Axial Muscle Quiz

The axial muscles do all of the following EXCEPT

a) originate and insert on bones of the axial skeleton
--->b) move and stabilize the pelvic and pectoral girdles
c) support and move the head and spinal column
d) assist in food processing and swallowing

The axial muscles are organized by location into how many major groups?

a) three
b) four
--->c) five
d) six

Specific groups within the muscle of the head and neck include:

A) muscles of facial expression and extrinsic eye muscles
B) muscles of mastication and muscles that move the tongue
C) muscles of the pharynx and muscles of the anterior neck
--->D) all of the above

With few exceptions, muscles of the head and neck originate..

A) in the dermis of the skin covering the face and scalp
--->B) on either the skull or the hyoid bone
C) on the cervical vertebrae and first rib
D) all of the above

The epicranius is composed of which of the following?

A) the frontal belly of the occipitofrontalis muscle
B) the occipital belly of the occipitofrontalis muscle
C) the epicranial aponeurosis
--->D) all of the above

The word root GASTER most nearly means

A) head
--->B) belly
C) muscle
D) body

Which of these muscles insert into the superficial fascia of the skin?

A) posterior neck muscles
B) anterolateral neck muscles
--->C) muscles of facial expression
D) muscles of mastication

The obicularis oris muscle

--->A) compresses and purses the lips
B) elevates the corner of the mouth
C) draws the lower lip inferiorly
D) draws the corner of the lip laterally

Which muscle pulls the lower lip inferiorly and tenses the skin of the neck?

A) depressor anguli oris
B) depressor labii inferioris
C) mentalis
--->D) platysma

The muscle that closes the eye and produces winking, blinking, and squinting is the

--->A) orbicularis oculi
B) orbicularis oris
C) superior rectus
D) superior oblique

The muscles of facial expression are innervated by

A) the trigeminal nerve
B) the trochlear nerve
--->C) the facial nerve
D) all of the above

Which of the following is not an extrinsic eye muscle?

A) medial rectus
--->B) lateral oblique
C) inferior oblique
D) superior rectus

Which extrinsic eye muslces elevate the eyes?

A) superior rectus only
B) superior oblique only
--->C) superior rectus and inferior oblique
D) inferior rectus and superior oblique

All of the following are muscle of mastication except

A) temporalis
--->B) risorius
C) lateral pterygoid
D) masseter

the muscles of mastication are all innervated by which cranial nerve?

A) facial
B) glossopharyngeal
--->C) trigeminal
D) vagus

Names of the extrinsic muscles of the ______ end with suffix- glossus

--->A) tongue
B) eye
C) anterior neck
D) pharynx

The word root 'geni' most nearly means

A) tooth
--->B) chin
C) jaw
D) mouth

Which muscles initiate swallowing and force the food inferiorly into the esophagus?

A) the palatopharyngeus and stylopharyngeus
B) the levator veli palatini and tensor veli palatini
--->C) the pharyngeal constrictors
D) all of the above

The dividing point for the two groups of anterior muscles of the neck is the

A) thyroid cartilage
--->B) hyoid bone
C) sternum
D) superior end of the trachea

Which muscle elevates the hyoid bone and depresses the mandible?

A) stylohyoid
--->B) mylohyoid
C) geniohyoid
D) digastric

Unilateral contraction of the __________ results in lateral flexion and rotation of the head to the opposite side; bilateral contraction flexes the head and neck

A) sternocleidomastoid
B) splenius capitis and cervicis
--->C) longissimus capitis
D) superior oblique

The word root 'splenion', used in the names of two posterior neck muscles, translates to mean

--->A) bandage
B) uneven
C) slanting
D) neck

The three large, complex groups of muscles that extend or laterally flex the vertebral column are collectively called the __________ muscles

A) iliocostalis
B) spinalis
--->C) erector spinae
D) longissimus

The rotatores are small muscles in the ________ group that are named for one of their actions.

A) iliocostalis
B) erector spinae
C) semispinalis
--->D) transversospinalis

Which muscles elevates the ribs in respiration?

A) serratus posterior inferior and internal intercostals
--->B) serratus posterior superior and external intercostals
C) diaphragm and transversus thoracis
D) all of the above

Which of the following muscles reinforce the anterolateral wall of the abdomen?

A) rectus abdominis
B) internal and external oblique
C) transversus abdominis
--->D) all of the above

The region between the lower appendages, bounded by the pubic symphysis, coccyx, and ischial tuberosities, is called the

A) urogenital triangle
--->B) perineum
C) pelvic diaphragm
D) anal triangle

Muscles of the pelvic floor perform which of the following functions?

A) support the pelvic viscera
B) assist erection of the penis or clitoris
C) help control defecation and urination
--->D) all of the above

The deep transverse perineal and external urethral sphincter are collectively called the

A) levator ani
B) pelvic diaphragm
--->C) urogenital diaphragm
D) anal triangle

All of the following are superficial muscles of the urogenital triangle except the

--->A) external urethral sphincter
B) ischiocavernosus
C) bulbospongiosus
D) superficial transverse perineal