Chapter 16 - Health Planning for Primary Care Settings

What 4 things does the WHO state about the development of primary health care?

1. Globalization is putting the social cohesion of countries under stress
2. Health care is not addressing needs of citizens
3. Not consistent across countries or populations
4. Primary health care can make a difference

Primary Health Care evolved from what 3 things?

1. Population demand
2. Policy changes
3. Care of individual and families

Prior to WW2, family practice lasted how long?

From birth to death

After WW2, what grew out of primary health care?


4 aspects of the core of primary care

1. The patient is the focus
2. Patients are partnered in their care
3. It is an entryway to the healthcare system
4. It meets the needs of the patient.

Primary care encompasses what 7 things?

1. Health promotion
2. Disease prevention
3. Health maintenance
4. Patient education
5. Diagnosis
6. Treatment of acute/chronic illness
7. Reduces morbidity and mortality

Under the WHO, what are the 3 core values of PHC?

1. Equity
2. Solidarity
3. Active participation of people seeking care
- defined using a population perspective

What levels of prevention are involved in PHC?

All levels (primary, secondary, tertiary)

Secondary prevention under PHC focuses on what 3 things?

1. Identification of individuals with sub-clinical disease
2. Initiating early treatment
3. Screening

Primary prevention under PHC?

To keep a person free from disease through: routine checkups, health education, supporting positive health practices, assisting with changing behavioral risks, and immunization

Tertiary prevention under PHC?

The goal is to minimize complication or sequelae of noncommunicable diseases and communicable diseases. (Diabetes, CVD, HTN, HIV/AIDS)

Good case management in PHC through tertiary prevention consists of what 3 things?

1. Assessment
2. Planning
3. Advocacy

Case management offers:

Containment of costs, improvement of patient outcomes, improvement of patient care, improvement of health of the community

Public Health primary care is run by who?

Public Health Departments

Public Health primary care is reimbursed by what?

- uses a sliding scale of pay for undeserved populations

Challenges of PHC? (3)

1. Matching care to resources available to promote and protect
2. Deciding who in the population is at greatest risk (Swine flu)
3. Reemerging outbreaks (bedbugs)

Public Health Science in Primary Care Settings looks at? (4)

1. Disease trending
2. Risk factors
3. Observing data on local, state, and national levels
4. Partnerships in the community and with key stakeholders

The patient centered medical home model (PCMH) includes what 6 things?

1. Personal physicians
2. Whole-person orientation
3. Coordinated/Integrated care
4. Safe, high quality care through EBP
5. Expanded access to care
6. Payment that recognizes added value from additional components of patient centered care

What is the US Preventive Services Task Force?

Independent group of national experts in prevention and evidence based medicine that works to improve the health of all Americans by making evidence based recommendations about clinical preventive services such as screenings, counseling services, or preve