Bone Practical Sealy


What type of vertebrae is shown in blue?


What type of vertebrae is shown in blue?


What type of vertebrae is shown in blue?


What type of vertebrae is shown in blue?


Which vertebrae is this?


Which vertebrae is this?

false ribs

floating ribs

true ribs




boy or girl

Coronoid fossa

Name this specific part of the humerus.

Fovea capitis

Name this specific bony landmark of the femur.



iliac crest


obturator foramen



Occipital bone

Name this bone.

A. Frontal Bone
B. Parietal Bones
C. Temporal Bones
D. Ethmoid Bone
E. Mandible
F. Maxillary Bones
G. Zygomatic Bones
H. Nasal Bones
I. Lacrimal Bones
J. Inferior Nasal Conchae

A. Frontal Bone
B. Parietal Bone
C. Occipital Bone
D. Temporal Bone
E. Sphenoid Bone
F. Mandible
G. Maxillary Bone
H. Zygomatic Bone
I. Nasal Bone
J. Lacrimal Bone

Sphenoid Bone


Spinous Process

Superior Articulating Facets

Cervical Vertebrae (superior view)
A. Vertebral Foramen of Cervical Vertebrae
B. Transverse Processes of Cervical Vertebrae
C. Spinous Process of Cervical Vertebrae
D. Superior Articulating Facets of Cervical Vertebrae
E. Body of Cervical Vertebrae
F. Tra

Transverse Processes

Transverse Foramina

Vertebral Foramen


Spinous Process

Spinous Process

Superior Articulating Facets

Thoracic Vertebrae (superior view)
A. Vertebral Foramen of Thoracic Vertebrae
B. Transverse Processes of Thoracic Vertebrae
C. Spinous Process of Thoracic Vertebrae
D. Superior Articulating Facets of Thoracic Vertebrae
E. Body of Thoracic Vertebrae

Transverse Processes

Vertebral Foramen


Lumbar Vertebrae (inferior view)
A. Vertebral Foramen of Lumbar Vertebrae
B. Transverse Processes of Lumbar Vertebrae
C. Spinous Process of Lumbar Vertebrae
D. Inferior Articulating Facets of Lumbar Vertebrae
E. Body of Thoracic Vertebrae

Spinous Process

Superior Articulating Facets

Lumbar Vertebrae (superior view)
A. Body of Lumbar Vertebrae
B. Transverse Processes of Lumbar Vertebrae
C. Spinous Process of Lumbar Vertebrae
D. Superior Articulating Facets of Lumbar Vertebrae

Transverse Processes

Vertebral Foramen


Body of sternum

Manubrium of sternum

Xiphoid Process of the Sternum

A. Manubrium of the Sternum
B. Body of the Sternum
C. Xiphoid Process of the Sternum
D. Jugular Notch
E. Sternal Angle


Acromian Process of the Scapula

Anatomical Neck of the Humerus

Bones of the Hand
(superior view)
A. Distal Phalanges
B. Middle Phalanges (not present in the thumb so there is no 1st middle phalanx)
C. Proximal Phalanges
D. Metacarpals
E. Carpals

Capitate Carpal

Capitulum of the Humerus

Carpal Bones of the Hand
(anterior view)
B. Lunate
C. Triquetrum
D. Pisiform
E. Trapezium
F. Trapezoid
G. Capitate
H. Hamate

Coracoid Process of the Scapula

Coronoid Process of the Ulna

Deltoid Tuberosity

Glenoid Fossa/cavity of the Scapula

Glenoid Fossa of the Scapula

Greater Tubercle of the Humerus

Hamate Carpal

Head of the Humerus

(distal end, anterior view)
A. Lateral Epicondyle of the Humerus
B. Capitulum of the Humerus
C. Trochlea of the Humerus
D. Medial Epicondyle of the Humerus

(distal end, posterior view)
A. Medial Epicondyle of the Humerus
B. Trochlea of the Humerus
C. Capitulum of the Humerus
D. Lateral Epicondyle of the Humerus
E. Olecranon Fossa of the Humerus

(proximal end, anterior view)
A. Greater Tubercle of the Humerus
B. Lesser Tubercle of the Humerus
C. Intertubercular Groove of the Humerus
D. Surgical Neck of the Humerus
E. Deltoid Tuberosity of the Humerus
F. Anatomical Neck of the Humerus
G. H

(proximal end, posterior view)
A. Head of the Humerus
B. Anatomical Neck of the Humerus
C. Surgical Neck of the Humerus
D. Greater Tubercle of the Humerus

Head of the Radius

Lateral Border of the Scapula

Lunate Carpal

Medial Border of the Scapula

Medial Epicondyle of the Humerus

Olecranon Fossa of the Humerus

Olecranon Process of the Ulna

Pisiform Carpal

Radial Tuberosity of the Radius

(anterior view)
A. Head of the Radius
B. Styloid Process of the Radius
C. Radial Tuberosity of the Radius

Scaphoid Carpal

(anterior view)
A. Acromian Process of the Scapula
B. Glenoid Fossa of the Scapula
C. Lateral Border of the Scapula
D. Subscapula Fossa of the Scapula
E. Vertebral (Medial) Border
F. Superior Border of the Scapula
G. Coracoid Process of the Scapul

(lateral view)
A. Acromian Process of the Scapula
B. Spine of the Scapula
C. Glenoid cavity
D. Coracoid Process of the Scapula

(posterior view)
A. Superior Border of the Scapula
B. Supraspinous Fossa of the Scapula
C. Spine of the Scapula
D. Medial Border of the Scapula
E. Infraspinous Fossa of the Scapula
F. Lateral Border of the Scapula
G. Acromian Process of the Scapul

Styloid Process of the Radius

Styloid Process of the Ulna

Superior Border of the Scapula

Superior Border of the Scapula

Trapezium Carpal

Trapezoid Carpal

Triquetrum Carpal

Trochlea of the Humerus

(proximal end, lateral view)
A. Olecranon Process of the Ulna
B. Radial Notch of the Ulna
C. Coronoid Process of the Ulna
D. Semilunar Notch (Trochlear Notch)

Greater Trochanter of the Femur

Head of the Fibula

Iliac Crest of the Ilium


Intermediate Cuneiform Tarsal


Lateral Conyles of the Femur

Lateral Condyle of the Tibia

Lateral Cuneiform Tarsal

Lateral Malleolus of the Fibula

Lesser Trochanter of the Femur

Medial Condyle of the Femur

Medial Condyle of the Tibia

Medial Cuneiform Tarsal

Medial Malleollus of the Tibia

Metatarsals of the Foot

Navicular Tarsal

Neck of the Femur

Patellar Surface of the Femur

Talus Tarsal

Tarsals of the Foot
(superior view)
A. Intermediate Cuneiform
B. Medial Cuneiform
C. Navicular
D. Talus
E. Calcaneus
F. Cuboid
G. Lateral Cuneiform

(proximal end, anterior view)
A. Intercondylar Eminence of the Tibia
B. Lateral Condyle of the Tibia
C. Tibial Tuberosity of the Tibia
D. Medial Tuberosity of the Tibia

Frontal Bone

Inferior Nasal Conchae

Lacrimal Bone

Sphenoid Bone

Temporal Bone


Zygomatic Bones

Superior angle

Name this specific part of the scapula.


Name this specific part of the thoracic vertebra.



Name this specific bone of the hand (anterior view).

Pubic symphysis

Name this specific part of the pelvic girdle.

Tibial tuberosity

Name this specific part of the tibia.


Name this bone.

Nasal bone

Name this bone.


Name this specific bone.


What is the name of bone #1


What is the name of the square bone next to #1 (on the left)
