Chapter 5: Global Health

Brain Drain

Migration of health personnel in search of better living worldwide.

Health System

the sum of organizations, institutions, and resources whose primary purpose is to improve health

Primary Care

First contact, person focused, ongoing care over time

Secondary Care

Medical care provided by a specialist or faculty upon referral by a primary care physician.


Functions carried out by governments as they seek to achieve national health policy objectives. Careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care. Public health sector responsible of this, policy setting, rule making, and enforcement

Task Shifting

Rational distribution of tasks among health workforce teams. Specific tasks are moved, where appropriate, from highly qualified health workers to health workers with shorter training and fewer qualifications in order to make more efficient use use of the

Tertiary Care

Specialized consultive care, usually on referral from primary or secondary medical care personnel, by specialists working in a center that has personnel and facilities for special investigation and treatment.

Conditional Cash Transfers

Programs that provide cash payments to poor households that meet certain behavioral requirements, generally related to children's health care and education.

Contracting in (health services)

One level of government or a public institution contracts with a lower level of government facility, such as a district, province, or another facility to deliver services.

Contracting out (health services)

-A financing agency (government, insurance entity, or development partner) also known as a "purchaser", provides resources to non state provider (NSP, such as a nongovernmental organization [NGO] or public sector firm), also known as a "contractor" to pro

Fairness of Financial Contribution

The risks of each household faces due to the costs of the health system are distributors according to ability to pay rather than to the risk of illness

Financial Protection

Financing health care in a way that does not cause people to be denied access to health care or to become impoverished because of their inability to pay for health services.

Out of Pocket Health Expenditure

Direct outlay by households to health services. It is a part of private health expenditure.

Private Health Expenditure

The sum of total expenditure on health by private entities, notably commercial insurance, nonprofit institutions, and households including out of pocket health expenditure, patient copayments, private health insurance premiums, and health expenditures by

Public Health Expenditure

The sum of outlays by government entities to purchase healthcare services and good, notably by ministries of health and social security agencies. The revenue base may comprise multiple sources, including external funds.

Results Based Financing

Any program that rewards the delivery of one or more outputs our outcomes by one or more incentives, financial or otherwise, after the principle has verified that the agent has delivered the agreed-upon results.

Right to Health

The Highest Attainable standard of health is a fundamental right of every human being including access to timely, acceptable, and affordable health care of appropriate quality.

Risk Pooling

Those who are healthy subsidize those who are sick, and those who are rich subsidize those who are poor.

Total Expenditure on Health

The sum of the general government expenditure on health (commonly called public expenditure on health) and private expenditure on health.

Universal Health Care Coverage

Ensuring that all people can use promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative health services they need, of sufficient quality to be effective, while also ensuring that the use of these services doe snot expose the user to financial hard

Three goals of a health system

-Good health
-Responsiveness to the expectations of the population
-Fairness of financial contribution

National Health Insurance

Offer health insurance to all people for an agreed package of services. Financed by individual permiums, payrill taxes, or tax based
Ex. Canada, France, Germany

National Health Service

Outside of a relatively small private health sector, the government is the sole payer for health care and owns most of the healthcare facilities. Mostly financed by taxes.
ex. United Kingdom

Pluralistic Systems

Public sector, private for profit sector, and private for not profit sectors play important roles. Private sector may have a predominant place in the system, and plays a big roll in all of them.
ex. India, Nigeria, and United States


Only country in which the public sector essentially delvers al healthcare services

Declaration of Alma-ata

Health as a human right!!!!
The Declaration affirms the crucial role of primary health care, which addresses the main health problems in the community, providing promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services accordingly (art. VII). It stress

between 20 and 40

WHO's estimation of percentage of expenditure on health in low-income countries wasted by spending that is not effective or efficient.

Rwanda- Reducing Financial Barriers to Care and Improving the Coverage and Quality of Health Services

-Rwanda has made great strides since 1994 genocide toward social and economic reform, especially in health sector
-In 1999 Rwanda began a pilot health insurance program (PPS) in three districts
-Evaluations of this program showed that it has enrolled 88,3

Universalizing Insurance Coverage in Thailand

-In 1998 30% of the country's population remained uninsured
-In 2001, Thai Ministry of Public Health announced its desire to provide Universal health care
-"30 baht policy" provided services within a standardized benefit package for a copayment of 30 baht

Cash on Delivery

Transfers are made from donor aid agencies to governments

Performance based contracting

Transfers are made from payers to providers

conditional cash transfers

Transfers are made from governments to their citizens

Essential Surgery

-Surgical disorders that are mainly or extensively treated by surgery
-Essential surgery is a cost effective investment investment
-Low and middle income countries should implement a package of essential surgery. They should aim to have such surgeries per

Combating Diarrheal Disease in Bangladesh

-Diarrhea is a major cause of morbidity and mortality for young children
-BRAC wanted to make oral rehydration therapy widely available and easy to administer by nonprofessionals without special equipment. Also taught mothers to prepare oral saline and tr

Non governmental organization

An organization that operates independently of any government body but usually through individual volunteer efforts in private donations

Integrating Services at the Grassroots Level

-Vitamin A deficiency is leading risk factor for under 5 childhood mortality, childhood blindness, and infectious disease in many low- and middle-income countries worldwide
-Onchocerciasis is the second leading infectious cause of blindness in the world a

Enhancing Community Health Services in Tanzania

-Tanzania has high prevalence of malaria, TB, and HIV.
-Aligning health expenditure more closely with the burden disease and increasing expenditure on selected health conditions.
-Began by mapping burden of disease
-$2 was allocated to the two pilot commu