41 Muscles


covers the forehead
acts to raise the eyebrows and wrinkle the forehead


covers the back of the head
pulls the scalp back posteriorly


fan shaped muscle that convers the temporal bone
closes the mouth


exends from the zygomatic bone down to the corner of the mouth
raises the lateral corners of the mouth up (smile)

Orbicularis oculi

Sphincter muscle that encircles
Closes eye

orbicularis oris

sphincter muscle that encircles the mouth
Involved in puckering, whistling and kissing


Attached to the mastoid process of the temporal bone, two "heads" extend and attach to the sternum and clavicle.
Flexes and laterally rotates the head.


Powerful muscle that covers the lateral mandible
Close jaw.


Thin sheet like muscle that attaches to the mandible and runs to the fascia of the chest.
Tenses skin of the neck, helps to retract mandible and grimace.


Thin, horizontal cheek muscle, deep to masseter.
Pulls corner of mouth laterally.


Large, flat triangular muscle covering the upper half of the back.
Raises, lowers and adducts the shoulder.

serratus anterior

Lies over the lateral part of the thorax, forms medial wall of axilla (armpit).
Holds scapula tight against chest wall, and adducts and raises the arm and works in horizontal arm movement (pushing, punching).

pectoralis major

Large fan shaped muscle covering the anterior chest.
Adducts and flexes the humerus. . Helps in climbing, throwing, pushing.

Teres major

Thick muscle on the back connecting the humerus to the tip of the scapula. Forms posterior wall of armpit.
Adducts and extends the humerus.

latissimus dorsi

Broad, flat, triangular muscle covering the lower back.
Adducts and extends the humerus. (as in hammering, rowing, swimming).

external oblique

Superficial sheet of muscle covering the lower abdomen. Fibers run down and medially. Rotates and flexes the vertebral column, compress the abdominal wall and increase the intra-abdominal pressure.

internal oblique

Sheet of muscle beneath the external oblique. Fibers run perpendicular to the external oblique (up and medially).
Same function as eternal oblique.

rectus abdominis

Strong up/down muscle of the medial abdomen.
Flexes the vertebral, compresses abdomen


Thick muscle that forms the rounded shoulder mass.
Abducts the humerus. Site of intramuscular injections.

triceps brachii

Large three headed muscle on the posterior side of the upper arm.
Extends the forearm.

biceps brachii

Two headed muscle on anterior portion of upper arm.
Flexes the forearm


Lies immediately beneath the biceps brachii on the distal humerus.
Main flexor of the forearm.


Superficial muscle of the forearm.
Flexes the forearm.


Rotator cuff muscle. Located deep to trapezius, posterior aspect of scapula.
Works to join humerus to scapula.


Rotator cuff muscle. Partially covered by deltoid and trapezius.
Works to join humerus to scapula.

teres minor

Rotator cuff muscle. Small, elongated muscle; les inferior to infraspinatus.
Works to join humerus to scapula


Rotator cuff muscle. Forms posterior wall of axilla.
Works to join humerus to scapula.

gluteus medius

Lies beneath and lateral to the gluteus maximus.
Abducts the femur and holds leg steady when opposite leg swings when walking.
Safe injection site as compared to the Maximus as you are less likely to hit the sciatic nerve.

gluteus maximus

Forms the bulk of the buttocks mass.
Major extender of the femur. (pulls leg backwards, a in climbing stairs).

adductor longus

Connects the pubis to the femur, running down the medial front of the thigh.
Adducts femur.

rectus femoris

Superficial muscle of the anterior thigh, running straight up and down.
Flexes femur and extends lower leg.

vastus lateralis

Forms the lateral aspect of the thigh.
Flexes femur and extends lower leg.
Common site for injections.

vastus medialis

Forms inferomedial (below and toward the medial) aspect of thigh.
Flexes femur and extends lower leg.


Long, thin, superficial muscle of the medial thigh.
Adducts femur.

tensor of fascia lata

Runs down the anterior lateral aspect of the thigh.
Acts to flex and abduct the thigh.

tibialis anterior

Suoerficial muscle of the anterior leg, laterally parallels sharp anterior margin of the tibia.
Dorsiflexes foot.


Two bellies forming the large proximal " calf muscle" of the back of the lower leg.
Acts to plantar flex the foot.


Straplike superficial muscle running obliquely from the anterior iliac crest to the knee. Longest muscle, crosses both hip and. Knee joints.
Flexes femur and lower leg. R


Lies medial to the biceps femoris and superficial to the semimembranosus.
Extends femur and flexes lower leg.


Deep to the semitendinosus. Extends femur and flexes lower leg.

biceps femoris

Arises from two heads and runs down the posterior thigh, lateral of the midline. Extends femur and flexes lower leg.


Includes the rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, vastus intermedius.


Consists of the biceps femoris, semimembranosus, and semitendinosus.