Community HESI


#1 cause of injury/death in infants

#2 cause of injury/death in infants


#3 cause of injury/death in infants


most significant cause of illness in infants and children


disease-causing agent (pathogen) from mother to baby during the period immediately before and after birth

vertical transmission

obesity rates in children are higher in:

lower socioeconomic groups and in populations such as Native American, Hispanic and African Americans

#1 cause of death in ages 1-24 years old

injuries and accidents

Lead poisoning has detrimental effects particularly on the _______. can also decrease IQ

neurological system

indicator of overall health and availability of health services

infant mortality rate

calculating infant mortality rate

# of deaths in 1st year of life divided by # of live births, multiplied by 1000)

have the lowest injury death rate

school age children

2nd leading cause of death among youths between ages 15-24


S/S of reaction to Menomune (meningococcal) vaccine

fever, behavior change, seizures or difficulty breathing

prevention of osteoporosis in adulthooodcalcium intake in children and adolescents

calcium intake in children and adolescents

leading cause of death in women

heart disease

leading cause of cancer in women and 2nd leading cause of death

lung cancer

target approach

focuses on a certain group of individuals and their health needs (e.g. Hispanic pregnant women with STDs) - this approach looks at spiritual, cultural and leadership aspects

gives a more accurate assessment of family structure, natural or home environment, and behavior in that environment than clinical visits do

home visits

what must Home Health RNs do and what can they delegate?

RN must do initial assessment of pt; ADLs can be delegated to a nursing care aide

Parish nurses

nurses who respond to health and wellness needs within the faith context of population of faith communities and partners with the church in fulfilling the mission of health ministry

parish nursing

community-based and population-focused professional nursing practice with faith communities to promote whole person health to its parishioners usually focused on primary prevention

parish nurse coordinator

a parish nurse who has completed a certificate program designed to develop the nurse as a coordinator of a parish nursing service


palliative system of health care for terminally ill people; takes place in the home with family involvement under the direction and supervision of health professionals, especially the visiting nurse; admitted when pt is expected to die within 6 months

4 steps for Preparing for Safety in a Disaster

Find out what could happen to you
create a disaster plan
complete a checklist
practice and maintain your plan

Office of Emergency (OEM)

responsible for developing and coordinating emergency response plans within their defined area

The level of disaster is determined by the number of _______ needed, not the number of casualties


Level III

FEMA level of disaster response - a minor disaster; involves a minimal level of damage but could result in the president declaring an emergency; minimal request for federal help

Level II

FEMA level of disaster response -
moderate disaster; likely to result in major disaster being declared; regional federal resources engaged, other outside help may be called on

Level I

FEMA level of disaster response -
massive disaster; severe damage or multistate scope; full engagement of federal, regional and national resources

3 ways American Red Cross classifies a disaster


National Response Plan (NRP)

a concerted effort to prevent terrorist attacks within the U.S., to reduce American's vulnerability to terrorism, major disasters and to minimize the damage and recover from attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies that occur

direct physical observations and interviews

most common data measurement methods

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS)

largest health program in the world; its mission is to enhance the health and well-being of the American people


provides universal healthcare coverage for poor older adults, the blind, the disabled and families with dependent children

Medicare Part A

covers: hospital or home care (can't have both) and skilled nursing care

Medicare Part B

covers: (non-institutional care insurance) Medical care, diagnositc services and physiotherapy

Medicare Part D

initiated to help defray costs of prescription drugs; optional - must enroll in approved prescription drug plan; monthly premium, deductibles and copayments; must pay 100% of costs when costs reach "coverage gap

voluntary and private nonprofit agencies

nonprofit home health agencies; amount of money the agency receives depends on the community it serves

voluntary agency

supported by charities (such as United Way, Medicare, Medicaid, etc)

transtheoretical change theory

belief that people are in a stage of willingness to change (behavior changes like exercise, wearing seatbelts/helmets)


can be measured by looking at changes from before and after the intervention to solve the problems

incidence rate

the frequency or rate of NEW cases of an outcome in a population; provides an estimate of the risk of disease in that population over the period of observation


number of EXISTING cases in a population at a given time

get usable information about the community and its health

primary goal of data collection

community assessment

1. identify community needs 2. clarify problems 3. identify strengths and resources

windshield survey

fastest and easiest way to obtain an overview of the community; motorized equivalent of simple observation; involve collection of data that "will help define the community, the trends, stability and changes that will affect he health of the community

connect with someone in the community and build trust

to effectively reach a population group, you must:


provides hospital and medical insurance to persons ages 65 years and older, permanently disabled persons and persons with end-stage renal failure

skilled care service

to obtain payment for Medicare services, a documentation of _______ must be done during the visit


a special supplemental food program administered by the Department of Agriculture through the state health departments; provides nutritious food that add to the diets of pregnant and nursing women, infants and children younger than 5 years; eligibility is

Quality Assurance Committee

reviews and plans policies and education about safety in the work place

outreach worker

healthcare worker who makes a special, focused effort to find people with specific health problems for the purpose of increasing their access to health services


attempts to link the agent to the disease or conditions

epidemiologic triangle (or epidemiological triad)

consists of the agent, host and environment; changes in one of hte elements of the triangle can influence the occurrence of disease by increasing or decreasing a person's risk for disease

web of casualty

complex interrelations of factors interacting with each other to influence the risk for or distribution outcomes


represents the family's interactions with other groups and organizations, accomplished by using a series of circles and lines


pictorial display of a person's family relationships and medical history

Hepatitis C

most common chronic blood-borne infection in the U.S.; leading cause of chronic liver disease

Lillian Wald

developed the Henry Street Settlement

provided care to immigrants; established first nursing service of occupational health

purpose of Henry Street Settlement

ancathosis nigricans

skin condition characterized by dark, thick, velvety skin in body folds and creases; most often affects the armpits, groin and neck

no specific treatment - treat underlying cause such as diabetes or obesity

treatment for Ancathosis nigricans

paying for healthcare/expenses

concern for a person who has lost their job but has COBRA


pertussis is a ______ disease

Native Americans

Population group that is at high risk for diabetes

CV disease

African Americans are at high risk for ______


acute diarrheal disease that can kill within hours if left untreated

fluid and electrolytes

priority for treating those with cholera

call emergency personnel, not assess

first thing the school nurse should do when an adolescent presents with signs of heat stroke

Hep B

vaccine that can be administered during pregnancy; used to protect mother and baby against infection both before and after delivery

Hepatovax B allergy

hives, swelling of face/throat, difficulty breathing, tachycardia, dizziness, weakness

prophylactic Relenza

influenza A and B treatment; for community outbreaks - begin within 5 days of outbreak and can administer up to 28 days

TB risk, risk exposure to pesticides and other hazardous materials, risk for skin cancer, risk for dental problems

migrant worker risks

Neuman Systems Model

nursing theory based on the individual's relationship to stress, the reaction to it and reconstitution factors that are dynamic in nature


someone who is invested in the health of the community and will be invested in the community health program to be implemented


STD that must be reported because it is monitored by the state and CDC

directly observed treatment (DOT)

used to ensure adherence with drug treatment regimens because of emergence of multidrug-resistant TB; HCP must observe client to ensure that they ingest each dose of anti-TB medication to maximize the likelihood of completion of therapy


environment for best teaching to an adolescent

red, circular rash at site of bite (bullseye pattern), tiredness, fever, chills, joint pain, muscle aches, headache, stiff neck and swollen lymph nodes

S/S of Lyme Disease (vector-borne disease)


world's most common and deadliest vector-borne disease

wear proper, protective clothing

prevention of Lyme Disease

American Diabetes Association (ADA)

Is the local health department, NIH, city water works or American Diabetes Association a voluntary agency?