





Becomes the cerebrum


Becomes the hypothalamus, thalamus, and epithalamus

Gyri (singular = gyrus)

Folds in the outer surface of an adult brain

Sulci (singular = sulcus)

Shallow depressions between the folds in the outer surface of an adult brain

Telencephalon, diencephalon, mesencephalon, metencephalon, myelencephalon

The five regions of the "brain" that have formed by the fifth week of fetal/embryonic development


Becomes a short section of the brain stem between the diencephalon and the pons


Becomes the pons and cerebellum


Becomes the medulla oblongata

Gray matter

Gets its color from unmyelinated axons. Also houses motor neurons, interneuron cell bodies, dendrites, and branching axon terminals.

White matter

Gets its color from the myelin in the myelinated axons. Also contains dendrites and associated neuroglial cells.


External sheets of gray matter that cover the surface of most of the adult brain (the cerebrum and the cerebellum)

White, gray

The ___ matter of the brain lies deep to the ___ matter of the cortex.


The region of white matter

Gray, white

In the spinal cord, the __ matter is deep to the __ matter.


Connective tissue membranes that surround and partition portions of the brain.

Cranium, meninges, CSF, blood-brain barrier

Things that support, isolate, or protect the brain.


Three connective tissue layers that separate the soft tissue of the brain from the bones of the cranium, enclose and protect blood vessesl that supply the brain, and contain and circulate CSF. Some parts form some of the veins that drain blood from the br

Pia mater

Innermost of the cranial meninges. Composed of delicate connective tissue that is highly vascularized and which tightly adheres to the brain and follows every contour of the brain surface.

Arachnoid mater

Lies immediately internal to the dura matter. Partially composed of a delicate web of collagen and elastic fibers.

Subarachnoid space

Immediately deep to the arachnoid. Where the extensions of the arachnoid extend, to connect to the pia mater.

Subdural space

Potential space between the arachnoid mater and the dura mater.

Dura mater

The most external of the meninges and is composed of tough dense irregular connective tissue that has two fibrous layers.

Dura mater

Strongest of the meninges

Meningeal layer, periosteal layer

Two layers of the dura mater

Dural venous sinuses

The meningeal layer of the dura mater is usually fused to the periosteal layer, except in specific areas where the two layers separate to form large, blood-filled spaces called ___.

Dural venous sinuses

Typically triangular in cross-section, and unlike most other veins, they do not have valves to regulate venous flow. They're large veins that drain blood from the brain and transport the blood to the internal jugular veins.

Epidural space

The dura mater and the bones of the skull may be separated by the potential ____, which contains the arteries and veins that nourish the meninges and bones of the cranium. In healthy conditions its not a space at all, but it has the potential to fill with

Cranial dural septa

The meningeal layer of the dura mater extends as flat partitions into the cranial cavity at several locations, and these are called ___.

Falx cerebri, tentorium cerebelli, falx cerebelli, diphragma sellae

The four cranial dural septa.

Falx cerebri

The largest of the four dural septa.

Tentorium cerebelli

The posterior attachment site for the falx cerebri. (The anterior attachment is the crista galli of the ethmoid bone)

Falx cerebri, tentorium cerebelli, falx cerebelli

Which three dural septa have at least one dural venous sinus?

Tentorium cerebelli

One of the cranial dural septa. A horizontally oriented fold of dura matter that separates the occipital lobe and temporal lobes of the cerebrum from the cerebellum. Dural venous sinus in its posterior border.

Tentorial notch

A small gap or opening at the anterior of the tentorium cerebelli, to allow for the passage of the brainstem.

Tentorial incisure

Another term for the tentorial notch.

Falx cerebelli

One of the cranial dural septa. Like the falx cerebri, but divides the left and right cerebellar hemispheres. Tiny dural venous sinus runs in its posterior vertical border.

Diphragma sellae

One of the cranial dural septa. Forms a roof over the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone. A small opening within it allows for the passage of a thin stalk that attches to the pituitary gland within the sella turcica to the base of the hypothalamus located