
frontalis muscle

elevates eyebrows in glancing upward and expressions of surprise or fright; draws scalp forward and wrinkles skin of forehead
O: galea aponeuotica
I: subcutaneous tissue of eyebrows
N: Facial n.

orbicularis oculi muscle

sphincter of the eyelids; closes eye in blinking, squinting, and sleep; aids in flow of tears across eye
O: lacrimal bone, adjacent regions of frontal bone and maxilla, medial angle of eyelids
I: upper and lower eyelids, skin around margin of orbit
N: fac

zygomaticus major muscle

draws angle of mouth upward and laterally as in laughing
O: zygomatic bone
I: superolateral angle of mouth
N: facial n.

platysma muscle

draws lower lip and angle of mouth downward in expressions of horror or surprise; may aid in opening mouth widely
O: fascia of deltoid and pectoralis major
I: mandible skin and subcutaneous tissue of lower face
N: facial n.

deltoid muscle

a large triangular muscle covering the shoulder joint, anterior fibers flex and medially rotate arm; lateral fibers abduct arm; posterior fibers extend and laterally rotate arm. involved in arm swinging during such actions as walking or bowling and in adj

pectoralis major muscle

flexes, adducts, and medially rotates humerus, as in climbing or hugging. aids in deep inspiration
O: medial half of clavicle, lateral margin of sternum, costal cartilages 1-7, aponeurosis of external oblique
I: lateral lip of intertubercular sulcus of hu

biceps brachii muscle

Muscle of the upper arm that bends the upper arm toward the shoulder (flexion) and bends the lower arm toward the upper arm (flexion). One end is divided into two heads.

brachioradialis muscle

Muscle of the lower arm that bends the lower arm toward the upper arm (flexion)

flexor carpi radialis muscle

Lateral muscle of the forearm.

external abdominal oblique muscle

supports abdominal viscera against pull of gravity; stabilizes vertebral column during heavy lifting; maintains posture; compresses abdominal organs, thus aiding in forceful expirationl aids in childbirth, urination, defecation, and vomiting. unilateral c

adductor longus muscle

shares an insertion with the gluteus maximus, which produces flexion, abduction, and medial rotation of the hip., Medial Femoral Muscles - Adductor Group

sartorius muscle

a muscle in the thigh that helps to rotate the leg into the sitting position assumed by a tailor

rectus femoris muscle

in the midline of the anterior thigh, originating on the anterior inferior iliac spine and inserting on the patella and tibial tuberosity. It flexes the hip and assists the other quad muscles in extending the knee.

vastus lateralis muscle

thigh muscle located between the greater trochanter of the femur and the knee. quad muscles

vastus medialis muscle

medial side of the anterior thigh. quad muscles

tibialis anterior muscle

Muscle in the lower leg that bends the foot up toward the leg (dorsiflexion)

masseter muscle

elevation of the mandible, with smaller roles in protraction, retraction, and lateral medial excursion
O: zygomatic arch
I: lateral surface of mandibular ramus and angle
N: mandibular n.

orbicularis oris muscle

encircles mouth; closes lips, protrudes lips as in kissing; uniquely developed in humans for speech
O: modiolus of mouth
I: submucosa and dermis of lips
N. facial n.

sternocleidomastoid muscle

one of two thick muscles running from the sternum and clavicle to the mastoid and occipital bone

trapezius muscle

extends and laterally flexes neck; stabilizes scapula and shoulder during arm movements; elevates apex of shoulder; acts with other muscles to rotate and retract scapula
O: external occipital protuberance, medial one-third of superior nuchal line, nuchal

pectoralis minor muscle

found underneath the pectoralis major muscle, with serratus anterior, draws scapula laterally and forward around chest wall; with other muscles, rotates scapula and depresses apex of shoulder, as in reaching down to pick up a suitcase
O: ribs 3-5 and over

coracobrachialis muscle

produces flexion and adduction at the shoulder, flexes and medially rotates arm; resists deviation of arm from frontal plane during abduction
O: coracoid process
I: medial aspect of humeral shaft
N: musculocutaneous n.

serratus anterior muscle

Located on the sides of the chest and extends from the ribs to the scapula, with pectoralis minor, draws scapula laterally and forward around chest wall; protracts scapula, and is the prime mover in all forward-reaching and pushing actions; aids in rotati

brachialis muscle

assists the biceps in forearm flexion. Located between the biceps and triceps

rectus abdominis muscle

flexes lumbar region of vertebral column, producing forward bending at waist (six pack)
O: pubic symphysis and superior margin of pubis
I: xiphoid process, costal cartilages 5-7
N: anterior rami of spinal nerves T6-T12

supinator muscle

turn palms upward

flexor digitorum profundus muscle

- deep or "profound" in the forearm
- goes farther to flex the most distal joint in the phalanges
- dual innervation

flexor pollicis longus muscle

flexion of wrist and thumb

transverse abdominal muscle

deepest muscle layer, projects horizontally, compresses abdominal contents, with same effects as external oblique, but does not contribute to movements of vertebral column
O: inguinal ligament, iliac crest, thoracolumbar fascia, costal cartilages 7-12

pronator quadratus muscle

forearm pronation

vastus intermedius muscle

between the vastus lateralis and vastus medialis muscle
-Proximal: anterior and lateral surface of the femur
-Distal: tibial tuberosity
-Function: Extends the leg

gracilis muscle

only adductor that is a two joint,
it descends the thigh medially and superficially, crosses the knee poteriorly and curves around the medial condyle to attach distally on the anterior medial surface of the proximal tibia
Action: Hip adductor

semispinalis capitis muscle

extend and contralaterally rotate head
O: articular processes of vertebrae C4-C7, transverse processes of T1-T6
I: occipital bone between nuchal lines, spinous processes of vertebrae C2-C5
N: posterior rami of cervical and thoracic nn.

splenius capitis muscle

acting unilaterally, produce ipsilateral flexion and slight rotation of head; extend head when acting bilaterally
O: inferior half of nuchal ligament, spinous processes of vertebrae C7-T6
I: mastoid process and occipital bone just inferior to superior nuc

levator scapulae muscle

deep to the trapezius; elevates the scapula if cervical vertebrae are fixed; flexes neck laterally if scapula is fixed; retracts scapula and braces shoulder; rotates scapula and depresses apex of shoulder
O: transverse processes of vertebrae C1-C4
I: supe

supraspinatus muscle

It is one of the four rotator cuff muscles and also abducts the arm at the shoulder.

rhomboideus minor muscle

retracts scapula and braces shoulder; fixes scapula during arm movements
O: spinous processes of vertebrae C7-T1, nuchal ligament
I: superior angle to medial border of scapula
N: dorsal scapular n.

rhomboideus major muscle

rhomboid muscle that draws the scapula toward the spinal column; same as rhomboideus minor
O: spinous processes of vertebrae T2-T5
I: medial border of scapula
N: dorsal scapular n.

infraspinatus muscle

Rotator Cuff Muscle, originates on the infraspinous fossa of the scapula and inserts on the humerus

serratus posterior inferior muscle

just deep to the latissimus dorsi muscle

erector spinae muscle

allows you to hold your body upright

flexor carpi ulnaris muscle

Medial muscle of the forearm.

gluteus minimus muscle

the deepest of the buttocks.

adductor magnus muscle

Medial Femoral Muscles - Adductor Group

semimembranosus muscle

extension of hip, flexion of knee, internal rotation of hip and knee.

biceps femoris muscle

rotates leg externally and flexes knee

gastrocnemius muscle

the muscle in the back part of the leg that forms the greater part of the calf

soleus muscle

a broad flat muscle in the calf of the leg under the gastrocnemius muscle

calcaneal tendon

large tendon the inserts on the calcaneus; tension on this tendon produces plantar flexion of the foot; also called the Achilles tendon

occipitalis muscle

retracts scalp; fixes galea aponeurotica so frontalis can act on eyebrows
O: superior nuchal line and temporal bone
I: galea aponeurotica
N: facial n.

teres minor muscle

Rotator Cuff Muscle, originates on the lateral border of scapula and inserts on the humerus

teres major muscle

Extends and medially rotates humerus; contributes to arm swinging.
O: inferior angle of scapula
I: medial lip of intertubercular sucus of humerus
N: lower subscapular n.

triceps brachii muscle

Muscle of the upper arm that straightens the lower arm (extension). One end is divided into three heads.

latissimus dorsi muscle

muscle across lower back, adducts and medially rotates humerus; extends the shoulder joint as in pulling on the oars of a rowboat; produces backward swing of arm in such actions as walking and bowling. with hands grasping overhead objects, pulls body forw

gluteus medius muscle

the intermediate muscle of the buttocks

gluteus maximus muscle

Muscle in the buttocks that moves the upper leg posteriorly and rotates it laterally. the largest muscle in the body

semitendinosus muscle

extension of hip, flexion of knee, internal rotation of hip and knee.

internal abdominal oblique muscle

same as external oblique except that unilateral contraction causes ipsilateral rotation of waist
O: inguinal ligament, iliac crest, and thoracolumbar fascia
I: ribs 10-12, costal cartilages 7-10, pubis
N: anterior rami of spinal nerves T7-L1