor areas

control voluntary muscle movement

1. primary motor cortex

initiation of skeletal muscle contraction

2. premotor cortex

learned motor skills of repetitive nature

3. Broca's area


4. frontal eye field

voluntary eye movements

sensory areas

receive and interpret sensory impulses to provide conscious awareness (sensation)

1. primary somatosensory cortex

receives information from skin and proprioceptors (receptors in skeletal muscle and joints)-> SOMATIC SENSATIONS; provides SPATIAL DISCRIMINATION (ability to determine what body region was stimulated

2. visual cortex


3. auditory cortex


4. gustatory cortex


5. olfactory cortex


6. visceral sensory cortex

conscious perception of visceral sensations (ex. bladder full)

7. vestibular cortex


Association areas

emotional and intellectual processes (ex. memory, judgement, will, reasoning)

2. Cerebellum

primarily involved in motor activities; COORDINATES MOVEMENTS; processes information from cerebral motor cortex to ensure precise timing and appropriate patterns of skeletal muscle contraction

Cerebellum functions

smooth skeletal muscle movement, provides balance, maintains posture; cerebellar activity occurs SUBCONSCIOUSLY

3. Diencephalon

made up of the Thalamus, Hypothalamus, and Epithalamus


consists of bilateral nuclei (gray matter)

Thalamus functions

relay station: many synapses for information in and out; crude recognition of afferent impulses as pleasant or unpleasant


major regulator of homeostasis

Hypothalamus function

control center for the autonomic nervous system (sympathetic and parasympathetic)- controls smooth muscle, gland secretions

Hypothalamus function

emotional and behavior responses (part of limbic system)

Hypothalamus function

body temperature regulation: pre-optic area has heat-losing and heat-promoting centers; initiates cooling (sweating) and heat-generating mechanisms (shivering)

Hypothalamus function

food intake regulation: feeding (hunger) center and satiety center

Hypothalamus function

regulation of H2O balance/thirst: osmoreceptors in hypothalamus are activated when body fluids become too concentrated; (trigger release of antiduretic hormone (ADH) by pituitary gland->causes kidneys to retain water, and stimulated neurons in thirst cent

Hypothalamus function

waking and sleeping patterns: sets timing of sleep cycle in response to daylight-darkness cues

Hypothalamus function

control of endocrine system functioning: controls release of hormones by anterior pituitary gland; produces hormones ADH and oxytocin


includes pineal gland, which secretes melatonin; along with hypothalamus, helps regulate sleep/wake cycle


hormone that induces sleep

4. Brain Stem

made up of 3 parts: the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata


includes nuclei and tracts-> connects lower and higher brain centers

substantia nigra

in nuclei, contains neurons that release the neurotransmitter domapine

Parkinson's disease

degeneration of neurons in substantia nigra causes it

nuclei of midbrain

for cranial nerves III-IV


includes nuclei and tracts-> connects lower and higher brian centers; includes respiratory center that controls DEPTH of breathing (works with medullary respiratory centers)

nuclei of pons

for cranial nerves V-VII

Medulla Oblongata

includes nuclei and tracts->connects brain and spinal cord; part of reticular formation

nuclei of medulla oblongata

for cranial nerves VIII-XII

reticular formation includes (nuclei)

nuclei each control a particular bodily function

cardiac center

regulates heart rate

vasomotor center

regulates blood vessel diameter

respiratory center

regulates RATE of breathing (works with respiratory center in pons)

other centers

control swallowing, vomiting, coughing

functional brain systems

not localized to one region of brain

Limbic system

controls emotional aspects of behavior (emotional brain); involves structures in cerebrum and hypothalamus; connections between limbic system and cerebral cortex explains intimate relationship between thoughts and feelings

Reticular Formation

maintains cerebral cortex in alert, conscious state; acts as a filter for sensory input (repetitive, familiar, weak inputs are filtered out); involves central core of brain stem (medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain);

injury to reticular formation

permanent unconsciousness (irreversible coma); also LSD blocks this formation


4 cavities within brain: 2 lateral, 3rd, and 4th


filled with CSF; continuous with each other and central cavity of spinal cord


tiny openings that connect ventricles to subarachnoid space

ependymal cells

line ventricles; type of neuroglia that have cilia and tight junctions

choroid plexus

network of capillaries in roofs of the ventricles, just behind ependymal cells

Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF)

made by ependymal cells that cover choroid plexus: fluid released by permeable capillaries in choroid plexus passes through ependymal cells, which act as a selective barrier allowing only certain ions to pass

CSF movement

passes from ventricles into central canal of spinal cord and into subarachnoid space (propelled by cilia on ependymal cells)

Functions of CSF

1. protects CNS structures (liquid cushion surrounding brain and spinal cord) 2. maintains optimal chemical environment for neuron function 3. circulation delivers nutrients and removes wastes

cranial meninges

3 connective tissue layers covering the brain

dura mater

periosteal layer- attached to skull; meningeal layer (outermost layer)

arachnoid mater

subarachnoid space=space between arachnoid mater and pia mater; space filled with CSF; carries blood vessels (looks like spider webs)

pia mater

covers brain; continuous with spinal meninges (innermost layer)

blood supply

rich blood supply; high oxygen and glucose requirements (makes ATP using aerobic respiration); no storage capacity for glucose; brief interruption of oxygen- lose consciousness (if > 4 minutes=permanent cell death)

blood brain barrier

protective mechanism to maintain a stable environment for the brain

blood brain barrier is selective

glucose, oxygen, and essential amino acids pass through freely; bloodborne metabolic wastes, proteins, and most drugs are cannot pass through

spinal cord functions

conduct impulses to/from brain; integration of reflexes- direct connections between spinal cord and PNS (without brain involvement)

spinal cord is composed of

grey matter and white matter

grey matter

(inside); nuclei (nerve cell bodies), dendrites, and unmyelinated axons; form horns of spinal cord

white matter

(outside); bundles of myelinated axons; form columns, which include ascending and descending tracts (note: white and grey matter is opposite of brain->white inside, grey outside)

spinal cord is surrounded/protected by

vertebral column; epidural space filled with adipose tissue; spinal meninges; CSF (fills subarachnoid space and central canal)

Spinal roots

formally part of PNS, not spinal cord; includes dorsal and ventral roots

dorsal roots

carry sensory input to spinal cord; cell bodies of sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia

ventral roots

carry motor output from spinal cord; cell bodies of motor neurons located in grey matter of spinal cord

spinal nerves

fused dorsal and ventral roots; 31 pairs of them that pass between vertebrae (via intervertebral foramen)

ascending tracts

conduct impulses toward higher centers; composed of first-order, second-order, and third-order neurons

1. first-order neurons

transmit impulses from receptors to spinal cord or brain stem; cell bodies in dorsal root ganglion; receptors are cutaneous skin receptors and proprioceptors (receptors in joints, muscles, tendons that detect changes in locomotion, posture, muscle tone)

2. second-order neurons

cell bodies in dorsal horn of spinal cord or in medullary nuclei; transmit impulses to thalamus or cerebellum

3. third-order neurons

cell bodies reside in the thalamus; transmit impulses to somatosensory cortex of cerebrum; no third-order neurons in the cerebellum

main ascending pathways

lemniscal, spinothalamic, spinocerebellar


discriminates touch and conscious proprioception


discriminates pain and temperature


tracts to cerebellum-> contributes to balance and coordination; does not contribute to sensory perception

descending tracts

conduct impulses away from higher centers; composed of upper motor neurons and lower motor neurons

1. upper motor neurons

transmit impulses from motor cortex of cerebrum to lower motor neurons (either directly or via interneuron)

2. lower motor neurons

transmit impulses from spinal cord to effector; cell bodies in ventral horn of spinal cord


rapid motor response to a stimulus; unlearned, unpremeditated, involuntary; may be modified by learning and conscious effort

5 parts of a reflex arc

1. receptor, 2. sensory (afferent) neuron 3. integration center (in CNS) 4. motor (efferent) neuron 5. effector

1. receptor

responds to stimulus (changes in external/internal environment); initiates impulses via local electrical changes (graded potentials); graded potential in sensory structure called "receptor potential"; receptor may be part of sensory neuron, or separate st

2. sensory (afferent) neuron

carries impulse from receptor to spinal cord (CNS)

3. integration center (in CNS)

sensory impulse converted to motor impulse: directly or via interneurons; direct=monosynaptic (1 synapse); via interneurons=polysynaptic (2 or more synapses)

4. motor (efferent) neuron

transmits efferent impulse from sensory or interneuron to effector

5. effector

muscle fiber (contraction or elongation); gland (increased or decreased secretion)

somatic reflexes

regulate skeletal muscle contraction/relaxation

autonomic reflexes

autonomic nervous system activates smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands

1. somatic spinal reflexes

(ex. patellar or knee-jerk reflex); muscle stretch results in contraction of that muscle; skeletal via nerves

a. receptor

muscle spindle; composed of intrafusal muscle fibers- can sense stretching; central regions of intrafusal fibers are non-contractile

b. sensory neurons

primary sensory Ia fibers- stimulated by rate and amount of stretching; secondary sensory II fibers- stimulated ONLY by amount of stretching

c. integration center (spinal cord)

synapse of sensory and motor neurons; monosynaptic (no interneuron)

d. motor neurons

alpha motor neurons; stimulate extrafusal muscle fibers to contract

e. effector

extrafusal muscle fiber


muscle that produces a particular movement


muscle that works to reverse that movement

reciprocal inhibition

reflex arc both contracts muscle (agonist) in response to stretching and inhibits contraction of antagonist; sensory neuron synapses with inhibitory interneuron in spinal cord->inhibits motor neuron to antagonist; polysynaptic (involves interneuron)


sensory input enters and motor output leaves the spinal cord on the same side (seen in stretch reflex)


motor output leaves spinal cord on the opposite side

2. tendon reflex

helps avoid tearing of tendons by avoiding overcontraction

a. receptor

golgi tendon organ (located at junction of muscle and tendon)

tendon reflex causes reciprocal activation

sensory neuron synapses with inhibitory interneuron to inhibit motor neuron to agonist (agonist relaxes) and also with excitatory interneuront o stimulate motor neuron to antagonist (antagonist contracts)

3. withdrawal and crossed-extensor reflexes

withdrawal flexor reflex and crossed-extensor reflex

withdrawal flexor reflex

is automatic withdrawal of threatened body part; receptor: free nerve endings, stimulus: pain or pressure; causes action potential to be generated in sensory neuron (AP propagates down sensory neuron to CNS)

withdrawal flexor reflex has reciprocal inhibition

sensory neuron synapses with excitatory interneuron to stimulate motor neuron to flexor (on ipsilateral side)-> flexor contracts; and synapses with inhibitory interneuron to inhibit motor neuron to extensor (also ipsilateral side)->extensor relaxes

crossed-extensor reflex reciprocal activation

maintains balance; same stimulus (stimulation of same sensory neuron); sensory neuron synapses with inhibitory interneuron to inhibit motor neuron to flexor (on contralateral side)->flexor relaxes; also synapses with excitatory interneuron to stimulate mo

flexor and crossed-extensor reflexes

involve ascending and descending stimulation (via additional interneurons)

intersegmental reflex

additional recruitment of other motor units in acting muscles and/or different muscles; can be overridden by descending signals from the brain (ex. if painful stimulus, brian can prevent withdrawal)

2. somatic cranial reflexes

skeletal via cranial nerves

corneal reflex (blink reflex)

stimulus=touch or foreign body; receptors:=pain receptors in cornea, eyelid, or conjunctiva; sensory neuron=trigeminal nerve (CN V); integration center=brain stem (CNS); motor neuron=facial (CN VII); effector=skeletal muscles of eyelid

3. autonomic reflexes

effectors=cardiac and smooth muscle, glands)

a. pupillary light reflex

pupil constricts in response to light; stimulus=light; receptors=photoreceptors in the eye; sensory neuron=optic nerve (CN II); motor neurons=parasympathetic fibers of ocularmotor nerve (CN III) + ganglionic neuron; effector=smooth muscle in eye (circular

visceral reflex arcs

same components as somatic reflex arcs except visceral reflex arc has 2 motor neurons in its motor component

Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)

motor subdivision of PNS; involuntary; controls internal environment by regulating activity of cardiac and smooth muscle, glands (effectors); divided into parasympathetic and sympathetic


energy conservation, "resting and digesting


physical or emotional activities, stress, "fight or flight

efferent pathways

in somatic NS, motor neuron cell bodies are in CNS and extend to effector but ANS uses two-neuron chain to effectors (preganglionic and ganglionic neurons)

preganglionic neuron

cell body in CNS; myelinated axons; synapse with ganglionic neuron at ganglion; all preganglionic axons release acetylcholine (ACh)

ganglionic neuron

cell body in autonomic ganglia outside of CNS; axon of ganglionic neuron=postganglionic axon (or fiber); terminates at visceral effectors; unmyelinated axons

parasympathetic postgangionic axons

release ACh

sympathetic postganglionic axons

release NE

dual innervation

ANS has this; most visceral effectors receive nerve fibers for both sympathetic and parasympathetic NS; 2 visceral motor neurons cause opposite effect (counterbalance each other)


released by postganglionic axons; can have stimulatory or inhibitory action on effectors

heart rate

in sympathetic it goes up, in parasympathetic it goes down

gut mobility

in sympathetic it goes down, in parasympathetic it goes up

ANS Anatomy

sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions are distinguished by origin sites, lengths of fibers, location of ganglia, and branching and range of effect

1. origin sites

parasympathetic= motor neurons emerge from brain and lower spinal cord (craniosacral); sympathetic= thoracolumbar

2. lengths of fibers

parasympathetic= long preganglionic, short postganglionic axons; sympathetic= short preganglionic, long postganglionic axons

3. location of ganglia

parasympathetic=ganglia in visceral effector organs (terminal ganglia); sympathetic=paravertebral and prevertebral ganglia

paravertebral ganglia

lie alongside spinal cord in sympathetic trunk; innervate organs above the diaphragm

prevertebral ganglia

located anterior to the vertebral column near large abdominal arteries; innervate organs in abdominopelvic cavity

4. branching and range of effect

parasympathetic=localized effect (each preganglionic fiber synapses with few ganglionic neurons; each postganglionic axon innervates a single effector); sympathetic=divergent effect (each preganglionic fiber synapses with many ganglionic neurons; each pos


group of cell bodies; where preganglionic axons and ganglionic neurons synapse

visceral sensory neurons

convey information about chemical changes, stretch and irritation to integration centers in the CNS; most are visceral pain afferents; travel along same pathways as somatic pain fibers-> can cause referred pain

referred pain

brain misinterprets visceral pain as coming from more common somatic region source that shares pathway (ex. heart attack may cause sensation of pain in superior thoracic wall and medial part of left arm)

ANS activity

under CNS control even though not voluntary


top of the ANS control hierarchy

brain stem (especially medulla oblongata)

also provides control

cerebral cortex

may modify working of ANS, but acts at subconscious level through limbic system

hypertension can be caused by

stress, emotion upset->sympathetic fibers constrict blood vessels in abdominal viscera and skin to divert blood to muscles, brain, and heart-> increases blood pressure