Community and Public Health 2nd ed. (Harkness and DeMarco)- Ch. 5 Frameworks for health promotion, Disease Prevention, and risk reduction


a quality, an ability to adapt to change, or a resource to help cope with challenges and processes of daily living


a subjective perception of full functional ability as a human being

Core Functions of Public Health

Policy development

Purpose of Public Health

-Prevent epidemics and spread of disease
-Protect against environmental hazards
-Prevent injuries
-Promote and encourage healthy behaviors
-Respond to disasters and assist communities in recovery
-Assure the quality and accessibility of services

The 10 Essential Public Health Services

1)Monitor health status to identify and solve community health problems
2)Diagnose and investigate health problems and health hazards in the community
3)Inform, educate, and empower people about health issues
4)Mobilize community partnerships to identify

Levels of prevention


Primary prevention

maximizing health and wellness through strategies that are set in place before illness or injury is present

Secondary prevention

maximizing health and wellness through strategies that are set in place at the early and active chronic stages of pathogenesis of illness and injury

Tertiary prevention

maximizing health and wellness through strategies that are set in place at the palliation and end-stage of disease and injury trajectories


A host's ability to resist a particular infectious disease-causing agent

passive immunity

short-term; acquired naturally or artificially

Active immunity

long-term, sometimes lifelong; acquired naturally or artificially


immunity to one agent providing immunity to another related agent

Herd immunity

immunity level present in a population group

Motivational interviewing

client-centered communication style for eliciting behavior change by helping clients and groups explore and resolve ambivalence to change

Behavior change models

models that assist clients, groups, and communities to redirect activities toward health and wellness

Learning Model

A behavior change model emphasizing reinforcement of social competence, problem solving, autonomy, and sense of purpose

Health Belief Model

A behavior change model that considers the severity of the potential illness or physical challenge, the level of conceivable susceptibility, the benefits of taking preventive action, and the challenges that may be faced in taking action toward the goal of

Transtheoretical Model


Theory of Reasoned Action

A behavior model that emphasizes that individual performance of a given behavior is primarily determined by a person's intention to perform that behavior

Social Learning

A behavior change model that considers environmental influences, personal factors, and behavior as key components of change

The Relapse Prevention ModelThe Relapse Prevention Model

Negative emotional states
Lack of or limited coping skills
Decreased motivation
High-risk experiences

Ecological Model

Belief that all processes occurring within individual people and their environment should be viewed as interdependent

Ontogenic system

personal factors


relationship between women and the environment


formal and informal social structures


values and beliefs of culture

Mass screening

Screening applied to entire populations

Selective Screening

screening performed for specific high risk populations

Multiphasic Screening

A variety of screening tests applied to the same population on the same occasion.


Testing correctly to identify persons who have the disease/physical challenge


testing to identify persons who do not have the disease

National Goals and directives to maintain the health of individuals, families, and communities are...

important road maps for healthcare professionals.

Three levels of prevention assist health professionals to...

advance quality of life and health through the natural history of disease and disability

Identifying modifiable risk and using health promotion models to address change in behaviors, beliefs, attitudes, and intentions can...

significantly increase the health of individuals, families, and communities.