
Gluteus Maximus

Location of the muscle relative to a bone or body region
relative size of the muscle

Adductor Magnus

action of the muscle
relative to size

Bicep femoris

number of origins
location of the muscle relative to a bone or body region

Transverse abdominis

location of the muscle relative to a bone or body region
direction in which the muscle fibers run relative to some imaginary line

extensor carpi ulnarius

action of the muscle
location of the origin and insertion of the muscle
location of the muscle relative to a bone or body region


shape of the muscle

rectus femoris

location of the muscle relative to a bone body region
direction in which the muscle fibers run relative to some imaginary line

external oblique

location of the muscle relative to a bone or body region
direction in which the muscle fibers run relative to some imaginary line

orbicularis oculi

used in blinking and squinting

orbicularis oris

your kisser


prime mover to raise the mandible


tenses skin of the neck during shaving

pectoralis major

prime mover for arm flexion

external oblique

assume major responsibility for forming the abdominal girdle ( three pairs of muscles)


prime mover of shoulder abduction

latissimus dorsi , pectoralis major

important in shoulder adduction antagonist of the shoulder abductor (two muscles)

external intercostals

small inspiratory muscles between the ribs; elevate the ribs


extends the head


pull the scapulae medially

bicep brachii

flexes the forearm and supinates the hand


forearm flexors; no role in supination (two muscles)

tricep brachii

elbow extensor

flexor capri ulnaris

power flexor and abductor

extensor digitorum

extends the wrist digits

glutus maximus

used to extend the hip when climbing stairs

gastrocnemius soleus

prime movers of plantar flexion (two muscles of the foot)

bicep femopris

extend thigh and flex knee (three muscles)

rectus femoris

extends knee and flexes thigh

What are the four commonly used intramuscular injections

deltoid, vastus lateralis, gluteus maximus and gluteus medius


The insertion tendon of the ______________ group contains a large sesamoid bone , the patella.


The triceps surae insert common into ___ tendon


the bulk of the tissue of a muscle tends to lie __ to the part of the body it causes to move

Humerus, radius, ulna

the extrinsic muscles of the hand originate on to the ___

Anterior , Posteriorly, Knee

Most flexor muscles are located on the __ aspect of the body; most extensors are located __. An exception to this generalization is the extensor- flexor musculature of the ___