Personal & Community Health Ch. 1&2

List 7 areas of wellness

physical, emotional, environment, social, intellectual, financial, spiritual

Name 4 things that determine wellness

diet, sleep, exercise, safe behavior

Name 4 dangerous lifestyle choices

poor diet, smoking, nonactive, poor safety choices

Why change is difficult: Influences on the brain and body that prevent change, name 4

addiction, depression, genetic pre-disposition, emotional dependence

When it comes to wellness_____ is the key


____ are responsible for out own healthy decisions


stress is a physical and/or emotional response to ________ situations

dangerous or fearful

What is the state in which we want the body to get back to after stress It is where the body systems return to normal


a defense mechanism in the brain to react to stressful or dangerous situations

fight or flight

What are the 3 personality traits

Type A: Ulta competitive, wants control, easily angered, more egocentric
Type B: More relaxed and reflective of the world and life
Type C: Worrisome about life and relationships

What type is preferred?

Type B

3 stress management tools

1. deep breathing
2. visualize
3. positive thoughts/ talk

being healthy is a _____ commitment
