Anatomy 14

A newborn is diagnosed with congenital intrinsic factor deficiency. which of the following types of anemia will the nurse see documented on the chart
a. iron deficiency anemia
b. pernicious anemia
c. siderblastic anemia
d. hemolytic anemia

B. pernicious anemia

A 6 year old male presents with fatigue, jaundice, and irritability, a blood smear shows the presence of sickled cells. Erythropoiesis is compromised in this child, which crisis should the nurse monitor the patient for
a. vaso-occlusive crisis
b. sequestr

C. aplastic crisis

How should the nurse prepare a patient who is to receive a Schilling test for pernicious anemia
a. administer radioactive cobalamin and measure its excretion in the urine
b. measure antigen-antibody immune complexes
c. measure serum ferritin and total iro

A. administer radioactive cobalamin and measure its excretion in the urine

A 60 year old female emphysema patient experiences a rapid and pounding heart, dizziness, and fatigue with exertion. which of the following respiratory assessment findings indicate the respiratory system is compensating for the increased oxygen demand

B. increased rate and depth of breathing

Which major symptoms in a patient with sickle cell anemia indicates to the nurse, the patient is experiencing a vaso-occlusive crisis
a. peripheral edema
b. pain
c. petechiae
d. an enlarged spleen

B. pain

A geneticist is discussing thalassemias. Which information should be included? The alpha and beta thalassemias are inherited in an ___ fashion
a. autosomal recessive
b. autosomal dominant
c. X-linked recessive
d. X-linked dominant

A. autosomal recessive

A 2 year old male presented with growth and maturation retardation and splenomegaly. He died shortly after arriving at the ER. autopsy revealed thalassemia secondary to defective
a. erythrocyte membranes
b. iron metabolism
c. stem cell formation
d. hemogl

D. hemoglobin synthesis

A 2 year old malnourished child has vitamin B12 and folate deficiencies. a blood smear suggests the deficiency is macrocytic and normochromic. the nurse would expect the hemoglobin to be
a. normal
b. sporadic
c. low
d. high

A. normal

A 45 year old male is diagnosed with siderblastic anemia. when he asks what the most likely cause of this disease is, what is the nurse's best response
a. inefficient iron uptake and abnormal hemoglobin production
b. misshapen erythrocytes with low hemogl

A. inefficient iron uptake and abnormal hemoglobin production

A 30 year old caucasian female was recently diagnosed with primary hypertension. she reports that she eats fairly well, usually having red meat and potatoes daily. she also reports that her father has hypertension as well. a nurse determined which of the

D. genes

A 75 year old male has severe chest pain and dials 911. lab tests at the hospital reveal elevated levels of cardiac troponins I and T. based upon the lab findings, the nurse suspects which of the following has occurred
a. Raynaud disease
b. myocardial inf

B. Myocardial infarction (MI)

A 60 year old male presents to his primary care provider reporting chest pain. he is diagnosed with atherosclerosis. this disease is caused by
a. arterial wall thinning and weakening
b. abnormally dilated arteries and veins
c. abnormal thickening and hard

C. abnormal thickening and hardening of vessel walls

When a nurse check the patient for orthostatic hypotension, what did the nurse have the patient do
a. physical exertion
b. eat
c. stand up
d. lie down

C. stand up

a 32 year old female presents with lower leg pain, with swelling and redness. while obtaining the patient's history, which finding could have caused her condition
a. venous thrombus
b. heart valve damage
c. bacterial infection
d. arteriosclerosis

A. venous thrombus

A 72 year old female has a history of right heart failure caused by a right ventricular myocardial infarction. which of the following symptoms are specifically related to her right heart failure
a. significant edema to both lower legs and feet
b. hyperten

A. significant edema to both lower legs and feet

Which planning care for a patient with superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS), which principle should the nurse remember? SVCS is a progressive _____ of the superior vena cava (SVC) that leads to venous distention of the upper extremities and head
a. inflamma

B. occlusion

A 15 year old male who is allergic to peanuts eats a peanut butter cup. he then goes into anaphylactic shock. which assessment findings will the nurse assess for
a. bradycardia, decreased arterial pressure, and oliguria
b. bronchoconstriction, hives or ed

B. bronchoconstriction, hives or edema, and hypotension

A 28 year old female presents with severe chest pain and shortness of breath. She is diagnosed with pulmonary embolism, which most likely originated from the
a. left ventricle
b. systemic arteries
c. inadequate tissue perfusion
d. lack of nervous or endoc

C. inadequate tissue perfusion

When a person is in shock, a nurse remembers impairment in cellular metabolism is caused by
a. release of toxic substances
b. free radial formation
c. inadequate tissue perfusion
d. lack of nervous or endocrine stimulation

C. inadequate tissue perfusion

A patient's anemia is described as having erythrocytes that demonstrate anisocytosis. The nurse would recognize the erythrocytes would be
a. pale in color
b. present in various sizes
c. able to assume various shapes
d. live only a few days

C. able to assume various shapes

When a nurse is reviewing lab results and notices that the erythrocytes contain an abnormally low concentration of hemoglobin, the nurse calls these erythrocytes
a. hyperchromic
b. hypochromic
c. macrocytic
d. microcytic

B. hypochromic

A 5 year old male was diagnosed with normocytic-normochromic anemia. which of the following anemia's does the nurse suspect the patient has
a. sideroblastic anemia
b. hemolytic anemia
c. pernicious anemia
d. iron deficiency anemia

B. hemolytic anemia

After initial compensation, what hemodynamic change should the nurse monitor for in a patient who has a reduction in the number of circulating erythrocytes
a. increased viscosity of blood
b. decreased cardiac output
c. altered coagulation
d. hyper dynamic

D. hyper dynamic circulatory state

A 25 year old female has a heavy menses during which she loses a profuse amount of blood. which of the following adaptations should the nurse expect
a. movement of fluid into the cell
b. decreased cardiac output
c. decreased oxygen release from hemoglobin

D. peripheral vasoconstriction

A 2 year old malnourished child has vitamin B12 and folate deficiencies. a blood smear suggests the deficiency is macrocytic and normochromic. the nurse would expect the hemoglobin to be
a. normal
b. sporadic
c. low
d. high

A. normal

A 45 year old male is diagnosed with macrocytic, normochromic anemia. the nurse suspects the most likely cause of this condition is
a. defective DNA synthesis
b. abnormal synthesis of hemoglobin
c. defective use of vitamin C
d. blocked protein synthesis

A. defective DNA synthesis

when a patient wants to know why vitamin B12 and folate deficiencies cause anemia, how should the nurse respond
a. red blood cells are unable to differentiate into erythrocytes
b. red blood cells have malformed hemoglobin molecules
c. red blood cells have

D. red blood cells have a shorter life span

A 20 year old female undergoes lab testing for anemia. results show high iron, bilirubin, and transferrin and low hemoglobin and hematocrit. which of the following is the most likely diagnosis to be documented on the chart
a. pernicious anemia
b. folate d

D. sideroblastic anemia

A 35 year old female is diagnosed with vitamin B12 deficiency anemia (pernicious anemia). how should the nurse respond when the patient asks what causes pernicious anemia? A decrease in _____ is the most likely cause
a. ferritin
b. gastric enzymes
c. intr

C. intrinsic factor

Which of the following individuals should the nurse assess first for a vitamin B12 deficiency anemia
a. 3 year old female who is a fussy eater
b. 26 year old female in the second trimester of her first pregnancy
c. 47 year old male who has gastrectomy pro

C. 47 year old male who has gastrectomy procedure (removal of the stomach)

A 65 year old male experienced loss of appetite, weight loss, lemon-yellow skin, liver enlargement, and a beefy red tongue shortly before his death. Autopsy suggested pernicious anemia, and the cause of death would most likely reveal
a. brain hypoxia
b. l

C. heart failure

A 40 year old male vegetarian is diagnosed with folate deficiency anemia. he reports that he is an alcoholic. which of the following factors put him at greatest risk for developing his disease
a. being vegetarian
b. being alcoholic
c. age
d. gender

B. being alcoholic

How should the nurse prepare a patient who is to receive a Schilling test for pernicious anemia
a. administer radioactive cobalamin and measure its excretion in the urine
b. measure antigen-antibody immune complexes
c. measure serum ferritin and total iro

A. administer radioactive cobalamin and measures its excretion in the urine

A 67 year old female has chronic gastrointestinal bleeding. a nurse recalls the primary cause of her anemia is
a. vitamin B12 deficiency
b. iron deficiency
c. folate deficiency
d. bone marrow failure

B. iron deficiency

A 34 year old male presents in the emergency room with extreme fatigue and shortness of breath. his skin and sclera appear to have a yellowish discoloration. these assessment findings are consistent with which type of anemia
a. post hemorrhagic anemia

D. hemolytic anemia

A 58 year old female presents in the clinic presenting with fatigue, weight loss, and tingling in her fingers. laboratory findings show low hemoglobin and hematocrit, a high mean corpuscular volume, and normal plasma iron. These assessment findings are co

B. pernicious anemia

The nurse will check which of the following tests to directly measure iron stores
a. serum ferritin
b. transferrin saturation
c. bone marrow biopsy
d. total iron-binding capacity

C. bone marrow biopsy

A 21 year old female was recently diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. in addition to fatigue and weakness, which of the following clinical signs and symptoms would she most likely exhibit
a. hyperactivity
b. spoon-shaped nails
c. gait problems
d. petec

B. spoon-shaped nails

A 21 year old woman was recently diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. her hematocrit is 32%. which of the following treatments would the nurse expect to be prescribed to her
a. iron replacement
b. splenectomy
c. a bone marrow transplant
d. no treatment

A. iron replacement

A 45 year old male is diagnosed with sideroblastic anemia. when he asks what the most likely cause of this disease is, what is the nurse's best response
a. ineffective iron uptake and abnormal hemoglobin production
b. misshapen erythrocytes with low hemog

A. ineffective iron uptake and abnormal hemoglobin production

A 50 year old female was diagnosed with sideroblastic anemia. which of the following assessment findings would most likely occur
a. bronze colored skin
b. decreased iron
c. normochromic erythrocytes
d. aplastic bone marrow

A. bronze colored skin

A nurse is preparing to teach the staff about aplastic anemia. which information should the nurse include? aplastic anemia is caused by
a. iron deficiency
b. excess levels of erythropoietin
c. hemolysis
d. stem cell deficiency

D. stem cell deficiency

A nurse recalls post-hemorrhagic anemia can result in death when a patient's blood loss is in excess of
a. 20-29%
b. 30-39%
c. 40-49%
d. 50-59%

C. 40-49%

A 57 year old male presents to his primary care provider for red face, hands, feet, ears, and headache and drowsiness. A blood smear reveals an increased number of erythrocytes, indicating
a. Polycythemia vera (PV)
b. leukemia
c. sideroblastic anemia
d. h

A. polycythemia vera (PV)

a 67 year old female is admitted to the emergency department with a diagnosis of polycythemia vera. upon taking the history, the patient will most likely report
a. hyperactivity
b. decreased blood pressure
c. chest pain
d. a pale skin color

C. chest pain

A 68 year old female is admitted to the emergency department with a diagnosis of polycythemia vera (PV). a nurse realizes the patient's symptoms are mainly the result of
a. a decreased erythrocyte count
b. rapid blood flow to the major organs
c. increased

C. increased blood viscosity

A 67 year old female is admitted to the emergency department with a diagnosis of polycythemia vera (PV). which treatment should the nurse discuss with the patient
a. therapeutic phlebotomy
b. restoration of blood volume by plasma expanders
c. administrati

A. therapeutic phlebotomy

A 70 year old male is brought to the ER, where he dies shortly thereafter. autopsy reveals polycythemia vera (PV). his death was most likely the result of
a. acute renal failure
b. cerebral thrombosis
c. sepsis
d. acute leukemia

B. cerebral thrombosis

A 67 year old male was diagnosed with polycythemia vera (PV) but refused treatment. his condition is at risk for converting to
a. chronic lymphocytic leukemia
b. burkitt lymphoma
c. multiple myeloma
d. acute myeloid leukemia

D. acute myeloid leukemia

A staff member asks what leukocytosis means. how should the nurse respond? leukocytosis can be defined as
a. a normal leukocyte count
b. a high leukocyte count
c. a low leukocyte count
d. another term for leukopenia

B. a high leukocyte count

A 20 year old female has an increase in eosinophils. when the patient wants to know the most likely cause of the eosinophilia, what is the nurse's best response
a. parasitic invasion and allergic reactions
b. vital and bacterial infections
c. stress and a

A. parasitic invasion and allergic reactions

A 15 year old female presents with splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, and lymph node enlargement. she is diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis. what should the nurse tell the patient about recovery time
a. 72 hours
b. 3-5 days
c. a few weeks
d. six months

C. a few weeks

A 35 year old male with hyperthyroidism begins treatment to decrease thyroid activity. a nurse monitors for which of the following conditions that could result secondary to the treatment
a. eosinophilia
b. basophilia
c. monocytosis
d. lymphocytosis

B. basophilia

A 15 year old male is diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis. when the patient asks how he got this disease, how should the nurse respond? the most likely cause is
a. adenovirus
b. epstein-barr virus (EBV)
c. cytomegalovirus (CMV)
d. toxoplasma gondii

B. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)

A 15 year old male with infectious mononucleosis is being given instructions on how to prevent the spread of this infection to others. which statement represents a correct instruction
a. wear a surgical mask when others are in the room
b. do not share dri

B. do not share drinking glasses or eating utensils

A 10 year old male is diagnosed with leukemia. the nurse assesses for which other condition that could be associated with his disease
a. down syndrome
b. hemophilia
c. hyperthyroidism
d. pheochromocytoma

A. down syndrome

A 5 year old female is diagnosed with acute leukemia. the nurse will most likely treat this patient with
a. bone marrow transplant
b. immunotherapy
c. chemotherapy
d. localized radiation therapy

C. chemotherapy

An oncologist is discussing multiple myeloma. which information should the oncologist include? multiple myeloma can be defined as a neoplasm of
a. T cells
b. B cells
c. immature plasma cells
d. mature red blood cells

B. B cells

A 65 year old male is diagnosed with multiple myeloma. he reports severe pain. this pain can be attributed to
a. neuropathic infiltrations
b. destruction of bone tissue
c. tissue hypoxia
d. accumulation of toxic proteins

B. destruction of bone tissue

A 35 year old female is diagnosed with lymphadenopathy. which assessment finding will help confirm this diagnosis
a. small, hard lymph nodes
b. disordered lymph nodes
c. non-palpable, non-tender lymph nodes
d. enlarged lymph nodes

D. enlarged lymph nodes

A 35 year old male has enlarged lymph nodes in the neck and a medistinal mass. he was diagnosed with hodgkin lymphoma. which of the following abnormal cells would the nurse expect to find with this disease
a. merkel cell
b. schwann cell
c. reed-sternberg

C. Reed-Sternberg cell

The people from which country have the lowest risk for hodgkin lymphoma
a. united states
b. japan
c. denmark
d. great britain

B. japan

A 62 year old female tells her health care provider she has been experiencing regular night sweats that cause her to wake up drenched. she also remarks that she has been unintentionally losing weight. physical exam reveals enlarged lymph nodes on her neck

B. hodgkin lymphoma

A 10 year old male presents with abdominal swelling, night sweats, fever, and weight loss. he is diagnosed with burkitt lymphoma. upon obtaining the history, which of the following is the most likely cause
a. cytomegalovirus (CMV)
b. adenovirus
c. human p

D. epstein barr virus (EBV)

For a patient experiencing hypersplenism, the nurse expects the erythrocytes to be
a. proliferated
b. activated
c. sequestered
d. infected

C. sequestered

Thrombocytopenia may be
a. transient or consistent
b. normal or abnormal
c. congenital or acquired
d. active or inactive

C. congenital or acquired

A 30 year old female presents with hematuria, menorrhagia, and bleeding gyms. She is diagnosed with immune thrombocytic pupura (ITP). a nurse realizes the most likely cause is
a. allergy-induced platelet lysis
b. an immune response to hypersplenism
c. ant

C. antibody destruction of platelets

a 50 year old female is diagnosed with primary thrombocythemia. a nurse would expect the blood smear to reveal ____ platelets
a. defective
b. fragmented
c. consumed
d. overproduced

D. overproduced

a 52 year old male IV drug user was diagnosed with hepatitis C, 5 years ago. he is now experiencing impaired blood clotting. the nurse suspects a decrease in which of the following vitamins
a. K
b. D
c. E
d. B12

A. K

A nurse checks individuals with liver disease for clotting problems because
a. the liver is often the site of platelet pooling
b. clotting factors are produced in the liver
c. high levels of bilirubin interfere with the clotting system
d. treatment medica

B. clotting factors are produced in the liver

a 40 year old female develops disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). upon obtaining the history, which finding is the most likely cause of this condition
a. snake bite
b. blood transfusion
c. sepsis
d. immune thrombocytopenia pupura (ITP)

C. sepsis

A nurse is teaching the staff about disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). which information should the nurse include? the sequence of events in DIC is initiated by the release of
a. histamine
b. fibrin
c. tissue factor
d. plasmin

C. tissue factor

Is disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), the nurse assesses for active bleeding after intravascular clotting because
a. prothrombin is activated
b. clotting factors are depleted
c. inflammatory mediators are released
d. tissue factor (TF) is inact

B. clotting factors are depleted

A 22 year old female just delivered a healthy baby girl. she suffered from eclapsia during her pregnancy and on second postpartum day she complained of bleeding gums and brushing on her arms and legs. hematology lab tests indicate that she had disseminate

C. fibrin degradation products (FDPs)

When the nurse sees a diagnosis of hereditary hemochromatosis on the chart, the nurse knows this is a disorder of
a. intravascular coagulation
b. iron overload
c. leukocytosis
d. granulocytosis

B. iron overload

A patient has microcytic hypochromic anemia. which of the following pathogenic mechanisms may cause anemia in this patient (select all that apply)
a. decreased erythrocyte life span
b. failure of mechanisms
c. disturbances of the iron cycle
d. increased b

A. decreased erythrocyte life span
B. failure of mechanisms
C. disturbances of the iron cycle

A 15 year old male is diagnosed with infectious mononucleosis. which of the following assessment findings would he most likely demonstrate (select all that apply)
a. lymph node enlargement
b. fever and sore throat
c. rash on the trunk and extremities
d. f

A. lymph node enlargement
b. fever and sore throat
d. fatigue
e. enlargement of liver and spleen

A patient wants to know about risk factors for acute leukemia. which of the following should the nurse include (select all that apply)
a. cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection
b. eating genetically modified food
c. chemotherapy treatment for other cancers
d. ex

C. chemotherapy treatment for other cancers
D. excessive ultraviolet radiation exposure
E. ovarian cancer

A 35 year old male was diagnosed with hepatitis B. further tests reveals neutropenia characterized by a neutrophil count less than ___ per millimeter


A nurse realizes a patient has thrombocytopenia when the platelet count is below _____ platelets per cubic millimeter


A 1 year old female is diagnosed with anemia secondary to insufficient erythropoiesis. when the parents asks what caused this, how should the nurse respond? The most likely causes are
a. genetic factors
b. an iron deficiency
c. a hemoglobin abnormality

B. an iron deficiency

A 12 month old toddler weighing 18 pounds is brought to the clinic because of weakness, slow physical growth, and developmental delays. his mother reports that the only food he will consume is cow's milk. considering this information, the nurse decides th

B. iron deficiency

A 16 month old female presents with tachycardia, pallor, anorexia, and systolic murmur. the nurse is checking the lab results, and the hemoglobin determination indicates a level below _____ g/dL
a. 5
b. 7
c. 10
d. 14

A. 5

Which mother is most at risk for a maternal-fetal blood incompatibility
a. mother is Rh positive and fetus is Rh negative
b. Mother is Rh negative, fetus has type O blood
c. mother has type A blood, fetus has type O blood
d. mother has type AB blood, fetu

B. mother is Rh negative, fetus is Rh positive

A 22 year old female gives birth at 20 weeks gestation to a stillborn fetus. Physical exam of the fetus by the nurse reveals gross edema of the entire body and anemia. this condition is referred to as
a. hyperbilirubinemia
b. hydrops fetalis
c. erythrobla

B. hydrops fetalis

Sickle cell disease is characterized by the presence of Hb S. A nurse is trying to differentiate between Hb S and normal Hb. Which of the following amino acids is present in Hb S and not present in normal Hb
a. valine
b. glutamic acid
c. proline
d. histid

A. valine

A 10 year old male is diagnosed with sickle cell anemia. when the parents ask who is responsible for this disease, what is the nurse's best response? He most likely inherited it from
a. his mother
b. his father
c. both his mother and father
d. none of the

C. bother his mother and father

In the US, which group of people should be assessed first for sickle cell disease
a. asians
b. african americans
c. hispanics
d. caucasians

B. african americans

A 25 year old female has a child that is diagnosed with sickle cell anemia. she does not have the disease. which of the following characterizes the genetic makeup of the parents with regard to this trait
a. Hb S and Hb S
b. Hb S and Hb A
c. Hb S and Hb C

B. Hb S and Hb A

When should the nurse start closely monitoring the patient with sickle cell anemia? If
a. oxygen tension is low
b. pH is increased
c. plasma osmolality is decreased
d. fever develops

A. oxygen tension is low

A 12 year old male is diagnosed with sickle cell anemia. a blood smear reveals severely sickled cells. a nurse recalls the sickled cells will be removed from circulation mostly by the
a. liver
b. pancreas
c. kidney
d. spleen

D. spleen

Which major symptom in a patient with sickle cell anemia indicates to the nurse the patient is experiencing a vaso-occlusive crisis
a. peripheral edema
b. pain
c. petechiae
d. an enlarged spleen

B. pain

For which type of sickle cell crisis should the nurse assess for young children
a. hyperhemolytic crisis
b. vaso-occlusive crisis
c. aplastic crisis
d. sequestriation crisis

D. sequestriation crisis

A 6 year old male presents with fatigue, jaundice, and irritability. a blood smear shows the presence of sickled cells. erythropoiesis is compromised in this child, which crisis should the nurse monitor the patient for
a. vaso-occlusive crisis
b. sequestr

C. aplastic crisis

A 5 year old female dies from sickle cell disease. the pediatrician will document the most likely cause of death is
a. decreased hemoglobin
b. infection
c. an obstructive crisis
d. a hyperhemolytic crisis

B. infection

A geneticist is discussing thalassemias. which information should be included? the alpha and beta thalassemias are inherited in an _____ fashion
a. autosomal recessive
b. autosomal dominant
c. X-linked recessive
d. X-linked dominant

A. autosomal recessive

A 2 year old male presented with growth and maturation retardation and splenomegaly. He died shortly after arriving at the ER. autopsy revealed thalassemia secondary to defective
a. erythrocyte membranes
b. iron metabolism
c. stem cell formation
d. hemogl

D. hemoglobin synthesis

A 38 year old female gives birth to a stillborn fetus. Autopsy reveals cardiomegaly, hepatomegaly, edema, and ascites. which of the following does the nurse suspect cause the death
a. alpha thalassemia minor
b. alpha thalassemia major
c. hemoglobin H dise

B. alpha thalassemia major

If an infant has hydrops fetalis, which type of thalassemia does the nurse suspect
a. beta minor
b. beta major
c. alpha minor
d. alpha major

D. alpha major

The mother of a 3 year old child speaks to the pediatrician because the child took several hours to stop bleeding following a minor scrape. testing reveals that the child has hemophilia A resulting from a deficiency in factor
a. IX
b. XII


A nurse wants to chart the other name for hemophilia B. which term should the nurse write
a. classic hemophilia
b. christmas disease
c. thalassemia
d. Vom Willebrand disease

B. christmas disease

A 3 year old child presents with bruising on the legs and trunk and a petechial rash. the mother also reports frequent nosebleeds. lab tests reveal a decreased platelet count. which is the most likely diagnosis the nurse will see documented on the chart

A. idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)

A 5 year old male is diagnosed with idiopathic thrombocytic purpura (ITP). which information should the nurse give the staff regarding the cause of this condition
a. normal postnatal platelet lysis
b. vitally induced antibody destruction of platelets
c. a

B. virally induced antibody destruction of platelets

Which of the following clusters of symptoms would lead the nurse to suspect a child has idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura
a. multiple infections, bruising, abnormal bone marrow aspiration
b. lower extremity that is warm to touch, edematous, and painful

C. spontaneous nosebleeds ,bruising, petechiae

A 1 year old is diagnosed with idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP). The nurse assess for the most serious concern, which is development of
a. respiratory infection
b. asymmetric bruising
c. intracranial bleeding
d. immunosuppression

C. intracranial bleeding

A nurse monitors for the most common childhood cancer, which is
a. acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)
b. chronic myelocytic leukemia (CML)
c. non-hodgkin lymphoma
d. hodgkin lymphoma

A. acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)

A 10 year old male with down syndrome undergoes chemotherapy for cancer. following treatment, monitoring for which condition is priority
a. acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)
b. acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)
c. non-hodgkin lymphoma (NHL)
d. hodgkin lym

B. acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)

A 10 year old female is diagnosed with a malignancy in the brain and lung. DNA analysis reveals translocation at chromosome 7 and 14. the most likely medical diagnosis the primary care provider will make is
a. lymphoblastic non-hodgkin lymphoma (NHL)
b. n

A. lymphoblastic non-hodgkin lymphoma (NHL)

Which condition makes the patient most prone for developing non-hodgkin lymphoma (NHL)
a. sickle cell disease
b. sickle cell trait
c. renal failure


What is a priority assessment for hodgkin lymphoma in children
a. painless adenopathy in cervical nodes
b. significant bruising
c. weight gain
d. petechiae

A. painless adenopathy in cervical nodes

Which laboratory test will assist the nurse in identifying infants who are prone to develop hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN)
a. total bilirubin
b. coombs
c. Rh antibodies
d. platelets

B. coombs

A nurse is planning care for a child with iron deficiency anemia. characteristics of iron deficiency anemia include which of the following (select all that apply)
a. it is most common between the ages of 6 months and 2 years
b. it is related to gender and

A. it is most common between the ages of 6 months and 2 years
C. it may be related to socioeconomic factors
E. it is difficult to diagnose in early stages

A 5 year old male is diagnosed with leukemia. which of the following symptoms would the nurse expect (select all that apply)
a. fatigue
b. jaundice
c. pallor
d. petechiae
e. fever

A. fatigue
C. pallor
D. petechiae

an 8 week old infant presents to his pediatrician for a well baby checkup. physical exam reveals a murmur and an echocardiogram confirms a ventricular septal defect. which of the following genetic factors should the nurse assess for as it would most likel

C. down syndrome

A newborn is diagnosed with tetralogy of fallot. what symptoms would the nurse expect to observe in the child
a. high-pitched cry and dyspnea
b. cyanosis and hypoxia
c. leg pain and twitching
d. epistaxis and anemia

B. cyanosis and hypoxia

A newborn is diagnosed with congenital heart disease. which of the following intrauterine factors should the nurse focus on during the history that could have caused this disorder
a. diabetes
b. alcohol exposure
c. viral infection
d. dextroamphetamine

C. vital infection

when a staff member asks what coarctation of the aorta is, how should the nurse respond. coarctation of the aorta is the local narrowing of the aorta near the
a. aortic valve
b. ductus arteriosus
c. diaphragm
d. bifurcation into the common iliac arteries

B. ductus arteriosus

A newborn is suspected of having coarctation of the aorta. which of the following assessments would aid in diagnosis
a. cyanosis
b. bounding pedal pulses
c. cool arms
d. weak or absent femoral pulses

D. weak or absent femoral pulses

A 1 month old infant visits his primary care provider for a well baby check. physical exam reveals decreased cardiac output, hypotension, tachycardia, and a loud murmur suggestive of aortic stenosis. which of the following would be expected with this diag

B. ventricular hypertrophy

a newborn develops a murmur and cyanosis shortly after birth. she is diagnosed with pulmonic stenosis (PS) after an echocardiogram revealed narrowing of the pulmonary
a. tree
b. artery
c. valve orifice
d. vein

C. valve orifice

when a staff member asks what the patent opening between the aorta and pulmonary artery in a fetus is called, how should the nurse reply? it is the
a. foramen ovale
b. sinus venous
c. ductus arteriosus
d. septal defect

C. ductus arteriosus

a 2 week old infant presents with poor feeding, fatigue, dyspnea, and a murmur. she is diagnosed with a patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). a nurse recalls this condition results in
a. decreased pulmonary blood flow
b. right to left shunt
c. left to right shu

C. left to right shunt

An infant undergoes an echocardiogram for a suspected heart defect. tests reveal an opening in the middle of the atrial septum. what term would the nurse use to describe this defect
a. ostium primum atrial septal defect (ASD)
b. ostium secumdum ASD
c. sin

B. ostium secundum ASD

Which is the most common type of congenital heart defect the nurse should assess for in infant
a. atrial septal defect (ASD)
b. ventricular septal defect (VSD)
c. tetralogy of fallot
d. atrioventricular canal defect

B. ventricular septal defect (VSD)

An 8 week old infant presents to her primary care provider for a well-baby check. physical exam reveals a murmur, and an echocardiogram shows a large ventricular septal defect. if left untreated, what condition should the nurse discuss with the parents

A. pulmonary hypertension

A 22 year old pregnant woman presents to her OBGYN for a prenatal checkup. The heartbeat sounds irregular, and a fetal echocardiogram reveals an atrioventricular canal (AVC) defect. this defect is the result of
a. failure of the ductus arteriosus to close

B. fusion of the endocardial cushions

A newborn experiences frequent periods of cyanosis, usually occurring during crying or after feeding. which of the following is the most likely diagnosis the nurse will observe on the chart
a. atrioventricular canal (AVC) defect
b. ventricular septal defe

C. tetralogy of fallot

A newborn child has a murmur and cyanosis. an echocardiogram reveals that the tricuspid valve failed to develop and no blood flows between the right atrium and ventricle. what term will the nurse use to describe this condition? tricuspid:
a. regurgitation

C. atresia

When the pediatrician cardiologist discusses total anomalous pulmonary venous connection, which of the following statements BEST describes this condition
a. the foramen ovale closes after birth
b. pulmonary venous return is to the right atrium
c. pulmonar

B. pulmonary venous return is to the right atrium

A newborn baby is severely cyanotic. an echocardiogram reveals transposition of the greatest arteries. a nurse assesses for which of the following, as it usually occurs with this defect
a. the pulmonary artery leaving the right ventricle
b. the aorta leav

B. the aorta leaving the right ventricle

a 1 month old infant was diagnosed with truncus arteriosus (TA) with a ventricular septal defect. which of the following would the nurse also expect
a. hypertrophy of the aorta and major arteries
b. transposition of the aorta and pulmonary trunk
c. the ao

D. blood from both ventricles mixing in a common vessel

A 22 year old pregnant female presents for a fetal echocardiogram. tests reveal small left atrium and mitral valve and an absent left ventricle and aortic valve. the diagnosis is hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS). the nurse will anticipate that the t

A. an indication for neonatal heart transplant

a 1 year old female with a ventricular septal defect is experiencing left-sided heart failure. which of the following symptoms will most likely occur
a. failure to thrive and periorbital edema
b. edema to the hands and feet
c. weight loss and jaundice

A. failure to thrive and periorbital edema

A 3 year old male is diagnosed with Kawasaki disease. Which of the following does the nurse suspect is the most likely cause
a. a genetic defect causing left heart failure
b. autoimmune injury to the lymphatic vessels
c. infectious pericarditis
d. inflamm

D. inflammation of the small capillaries, arteries, and veins

A 5 year old female is found to have hypertension during three separate visits to her primary care provider. the nurse would expect tests to suggest that the hypertension is secondary to
a. renal disease
b. brain tumor
c. hypocalcemia
d. hyponatremia

A. renal disease

A 40 year old pregnant woman is concerned about the health of her unborn child. she has phenylketonuria (PKU) and recently had a viral infection. if the child is born with a congenital heart defect, which of the following is the most likely based on the m

A. coarctation of aorta
D. patent ductus arteriosus

A newborn child is diagnosed with trisomy 18. which of the following congenital heart defects should the nurse assess for in the infant (select all that apply)
a. patent ductus
b. coarctation of the aorta
c. atrioventricular canal defect
d. ventricular se

A. patent ductus
D. ventricular septal defect
E. pulmonary stenosis

a 60 year old male presents to his primary care provider reporting chest pain. he is diagnosed with atherosclerosis. this disease is caused by
a. arterial wall thinning and weakening
b. abnormally dilated arteries and veins
c. abnormal thickening and hard

C. abnormal thickening and hardening of vessel walls

a patient wants to know what causes atherosclerosis. how should the nurse respond? in general, arteriosclerosis is caused by
a. high serum cholesterol levels
b. endothelial injury and inflammation
c. an increase in antithrombotic substances
d. congenital

B. endothelial injury and inflammation

a staff member asks a nurse what foam cells are. what is the nurse's best response? foam cells in a fatty streak are
a. deposited adipose cells
b. injured neutrophils
c. macrophages that engulf low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
d. lipid-laden mast cells

C. macrophages that engulf low-density lipoprotein (LDL)

A nurse takes an adult patient's blood pressure and determines it to be normal. what reading does the nurse obtain?
a. systolic pressure between 140 mmHg and 150 mmHg
b. systolic pressure less than 120 mmHg and diastolic pressure less than 80 mmHg
c. syst

B. systolic pressure less than 120 mmHg and diastolic pressure less than 80 mmHg

Most cases of combined systolic and diastolic hypertension have no known cause and are documented on the chart as ___ hypertension
a. primary
b. secondary
c. congenital
d. acquired

A. primary

A 30 year old caucasian female was recently diagnosed with primary hypertension. she reports that she eats fairly well, usually having red meats and potatoes daily. she also reports that her father has hypertension as well. a nurse determines which of the

D. genes

A 65 year old male presents for a routine checkup. a blood pressure check reveals a systolic pressure of 160 mmHg and a diastolic pressure of 70 mmHg. which of the following is the most likely cause of this type of pressure elevation
a. vasospasm
b. rigid

B. rigidity of the aorta

A 52 year old male is diagnosed with primary hypertension. he has no other health problems. present treatment would cause the nurse to anticipate administering which drug to the patient
a. a beta-adrenergic agonist
b. an alpha-adrenergic agonist
c. a diur

C. a diuretic

A 55 year old female has undiagnosed hypertension. she presents to her primary care provider reporting impaired vision and chronic edema. lab tests reveal that she also has renal insufficiency. while planning care, the nurse realizes the most likely cause

C. end-organ damage

A nurse monitors the patient for ____ when rapid onset of malignant hypertension results
a. atherosclerosis
b. encephalopathy
c. pulmonary edema
d. acute renal failure

B. encephalopathy

when a nurse checks the patient for orthostatic hypotension, what did the nurse have the patient do
a. physical exertion
b. eat
c. stand up
d. lie down

C. stand up

A 50 year old male is diagnosed with orthostatic hypotension. which of the following symptoms would he most likely experience
a. headache and blurred vision
b. nausea and vomiting
c. chest pain and palpitations
d. syncope and fainting

D. syncope and fainting

a 65 year old female presents to the emergency department reporting difficulty swallowing and shortness of breath. A CT scan would most likely reveal an aneurysm in the
a. cerebral vessels
b. renal arteries
c. inferior vena cava
d. thoracic aorta

D. thoracic aorta

A 60 year old male is diagnosed with cerebral aneurysm. where does the nurse suspect the cerebral aneurysm is located
a. vertebral arteries
b. basilar artery
c. circle of willis
d. carotid arteries

C. circle of willis

what term should the nurse document for a detached blood clot
a. thrombus
b. embolus
c. thromboembolus
d. infarction

C. thromboembolus

A 32 year old female presents with lower leg pain with swelling and redness. while obtaining the patient's history, which finding could have caused her condition
a. venous thrombus
b. heart valve damage
c. bacterial infection
d. atherosclerosis

A. venous thrombus

A 28 year old female presents with severe chest pain and shortness of breath. she is diagnosed with pulmonary embolism, which most likely originated from the
a. left ventricle
b. systemic arteries
c. deep veins of the leg
d. superficial veins of the arm

C. deep veins of the leg

Individuals with Raynaud disease need to be counseled to avoid which of the following conditions to prevent severe symptoms
a. allergic reactions
b. cold exposure
c. hot water immersion
d. tissue injury

B. cold exposure

A 75 year old obese female presents to her primary care provider reporting edema in the lower extremities. physical exam reveals that she has varicose veins. upon performing the history, which of the following is a possible cause for the varicose veins

B. long periods of standing

A 52 year old male presents with pooling of blood in the veins of the lower extremities and edema. the diagnosis is chronic venous insufficiency, and an expect assessment finding of this disorder is
a. deep vein thrombus formation
b. skin hyperpigmentatio

B. skin hyperpigmentation

While planning care for a patient with superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS) which principle should the nurse remember? SVCS is a progressive _____ of the superior vena cava (SVC) that leads to venous distention of the upper extremities and head
a. inflammat

B. occlusion

A 50 year old male with a 30 year history of smoking was diagnosed with bronchogenic cancer. he developed edema and venous distention in the upper extremities and face. which of the following diagnosis will the nurse observe on the chart
a. thromboembolis

C. superior vena cava syndrome (SVCS)

A 52 year old female is diagnosed with coronary artery disease. the nurse assesses for myocardial
a. hypertrophy
b. ischemia
c. necrosis
d. inflammation

B. ischemia

A 56 year old male is diagnosed with coronary artery disease. which of the following modifiable risk factors would the nurse suggest the patient change
a. eating meat
b. living arrangements
c. drinking tomato juice
d. smoking cigarettes

D. smoking cigarettes

A 50 year old obese male with hypertension and coronary artery disease visits a nutritionist for food counseling. he has an elevated level of low density lipoprotein (LDL) and a low level of high density lipoprotein (HDL). which of the following should th

D. trans fats

When a patient asks the nurse what is the most common cause of myocardial ischemia, which statement is the correct response? the most common cause of myocardial ischemia is
a. idiopathic vasospasm
b. arterial emboli from heart valve
c. atherosclerosis

C. atherosclerosis

A 51 year old male presents with recurrent chest pain on exertion. he is diagnosed with angina pectoris. when he asks what causes the pain, how should the nurse respond? the pain occurs when
a. cardiac output has fallen below normal levels
b. the myocardi

B. the myocardial oxygen supply has fallen below demand

A 62 year old male presents to his primary care provider reporting chest pain at rest and with exertion. he does not have a history of coronary artery disease and repots that the pain often occurs at night. he is most likely experiencing which type of ang

C. prinzmetal

A 51 year old male is at the health clinic for an annual physical exam. after walking from the car to the clinic he developed sub sternal pain. he also reported discomfort in his left shoulder and jaw, lasting 2-3 minutes and then subsiding with rest. he

A. stable angina

a 49 year old male presents to his primary care provide reporting chest pain. EKG reveals ST elevation. he is diagnosed with myocardial ischemia. which of the following interventions would be most beneficial
a. administer a diuretic to decrease volume

B. apply oxygen to increase myocardial oxygen supply

A 68 year old male presents to the ER reporting chest pain. he has a history of stable angina that now appears to be unstable. he most likely has
a. milk to moderate atherosclerosis
b. impending myocardial infarction (MI)
c. electrical conducting problems

B. impending myocardial infarction (MI)

A 55 year old male died of a myocardial infarction. autopsy would most likely reveal
a. embolization of plaque from the aorta
b. decreased ventricular diastolic filling time
c. platelet aggregation within the athersclerotic coronary artery
d. smooth muscl

C. platelet aggregation within the athersclerotic coronary artery

A 60 year old female has a myocardial infarction. she was brought to the hospital 30 minutes later. she survived, but now the nurse is providing care for impaired ventricular function because
a. there is a temporary alteration in electrolyte balance
b. th

D. the resulting ischemia leads to hypoxic injury and myocardial cell death

A 75 year old male has severe chest pain and dials 911. lab tests at the hospital reveal elevated levels of cardiac troponins I and T. based upon the lab findings the nurse suspects which of the following has occurred.
a. Raynaud disease
b. Myocardial inf

B. myocardial infarction (MI)

A 28 year old female presents to the ER reporting severe chest pain that worsens with respirations or lying down. she has a fever, tachycardia, and a friction rub. based upon the assessment findings, the nurse determines the patient is experiencing
a. acu

A. acute pericarditis

A 56 year old male presents to his primary care provider for a checkup. physical exam reveals edema, hepatomegaly, and muffled heart sounds. which of the following is of greatest concern to the nurse
a. tamponade
b. exudate
c. aneurysm
d. pulsus paradoxus

A. tamponade

A 42 year old female is diagnosed with constrictive pericarditis. the nurse assess the blood pressure for decreased cardiac output because of
a. pericardial effusions
b. fibrosis and calcification of the pericardial layers
c. cardiomyopathy
d. hemorrhage

B. fibrosis and calcification of the pericardial layers

Many valvular stenosis and regurgitation disorders in adults have a common etiology. which of the following conditions should alert the nurse that the patient may have both types of valve dysfunction
a. heart failure
b. connective tissue disorders
c. rheu

C. rheumatic fever or heart disease

While planning care, the nurse remembers which principle? In valvular ____ the valve opening is constricted and narrowed because the valve leaflets, or cusps, fail to open completely
a. regurgitation
b. insufficiency
c. stenosis
d. incompetency

C. stenosis

a 67 year old female was previously diagnosed with rheumatic heart disease. tests reveal lipoprotein disposition with chronic inflammation that impairs blood flow from the left ventricle into the aorta. which of the following is the most likely diagnosis

B. aortic stenosis

A 60 year old female was diagnosed with mitral stenosis. as a result the nurse realizes the patient has incomplete emptying of the
a. right atrium
b. right ventricle
c. left atrium
d. left ventricle

C. left atrium

A 72 year old female has a history of hypertension and atherosclerosis. an echocardiogram reveals backflow into the left ventricle. which of the following is the most likely diagnosis documented on the chart
a. mitral regurgitation
b. mitral stenosis
c. a

C. aortic regurgitation

Upon assessment of the patient, the nurse finds a widened pulse pressure and throbbing peripheral pulses. which valve disorder does the nurse suspect
a. mitral regurgitation
b. mitral stenosis
c. aortic regurgitation
d. aortic stenosis

C. aortic regurgitation

A 35 year old male presents with pulmonary hypertension. testing reveals he is in right heart failure. which of the following is the most likely diagnosis the nurse will see listed on the chart
a. aortic stenosis
b. tricuspid regurgitation
c. aortic regur

B. tricuspid regurgitation

A nurse recalls the most common cardiac valve disease in the US, which tends to be most prevalent in young women is
a. mitral valve prolapse
b. pulmonary stenosis
c. tricuspid valve prolapse
d. aortic stenosis

A. mitral valve prolapse

A 10 year old male presents with fever, lymphadenopathy, arthralgia, and nose bleeds. he is diagnosed with rheumatic heart disease. When a staff member asks what caused the disease, what is the nurse's most correct response? The most likely cause of this

C. Group A - hemolytic streptococcus infections

A 1 year old male presents with fever, lymphadenopathy, arthralgia, and nose bleeds. he is diagnosed with rheumatic heart disease. while planning care, which characteristic changes should the nurse remember
a. blood-borne organisms that adhere to the valv

B. antigens that bind to the valvular lining, triggering an autoimmune response

A 30 year old female presents to her primary care provider with fever, cardiac murmur, and petechial skin lesions. she is diagnosed with infective endocarditis. when the patient wants to know what caused the disease, what is the nurse's best response? The

A. bacteria

A nurse is teaching staff about endocarditis. which information should the nurse include? Inflammatory cells have difficulty limiting the colonization of microorganisms in infective endocarditis because the
a. microorganisms are resistant
b. valves are av

C. microorganisms are sequestered in a fibrin clot

A 50 year old male visits the cardiologist for an EKG. results indicate that he has no PR interval and a variable QRS rate with rhythm irregularity. which of the following is the most likely diagnosis to be recorded on the chart
a. atrial tachycardia
b. a

B. atrial fibrillation

which characteristic changes should the nurse keep in mind while caring for a patient with left heart failure? as left heart failure progresses
a. left ventricular preload increases
b. systemic vascular resistance decreases
c. left end-diastolic volume de

A. left ventricular preload increases

A 65 year old male with a history of untreated hypertension is now experiencing left heart failure. a nurse recalls his untreated hypertension led to
a. ventricular dilation and wall thinning
b. myocardial hypertrophy and ventricular remodeling
c. inhibit

B. myocardial hypertrophy and ventricular remodeling

A 59 year old female is diagnosed with left ventricular failure. if a decrease in kidney perfusion occurs, the nurse knows this would ultimately cause
a. decreased left ventricular preload
b. increased pulmonary capillary permeability
c. increased systemi

C. increased systemic vascular resistance

A 68 year old female is experiencing left heart failure. physical exam reveals elevated blood pressure. the nurse understands this is most likely caused by
a. sympathetic nervous system compensation for decreased cardiac output
b. stress hormones promotin

A. sympathetic nervous system compensation for decreased cardiac output

When a patient with left heart failure starts to have a cough and dyspnea, which principle should the nurse remember? pulmonary symptoms, common to left heart failure, are a result of
a. inflammatory pulmonary edema
b. decreased cardiac output
c. pulmonar

C. pulmonary vascular congestion

A 73 year old female has increased pulmonary pressure resulting in right heart failure. the nurse should monitor for a possible complication because a potential cause for her heart to fail us
a. hypertension
b. left heart failure
c. acute pneumonia
d. per

B. left heart failure

A 65 year old male is diagnosed with chronic pulmonary disease and elevated pulmonary vascular resistance. which of the following heart failures should the nurse assess for in this patient
a. right heart failure
b. left heart failure
c. low-output failure

A. right heart failure

A 72 year old female has a history of right heart failure caused by a right ventricular myocardial infarction. which of the following symptoms are specifically related to her right heart failure
a. significant edema to both lower legs and feet
b. hyperten

A. significant edema to both lower legs and feet

which condition should cause the nurse to assess for high-output failure in a patient
a. metabolic alkalosis
b. hypothyroidism
c. hypovolemia
d. anemia

D. anemia

When a person is in shock, a nurse remembers impairment in cellular metabolism is caused by
a. release of toxic substances
b. free radial formation
c. inadequate tissue perfusion
d. lack of nervous or endocrine stimulation

C. inadequate tissue perfusion

one consequence of switching from aerobic to anaerobic cellular metabolism during shock states is
a. decreased adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production
b. cellular dehydration
c. cellular alkalosis
d. free radical formation

A. decreased adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production

A nurse is planning care for a patient in shock. which principle should the nurse remember? during shock states, glucose uptake is usually
a. enhanced
b. normal
c. impaired
d. energy intensive

C. impaired

A 50 year old male was admitted to the intensive care unit with a diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction (MI). He is being treated for shock. his cardiopulmonary symptoms include low blood pressure, tachycardia, and tachypnea. his skin is pale and cool.

B. decreased cardiac contractility

an 82 year old female was admitted to the hospital with confusion and severe hypotension. her body's compensatory mechanisms are increased heart rate, vasoconstriction, and movement of large volumes of interstitial fluid to the vascular compartment. what

B. hypovolemia

A 27 year old male is admitted to a neurologic unit with a complete C-5 spinal cord transection. on initial assessment he is bradycardic, hypotensive, and hyperventilating. he appears to be going into shock. the most likely mechanism of his shock is
a. hy

D. vasodilation caused by a decrease in sympathetic stimulation

What factors make a patient prone to neurogenic shock? neurogenic shock can be caused by any factor that inhibits the
a. parasympathetic nervous system
b. sympathetic nervous system
c. somatic nervous system
d. thalamus

B. sympathetic nervous system

A 15 year old male who is allergic to peanuts eats a peanut butter cup. he then goes into anaphylactic shock. which assessment findings will the nurse assess for
a. bradycardia, decreased arterial pressure, and oliguria
b. bronchoconstriction, hives or ed

B. bronchoconstriction, hives or edema, and hypotension

A nurse is teaching a patient about anaphylactic shock. which information should the nurse include? The onset of anaphylactic shock is usually
a. mild
b. immediate and life threatening
c. delayed by several hours
d. delayed by 24 hours

B. immediate and life threatning

For an infection to progress to septic shock, which of the following factors should the nurse determine occurred
a. the individual must be immunosuppressed
b. the myocardium must be impaired
c. the infection must be gram negative
d. bacteria must enter th

D. bacteria must enter the blood stream

A 20 year old female is being admitted to the hospital with fever and septic shock. which set of assessment findings would the nurse expect the patient to exhibit
a. bradycardia, palpitations, confusion, truncal rash
b. severe respiratory distress, jugula

C. low blood pressure, tachycardia, generalized edema

The hypotensive state seen in septic shock can lead to
a. bradycardia due to an overworked heart
b. gut lining disruption and the translocation of bacteria into the bloodstream
c. decreased oxygen demand of highly metabolic tissue
d. the increased spread

B. gut lining disruption and the translocation of bacteria into the bloodstream

Which patient is most prone to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS)? In a patient with
a. myocardial infarction (MI)
b. pulmonary disease
c. septic shock
d. autoimmune disease

C. septic shock

A 75 year old female has been critically ill with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) for longer than a week and has developed a severe oxygen supply and demand imbalance. The statement that best describes this imbalance is which of the following

D. the reserve has been exhausted, and the amount of oxygen consumed depends on the amount the circulation is able to deliver

Which organ should the nurse monitor closely since it is often the first to fail in patients with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS)?
a. liver
b. heart
c. lungs
d. pancreas

C. lungs

Which of the following findings in the patient with Raynaud disease would indicate a need for further teaching
a. the patient eats bananas twice a day
b. the patient smokes cigarettes
c. the patient wears mittens outside
d. the patient takes calcium chann

B. the patient smokes cigarettes

Which of the following lab tests will the nurse check to help diagnose heart failure and provide insight into its severity
a. renin level
b. brain natriuretic
c. potassium
d. troponin

B. brain natriuretic

A nurse recalls acute orthostatic hypotension can be caused by (select all that apply)
a. prolonged immobility
b. drug action
c. starvation
d. volume depletion
e. exercise

A. prolonged immobility
B. drug action
C. starvation
D. volume depletion

A patient has been researching cardiac cells on the internet. which information indicates the patient has a good understanding? Cardiac cells can withstand ischemic conditions for ____ minutes before irreversible cell injury occurs

20 minutes