Chapter 43: The Nurse in Occupational Health; Stanhope

Occupational and environmental health nursing can best be described as which of the following?
a. Enforcement of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements
b. Identification and management of health and safety cases in workplace set

The American Association of Occupational Health Nurses defines occupational health nursing as the specialty practice that focuses on the promotion, prevention, and restoration of health within the context of a safe and healthy environment. It inclu

Recent trends in the characteristics of the U.S. workforce that will present new challenges to protecting worker safety and health include:
a. better job security, more equitable work hours, and compressed work weeks.
b. decrease in the retirement age and

The U.S. workforce is becoming older and more racially and ethnically diverse. More women and people with chronic illness are joining the workforce. In 2008, Black and Hispanic minorities represented 25% of the workforce and women represented 48%.

Research to identify occupational and safety hazards and determine recommended exposure limits for occupational hazards is the function of:
a. North American Industry Classification System (NAICS).
b. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 created two agencies, OSHA and NIOSH. OSHA, a federal agency within the Department of Labor (DOL), was created to develop and enforce workplace safety and health standards and regulations that regulate

Host factors associated with increased risk of an adverse response to hazardous workplace exposure include:
a. age, sex, and health status.
b. experience and darker skin color.
c. male gender and hypersusceptibility.
d. employment for longer than 5 years.

Each worker represents a host within the worker population group. Certain host factors are associated with increased risk of adverse response to hazards in the workplace. These include age, sex, health status, work practices, ethnicity, and lifesty

As the nature of work has changed over time, the nature of work-related illness and injury has also changed. The best example of a work-related illness/injury associated with the change from an agrarian economy to a highly technological workplace is:
a. c

The dramatic shift in the types of jobs held by workers following the evolution from an agrarian economy to a manufacturing society and then to a highly technological workplace has also created a shift in the nature of work-related illnesses and in

The transmission of tuberculosis (TB) in health care settings has reemerged as a major public health problem. In terms of the host-agent-environment epidemiologic triad, it can best be described as involving which type of workplace agent?
a. Biological

In the epidemiologic triad of host-agent-environment, agents�factors associated with illness or injury�are classified as biological, chemical, enviromechanical, physical, or psychosocial. Biological agents are living organisms whose excretions or p

Physical agents associated with workplace hazards can best be addressed through engineering strategies and:
a. practice of safe work habits.
b. workplace redesign.
c. blood-borne pathogen standards.
d. material safety data sheets.

Physical agents are those that produce adverse health effects through the transfer of physical energy. Commonly encountered physical agents in the workplace include temperature extremes, vibration, noise, laser beams, radiation, and electricity. Th

An effective industrial disaster plan is a written document that is shared with all who will be involved, such as the internal first responders, external community-based emergency personnel, and other key personnel and agencies in the community. Another f

In occupational health, the goals of a disaster plan are to prevent or minimize injuries and deaths of workers and community residents, minimize property damage, provide effective triage, and facilitate necessary business activities. Formulation of

When preparing a report on work-health interactions, the occupational health nurse should include which of the following information? (Select all that apply.)
a. Accidental deaths and deaths associated with occupationally acquired illness
b. Numbers of wo

ANS: A, C, D
Work-health interactions relate to the influence of work on health. Work-health interactions are revealed by statistics on illnesses, injuries, and deaths associated with employment. In 2007, 3.9 work-related illnesses and injuries per 100 wo

During routine nursing assessments, the nurse should ask clients about their current and past jobs, exposures to any agents that potentially relate to their symptoms and activities at work, and which of the following? (Select all that apply.)
a. Disabling

ANS: A, C, D, E
The initial step in a worker assessment is the traditional history taking and physical examination, with emphasis on exposure to occupational hazards and individual characteristics that may predispose the client to the increased health ris