
What structures detect environmental changes and trigger nerve impulses that cause the body to respond?

Sensory receptors

Which category involves touch, pressure, temperature and pain?

Somatic senses

Which category involves smell, taste, hearing, equilibrium, and vision?

Special senses


Temperature differences


Changes in chemical concentration

Pain receptors

Tissue damage


Light energy


Pressure or movement differences

Name the chemoreceptors involved with the sense of smell.


Why does the sense of smell use chemoreceptors?

Chemicals dissolved in liquids stimulate them

Name the special organs of taste.

Taste buds

Within what structures on the tongue are taste buds located?


Approximately how many taste buds do we have on our tongues?


Approximately how many taste buds are scattered in the roof of the mouth and wall of the throat?


Approximately how many taste cells does each taste bud have?


How often are taste cells replaced?

3 days

What type of receptors are taste cells? Why?

Chemoreceptors; because chemicals are involved

Name the 4 primary taste sensations.

Sweet, sour, salty, and bitter

Name the 3 structures that make up the outer ear.

Auricle, external acoustic meatus (canal), and tympanic membrane (eardrum)

Which structure transports the sound to the tympanic membrane?

External acoustic meatus

What are the auditory ossicles?

3 small ear bones

Name the auditory ossicles.

Malleus, incus, and stapes

What structure within the middle ear aids in equalizing air pressure on both sides of the tympanic membrane?

Auditory tube

Trace a sound wave through the ear starting with the auricle.

Auricle, malleus, incus, stapes, oval window, perilymph, membrane, endolymph, receptor cells

What part of the inner ear consists of communicating chambers and tubes?


Name the two parts of the labyrinth.

Osseous and membranous

What fluid is contained between the bony and membranous labyrinth?


What fluid is contained in the membranous labyrinth with the hair receptors?


What is the organ of Corti?

Organ of hearing

Where is the organ of Corti located?


What structures are exclusively involved with equilibrium?

Vestibule and semicircular canals

Which one maintains the head position when still?
