Circulation of the Heart


blood from the left ventricle passes through a valve and enters this blood vessel

Aortic Semi Lunar Valve

this valve keeps blood from flowing back into the left ventricle.

Mitral Valve (Bicuspid)

this valve prevents blood from flowing back into the left atruim.

Left Atrium

blood returning from the lungs enters this heart chamber.

Left Ventricle

this heart chamber pumps blood through the aortic semilunar valve.

Pulmonary artery

blood leaves the right ventricle passes through a valve and enters this vessel

Pulmonary semilunar valve

blood leaving the right ventricle passes through this valve in its way to the lung.

Pulmonary Vein

the blood vessel carries blood back to the heart from the lungs.

Right Atruim

blood from the inferior vena cava drains into this chamber

Right Ventricle

blood passes through the tricuspid valve into this heart chamber

Superior / Inferior Vena Cava

this blood vessel empties into the right atrium

Tricuspid Valve

this valve prevents blood from backing up into the right atrium