Anatomy Test 4 chat 14

Internal carotid and vertebral arteries

Fresh Blood, with oxygen and nutrients, reaches the brain through the ________

Hypothalamus and Pituitary gland

Two structures that integrate the functioning of the nervous system and endocrine system

Nucleus gracilis and nucleus cuneatus

Structures in the medulla that relay sensory information to the thalamus

Providing the blood-brain barrier

NOT a function of the cerebrospinal fluid

Diffusion across the arachnoid vili

Excess cerebrospinal fluid is returned to venous circulation by ________

Choroid Plexus

Monitoring of the composition of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and the removal of waste products from the CSF occurs in the ________

Blood-brain barrier

Neural tissue in the central nervous system (CNS) is isolated from the general circulation by the ________

A subdural hemorrhage

A break in the vein may cause blood to flow to the meningeal layer of the dura mater and down to the arachnoid layer


What are the structures that are elevated ridges, which increase surface area to increase the number of neurons in a specific area?

Receiving and interpreting visual stimuli

NOT a function of the medulla oblongata

Pia mater

Which of the meninges is adhered to the surface of the brain and accompanies the branches of the blood vessels as they penetrate the surface of the brain?

Contains vital autonomic reflex centers

Why is damage to the medulla potentially so harmful despite the fact that the medulla is the lowest part of the brainstem?

Thalamus and Hypothalamus

Two parts of the brain that compose the diencephalon

Transporting oxygen to brain cells

NOT a function of cerebrospinal fluid

Bones of the skull

Provides mechanical protection for the brain by cradling it

The number of neurons and the complex interconnections among the neurons

The versatility of the brain to respond to stimuli is greater than that of the spinal cord because of _____

Carotid arteries and jugular veins

Which of the following structures does NOT provide protection and shock absorption for the brain

Portions of the hypothalamus and the choroid plexus

The blood-brain barrier remains intact throughout the CNS EXCEPT in ___________


What would happen if the normal circulation or resorption of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were blocked

Medulla oblongata

Which part of the brainstem has a control center that makes you breathe

Medulla oblongata

The cardiovascular centers and the respiratory rhythmicity centers are located in the __________


NOT part of the brain stem

Midbrain, pons, medulla

What is the sequence of the structures that make up the brain stem going from the diencephalon to the spinal cord?

The arachnoid mater

Which of the meningeal membranes creates a space outside the brain where cerebrospinal fluid circulates

1. "water on the brain" Hydrocephaly
2. Enlargement of the cranium in infants
3. Compression of the brain tissue and impairment of neural function

A buildup of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) in the cranial cavity can lead to ______________

Pons contains the pneumotaxic and apneustic centers

Why might damage to the pons be sufficient to cause death?

Pre optic Area

Which component of the diencephalon is stimulated by changes in body temperature?

Pons and medulla oblongata

The cranial nerve that contains sensory neurons from the sense organs of the internal ear connects to which part or parts of the brain

Inferior colliculi

Have you ever noticed how we humans turn our head in response to a loud noise? What part of the midbrain is involved in bringing about this response to the loud noise

Cerebellar motor patterns

The effortless serve of a tennis player is a result of establishing _____________

Secretes oxytocin

The paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus


Relay and processing centers for sensory information are found in the

Brain stem, cerebrum, and spinal cord

The pons links the cerebellum with the

To filter and pass along sensory information to the basal nuclei and cerebral cortex

What is the function of the thalamus

Right and Left cerebral hemispheres

Which of the following is NOT a set of regions linked by the pons


The part(s) of the diencephalon responsible for coordinating the activities of the central nervous system and the endocrine system is/are the

Arbor vitae

White matter in the cerebellum is called the ___________ because it resembles a tree

Cerebellar cortex and nuclei

What are the components that make up the cerebellar gray matter

Substantia nigra

Inactivity of the neurons in which part of the midbrain is involved in Parkinson's disease?


The epithalamus, thalamus, and hypothalamus are anatomical structures of the

Nerves V, VI, VII, VIII

Which cranial nerves originate in the pons


The pineal gland, an endocrine structure that secretes the hormone melatonin, is found in the

Apneustic and pneumotaxic centers

The centers in the pons that modify the activity of the respiratory rhythmicity center in the medulla oblongata are the

ADH and oxytocin

The hypothalamus produces and secretes the hormones

Storing complex memories

NOT a function of the hypothalamus


Coordination and refinement of learned movement patterns at the subconscious level are performed by the

Fine-tuning muscle movements

function of the cerebellum

Generalized lethargy or actual sleep

Hypothalamic or thalamic stimulation that depresses reticular formation activity in the brain stem results in

Pineal gland

Which of the following produces the hormone melatonin


Which part of the brain regulates the functioning of the autonomic nervous system

Occipital lobe

Which lobe of the cerebrum is concerned with the sense of sight

Touch, pressure, pain, taste, and temperature receptors

The neurons in the primary sensory cortex receive somatic sensory information from

Gustatory cortex

Which of the following regions of the cerebral cortex receives sensory information from the taste receptors of the tongue and pharynx

Nerves III, IV and VI

Which cranial nerves are concerned with eyeball movement

Limbic system

Which part of the brain is known as the "Motivational System

Beta waves

Assume that as you are taking this practice exam, you are concentrating and giving it your full attention. If you were connected to an EEG at this moment, what type of brain waves would it record

Maintaining muscle tone and learned movement patterns

Which of the following is a function of the basal nuclei

Frontal lobes

Which cerebral lobes are the most anterior


NOT part of the limbic lobe of the limbic system

Vagus nerve (X)

Which cranial nerves does NOT supply the tongue


Which cranial nerve contains sensory fibers coming from the inner ear and is responsible for hearing and balance

Basal nuclei

The masses of gray matter that lie within each cerebral hemisphere deep to the floor of the lateral ventricle are the

Medulla oblongata

Which part of the brain contains many of the reflex centers that allow the complex visceral reflexes

Amygdaloid body

David hears a strange noise at his back door late one night. It sounds as though someone is trying to break into his home. He automatically goes into a fight-or-flight response. What part of the limbic system helps control the flight-or-flight response

Cranial visceral reflex

When you step outside on a bright sunny day, your pupils constrict. What kind of a reflex is this

Establishing emotional states

The limbic system is responsible for


What major region of the brain is responsible for conscious thought processes, sensations, intellectual functions, memory, and complex motor patterns

Coordination of learned motor responses

The somatic motor association is responsible for the


The sea horse-like structure in the limbic system that is responsible for storage and retrieval of new long-term memories is the

Can see letters clearly but can't recognize or interpret them

An individual with a damaged visual association area

Beneath the neural cortex and around the cerebral nuclei

The white matter of the cerebrum is found

Broca's area

After suffering a stroke, the patient is unable to speak. He can understand what is said to him and write messages, but he cannot express himself verbally. Which part of his brain was affected by the stroke

Reduced movement of auditory ossicles

A loud noise produces a tympanic reflex that results in

Primary motor cortex

Which of the following directs voluntary movements by initiating impulses in somatic motor neurons

To assess damage to cranial nerves and associated processing centers

Why do we test cranial reflexes?


Which division of the adult brain weights most


The cerebrum develops from the embryonic

Arachnoid granulations

The CSF leaves the CNS and enters the circulation at the

Subarachnoid space

The CSF circulates within the

It encloses the fourth ventricle
It lies between the spinal cord and pons
It relays sensory and motor information

Medulla oblongata

Cochlear nucleus

The center in the medulla oblongata where the first synapse in the auditory pathway is made is the

Middle cerebellar peduncle

The pons exchanges information with the cerebellum over the

Nuclei for four cranial nerves
Respiratory control nuclei
Tracts to the cerebellum

Which of these is found in the pons


Making rapid postural adjustments is a major function of the

Cerebellar cortex

The huge, highly branched neurons known as Purkinje cells are found in the

Superior colliculi

Which part of the mesencephalon coordinates reflex eye movements

Substantia nigra

Injury to this center in the mesencephalon may lead to Parkinson's disease

Roof of the 4th ventricle

NOT a property of the epithalamus

Process and transmit sensory information
Secrete CSF
To regulate body temperature

Which of the following is a function of the diencephalon?

Regulates body temperature

Which of these is not a property of the limbic system?


The region of cerebrum anterior to the central sulcus is the ___________ lobe


The region of cerebral cortex inferior to the lateral sulcus is the ____________ lobe

Postcentral gyrus

The primary somatosensory cortex is found on the

Cranial nerve II

Which of these cranial nerves does not carry motor impulses to the eyes

Damage to cranial nerve II

Which of these neural injuries will the corneal reflex not test for