Anatomy 109 Exam 5

What is the peripheral nervous system?

* The peripheral nervous system consists of nervous tissue outside the brain and the spinal cord.

What types of nervous tissues are found in the peripheral nervous system?

* Nerves and Ganglia

What are the subdivisons of the peripheral nervous system?

*Somatic- involved in voluntary skeletal muscle activities (body wall)
*Autonomic- regulates activities of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands (most complex) (GI tract)
*Enteric- regulates GI tract activity

What exactly is a nerve?

*Bundles of axons outside CNS, along with associated connective tissues and blood vessels.
*Cranial nerves- arise from the brain
*Spinal nerves- arise from the spinal cord

What is the microanatomical structure of a nerve?

* Three protective tissue coverings
~ Endoneurium: around each axon (with or without myelin)
~ Perineurium: around fascicle of axons
~ Epineurium: around several fascicles, continuous from dura mater of CNS

How many cranial nerves are present in the human body?

* There are twelve pairs that are numbered from anterior to posterior.
~ Pass through foramina in cranial bones

What are the different types of cranial nerves?

1. Sensory
2. Motor
3. Mixed


*Carry axons of snesory neurons
~ Periphery to brain
~ Cell bodies in ganglia


*Predominantly axons of motor neurons
~ Brain to periphery
~ Somatic: innervate skeletal muscle
~ Autonomic: innervate smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and glands
~ Cell bodies in nuclei within brain


*Contain axons of both sensory and motor neurons


I. Olfactory
II. Optic
V. Trigeminal
VI. Abducens
IX. Glossopharyngeal
X. Vagus
XI. Accessory
XII. Hypoglossal

*B-Both (Mixed Nerve)

Say- Optic

Cranial Nerve I: Olfactory

*Functions in sense of smell
~ Carries impulses from odor receptors within olfactory epithelium in nasal cavity
~ Pass through olfactory foramina in cribiform plate of ethmoid bone
~ Synapse in olfactory bulbs with neurons of olfactory tracts
~ E

Cranial Nerve II: Optic

*Functions in sense of vision
~ Carries impulses from rods and cones in retina of eye
~ Pass through optic foramen in orbit
~ Merge to form optic chiasm
- Some cross to other side
- Some stay on same side
~ Optic tracts end in primary visual area

Cranial Nerve III: Oculomotor

~ Some axons for proprioception association with eyeball muscles
*Functions in movement of eye
~ Carries somatic motor impulses to four muscles of eyeball and of the upper eyelid
~ Autonomic motor axons adjust shape of lens and size of pupil

Cranial Nerve IV: Trochlear

~ Some axons for proprioception associated with eyeball muscles
*Functions in movement of eye
~ Carries somatic motor impulses to superior oblique muscle to move eyeball

Cranial Nerve V: Trigeminal

~ Sensory impulses from scalp, face and mouth for touch, pain, temperature, and proprioception
~ Somatic motor impulses to muscles of chewing and middle ear muscles
*Three branches
~ Opthalmic: through superior orbital fissure (Sensory);

Cranial Nerve VI: Abducens

~ Some axons for proprioception associated with eyeball muscles
*Functions in movement of eye
~ Carries somatic motor impulses to lateral rectus muscle to move eyeball laterally
- Abducting the eye

Cranial Nerve VII: Facial

~ Sensory impulses for taste from taste buds of anterior tongue to primary gustatory area of cerebral parietal lobe
~ Sensory impulses for touch, pain, and temperature fro ear canal
~ Sensory impulses for proprioception from face and sca

Cranial Nerve VIII: Vestibulocochlear

*Functions in sense of hearing and equilibrium
-Vestibular branch (balance)
~ Carries impulses for equilibrium from semicircular canals and vestibule of inner ear to cerebellum
-Cochlear branch (hearing)
~ Carries impulses for hearing from spiral

Cranial Nerve IX: Glossopharyngeal

~ Sensory impulses for taste from posterior tongue
~ Sensory impulses for touch, pain, and temperature from external ear and upper pharynx
~ Sensory impulses for proprioception from muscles of swallowing
~ Sensory impulses from barorecep

Cranial Nerve X: Vagus

~ Sensory impulses for taste from epiglottis and pharynx
~ Sensory impulses for touch, pain, and temperature for external ear
~ Sensory impulses for proprioception from muscles of neck and throat
~ Sensory impulses from baroreceptors and

Cranial Nerve XI: Accessory

~ Some axons for proprioception associated with neck muscles
*Functions in movement of head
~ Carries somatic motor impulses to sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles to coordinate head and pectoral girdle movements
~ Considered cranial nerve be

Cranial Nerve XII: Hypoglossal

~ Some axons for proprioception associated with tongue muscles (below the tongue)
*Functions in movement of tongue
~ Carries somatic motor impulses to tongue muscles for speech, manipulation of food, and swallowing

What are spinal nerves? How are they named?

*Thirty-one pairs named and numbered by region and level of spinal cord

Where do spinal nerves originate?

*Most pass through intervertebral foramen between vertebrae
*Those below end of spinal cord pass through vertebral foramen before emerging
~ Cervical nerves (8)
~ Thoracic nerves (12)
~ Lumbar nerves (5)
~ Sacral nerves (5)
~ Coccygeal nerves (1)