12- Skull

Approximately how many bones occur in the adult skeleton?


What are the 2 main divisions of the skeleton?

Axial and Appendicular

What are the 3 main components of the axial skeleton?

skull, vertebral column, thoracic cage

What are the 2 main divisions of the skull?

cranial, facial

What is the bone of the forehead?


What cavities hold the eyeballs?


What 2 large openings lie within these cavities?

superior orbital fissures

What is a synonym for the brow ridges?

superciliary ridges

What bones form the bridge of the nose?

left and right nasal bones

What bones form the upper jaw, the lateral walls of the nasal cavity, and the floor of the orbitals?


What cavities lie within the maxillary bones inferior to the orbits?

maxillary sinuses

What bone forms the lower jaw?


What prominence on it forms the chin?

mental protuberance

What is the cavity of the nose?

nasal cavity

What prominence marks this cavity's anterior, inferior borders?

anterior nasal spine

What structure divides the nasal cavity into right and left halves?

nasal septum

What scroll-shaped bones are visible on the inferior lateral walls of this cavity?

inferior nasal conchae

What 4 bones can be seen in a superior view of the skull?

frontal bone, both parietal bones, occipital bone

What articulation between 3 of the 4 bones visible from a superior view of the skull occurs anteriorly in a frontal plane?

coronal suture

What articulation can be seen running along the midline in a superior view of the skull?

sagittal suture

What openings can be seen along the posterior 1/3 of the sagittal suture?

a single parietal foramen or paired parietal foramina

What is the clinical significance of the parietal foramina?

it conducts tiny emissary veins from the veins of the brain to the veins of the scalp. this provides a gateway for infection to the cranial cavity.

What articulation can be seen posteriorly in a frontal plane between 3 of the 4 bones visible from a superior view of the skull?

lambdoid suture

What 5 bones can be seen in a posterior view of the skull?

parietal bones, mandible, occipital bone, sutural bone

What is the bump on the midline on the posterior side of the skull?

external occipital protuberance

What are variable bones that commonly occur in the lamboidal suture and occasionally in other articulations within the skull?

sutural bones

What bones of the skull can be seen in the lateral view?

parietal bone, temporal bone, zygomatic bone, maxilla, frontal bone, mandible, occipital bone, ethmoid bone, lacrimal bone, nasal bone, sphenoid bone

What arch of bone can be seen in a lateral view of the skull?

zygomatic arch

What movable articulation can be palpated just anterior to the external auditory canal?

tempormandibular joint

What bump of bone occurs posterior to the ear?

mastoid process

What bones form the cranial cavity?

frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, ethmoid, sphenoid

What sinuses can be seen in a midsagittal view of the skull?

frontal sinus, sphenoidal sinus

What structures can be seen in a midsagittal view of the skull as they form the nasal septum?

perpendicular plate, vomer

What bone separates the cranial cavity and the nasal cavity?

ethmoid bone

What 2 bones form the hard palate?

maxillae, palatine bone

In an inferior view of the skull what flat, wing-like structures of the sphenoid can be seen?

lesser and greater wings

What openings into the nasal cavity can be seen in an inferior view of the skull?


Through what opening of the skull does the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve pass?


At what opening of the skull does the internal jugular vein begin?

jugular foramen

Through what opening in the skull does the internal carotid artery pass?

carotid canal

Through what opening in the skull does the spinal cord pass?

Foramen Magnum

With what smooth, rounded structures of the skull does the atlas articulate?

occipital condyles

What bone forms the anterior floor of the cranial cavity?

frontal bone

Through what portion of the ethmoid does the olfactory nerve pass?

cribriform plate

What portion of the sphenoid extend laterally from the body of the sphenoid?


What bone of the skull encases the ear?


Through what opening in the skull does the optic nerve pass?

optic canal

Through what opening in the skull does the cestibulococchlear nerve pass?


What are sutures?

immoveable joints that form the boundaries between the cranial bones

What suture extends across the superior surface of the skull along a coronal plane?

coronal suture

What suture extends like an arc across the posterior surface of the skull?

lambdoid suture

What suture lies along the midline superiorly on the skull?

sagittal suture

What suture lies laterally between the parietal bone and temporal bone on each side?

squamous suture

What bones may be found within sutures?

sutural bones

What is a synonym for "skullcap"?


What bone forms part of the calvaria, the forehead, and the roof of the orbits?

frontal bone

What cavities lie within the frontal bone?

frontal sinuses

What part of the skull do the parietal bones form?

lateral walls and roof of the cranium

What part of the skull do the temporal bones form?

inferior lateral walls of the cranium floor

What part of the temporal bone holds the middle and inner ear?

petrous region

What opening occurs on the medial, posterior aspect of the temporal bone for blood vessels and nerves?

internal acoustic meatus

What is the posterior region of the temporal bone?

mastoid region

What prominence on the temporal bone lies posterior to the ear, serves as the insertion for the sternocleidomastoid, and contains air cells?

mastoid process

What region of the temporal bone surrounds the bony, external opening of the ear?

tympanic part

What thin point of bone on the temporal bone serves as an attachment for several hyoid and tongue muscles?

styloid process

What opening does the facial nerve pass through on the inferior surface of the skull?

stylomastoid foramen

What opening does the internal carotid artery pass through here?

carotid canal

What region of the temporal bone forms the superior, lateral, flat area of the bone?

squamous region

What bony process projects anteriorly from the squamous region of the temporal bone?

zygomatic process

What part of squamous region of the temporal bone articulates with the mandible?

mandibular fossa

What is the opening for the ear?

external acoustic meatus

What is the flat, posterior region of the occipital bone?

squamous region

What region of the occipital bone forms the base of the cranium?

basilar region

What is the large, circular opening within the skull for the spinal cord to pass through?

foramen magnum

What are the smooth, rounded projections on the left and right sides of the foramen magnum?

occipital condyles

Within the skull what is the opening for the cranial nerve XII?

hypoglossal canal

What superior, horizontal line projects laterally from the external occipital protuberance?

superior nuchal line

What is the thick, medial part of the sphenoid?


What cavities lie within the sphenoid?

sphenoidal sinuses

What projections of the sphenoid lie superior to the superior orbital fissure?

lesser wings

What projections of the sphenoid lie inferior to the superior orbital fissure and can be seen in a lateral view of the skull?

greater wings

Within the sphenoid what is the depression holding the pituitary gland?

hypophyseal fossa

What is the bony enclosure of the hypophyseal fossa?

sella turcica

Through what opening of the sphenoid does the optic nerve pass?

optic canal

What 3 foramina penetrate the greater wings of the sphenoid?

foramen rotundum, foramen ovale, foramen spinosum

What projections of the sphenoid provide attachment surfaces for some muscles that move the lower jaw and soft palate?

medial and lateral pterygoid processes

What is the superior, midsagittal elevation of the ethmoid?

crista galli

What horizontal structure of the ethmoid separates the cranial and nasal cavities?

cribriform plate

Through what openings do the olfactory nerves pass?

cribriform foramina

What parts of the ethmoid hold the ethmoidal sinuses?

ethmoidal labyrinths

What are the cavities within the ethmoid?

ethmoidal sinuses

What part of the ethmoid forms the medial wall of the orbits?

orbital plate

What scroll like extensions of the ethmoid project medially into the nasal cavity?

superior and middle nasal conchae

List 3 cranial fossae

anterior, middle, posterior

What is a synonym for the zygomatic bones?


What bony projections of the zygomatic bones contribute to the zygomatic arches?

temporal process

In addition to the temporal process, what other 2 processes articulate the zygomatic bone with surrounding bones?

maxillary process, frontal process

Where are the lacriminal bones located?

medial and anterior orbit walls

Within the lacriminal bone what structure allows the passage of the nasolacriminal duct?

lacrimal groove

The nasal bones form what facial feature?

bridge of the nose

The vomer helps to form what structure within the nasal cavity?

nasal septum

List 3 nasal conchae found on each side of the nasal cavity?

inferior, middle, superior

What is a synonym for the nasal conchae?

turbinate bones

What is the overall shape of the palatines?


What portion of the palatines forms the posterior third of the hard palette?

horizontal plate

What part of the palatine forms the posterior, lateral wall of the nasal cavity?

perpendicular plate

What part of the palatine forms a small part of the floor of the orbit?

orbital process

What part of the maxilla forms the floor of the orbit?


What opening within the maxilla do the infraorbital artery and nerve pass through?

infraorbital foramen

What part of the maxilla holds the upper teeth?

alveolar process

What part of the maxilla forms the anterior 2/3 of the hard palette?

palatine process

What large cavity lies within the maxilla?

maxillary process

What is the horizontal portion of the mandible?


What are the ascending, posterior regions of the mandible?


What part of the mandible holds the lower teeth?

alveolar process

What are the 2 corners of the mandible?

angle of the mandible

What opening lies on the anterolateral surface of the body of the mandible?

mental foramen

What opening within the mandible lies on the posterior, medial side?

mandibular foramen

What process of the mandible articulates with the temporal bone?

condylar process

What is the smooth round portion of the condylar process?

head of mandible

What is the joint between the mandible and the temporal bone?

temporomandibular joint

What process of the mandible does the temporalis insert on?

coronoid process

What is the U-shaped depression between the 2 mandibular processes?

mandibular notch

What bones make up the roof of the nasal cavity?

cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone, parts of the frontal and sphenoid bone

What bones make up the floor of the nasal cavity?

palatine processes of the maxillae, horizontal plates of the palatine bones

What bones form the lateral walls of the nasal cavity?

ethmoid bone, maxillae, inferior nasal conchae, perpendicular plates of the palatine bones, lacrimal bones

List the groups of paranasal sinuses

ethmoidal, frontal, maxillary, sphenoidal

List the bones that form the orbit

frontal bone, sphenoid bone, maxilla, zygomatic bone, palatine bone, lacrimal bone, ethmoid bone,

What is the collective term for the tiny bones of the middle ear?

auditory ossicles

List the ear ossicles from lateral to medial

malleus, incus, stapes

What small, U-shaped bone lies superior to the larynx?

hyoid bone

What is the anatomical term for the softspots in a baby's skull?


What is the function of the fontanelles?

to help fit the newborn baby's head through the birth canal

List the 4 fontanelles

mastoid, sphenoidal, posterior, anterior