Anatomy Review

A sacromere is best described as

a unit within a myofibril

Myofibrils are composed primarily of

actin and myosin

Neurotransmitters are stored in vesicles within

motor neuron endings

Creatine phosphate serves to

supply energy for the synthesis of ATP

ADP molecules on the surface of actin serve as active sites for the formation of cross bridges with molecules of


the amount of oxygen needed to support the conversion of lactic acid to glucose is called the

oxygen debt

A muscle cramp is likely due to the lack of


An example of a partial but sustained contraction wold be

muscle tone

A motor unit includes

several muscle fibers and one motor neuron

The increase in the number of motor units activated when the intensity of stimulation increases is called


The all-or-none response means

when a muscle fiber contracts, it contracts completely

In a recording of a muscle twitch, the delay between the time a stimulus is applied and the time the muscle responds is called the

latent period

Endomysium separates individual muscle fibers


A motor neuron and the muscle fibers that it controls constitute a motor unit


The cytoplasmic extensions that provide the main receptive surfaces for neurons are


The rhythmic, wavelike motion produced by smooth muscles in tubular visceral organs is called peristalsis


Masses of myelinated nerve fibers appear


Which of the following is NOT a type of neuroglial cell?

Nissl cell

When a nerve fiber is polarized, the concentration of

sodium ions is higher on the outside of its membrane and potassium ions is higher on the inside

Which of the following lists the parts of a reflex arc in the correct sequence?

Receptor, sensory neuron, interneuron, motor neuron, effector

The part of the brain that functions to coordinate voluntary muscle movements is the


Which of the following is closely associated with the diencephalon?


The complex network of tiny islands of gray matter within the brain that activates the cerebral cortex to a state of wakefulness is the

reticular formation

When a neuron becomes more excitable as a result of incoming subthreshold stimulation, it is said to be


In the central nervous system, myelin is formed by


Within the meninges, cerbrosipinal fluid occupies the

suborachoid space

During an action potential, repolarization occurs as a result of

potassium ions diffusing to the outside of the cell membrane

Astrocytes are thought to provide structural support within the nervous system


Interneurons are specialized to carry impulses from receptor cells into the brain or spinal cord


Nodes of Ranvier occur between adjacent neurons


A nerve is a single neuron that transmits nerve impulses


A deficiency of calcium in the body can result in continuous muscle contractions, or tetany


The subarachnoid space within the meninges contains cerebrospinal fluid


The gray comissure of the spinal cord surrounds the central canal


Sympathetic tone is defined as continuous stimulation of smooth muscles in the walls of blood vessels, which results in partial constriction


Brain damage to the temporal lobe, where recent memory is processed, can result in the inability to form long-term memory


The peripheral nervous system is composed of

somatic and autonomic

The autonomic system is composed of

sympathetic and parasympathetic

Which of the following is the main function of the autonomic nervous system

maintains homeostasis without conscious effort

There are _ pairs of cranial nerves and _ pairs of spinal nerves.


What is the function of the somatic nervous system?

contraction of skeletal muscles; voluntary movements

What is the function of the autonomic nervous system?

contraction of smooth muscle

The biconcave cells in blood that lack nuclei when they are mature are the

red blood cells

Which of the following is an agranulocyte


The normal white blood cell count is between

5,000 - 10,000 cells per cubic millimeter

A primary function of lymphocytes is to

act against foreign substances

Platelets are best defined as

cytoplasmic fragments of cells

As a platelet plug forms,, platelets release the vasocontricting substance called


The basic event is the formation of a blood clot is the change of

fibrinogen to fibrin

Type AB blood contains

A and B antigens but no antibodies

Which of the following elements is included in hemoglobin molecules?


Which of the following usually accounts for the smallest percentage of leukocytes in a blood sample?


The most active phagocytic cells among the leukocytes(white blood cells) are

neutrophil and monocytes

The most important action of plasma albumins is

help maintain osmotic pressure

Which of the following serves as an enzyme in the blood coagulation mechanism?


Patients with leukemia have a tendency to bleed because they have a deficiency of


Erythorblastosis fetalis can be prevented by treating

Rh- negative mothers with anti-Rh agglution

Two substances that are useful for dissolving blood clots are

urokinase and streptokinase

Persons with type AB blood are sometimes called universal donors


A red blood cell contains a large nucleus; it is thicker near the center and thin around the rim of the cell


Platelet plug is formed when fibrinogen is converted to fibrin


Tissue that forms a loose-fitting sac around the heart is the


Which of the following represents correct sequence of parts through which blood moves in passing from the vena cave to lungs?

right atruim,tripcuspid valve, right ventricle, plumonary semi lunar valve

Skeleton of the hear consists of

Both fibrious connective tissue in interventricular septum and circling heart valves

When the ventricular walls contracts, the

bicuspid and tricuspid valves close

Which is not branch of aorta

pulmonary artery

Correct sequence of parts that function to carry cardiac impulses is

A-node, A-V node, A-bundle, Purkinje fibers

Which type of blood vessel serves as a blood reservoir?


Blood pressure in the systemic arteries is greatest during

ventricular systole

Plasma proteins that remain in the blood capillaries help to

maintain osmotic pressure of blood

Destiny of capillaries within a tissue varies directly with the tissue's

rate of metabolism

In an ECG pattern, the P wave is caused by

depolarization of atrial muscle fibers

In an ECG pattern, the T wave is caused by

polarization of ventricular muscle fibers

In an ECG pattern, P-Q interval indicates how long it takes for the cardiac impulses to travel from the

S-A node to ventricular muscle fibers

Which of the following might serve as a secondary pacemaker for the heart?

A-V node and Purkinje fibers

Molecules within the blood are forced out through the walls of capillaries as a result of osmotic pressure


SA node relays nerve impulses into the AV bundle of the interventricular septum and AV node is responsible for the rhythmic contractions of the heart.
