Stanhope: Public Health Nursing Chapter 25: Program Management

1. Advantages of community health program planning include ensuring that available resources are used to meet the needs of the population and:
a. applying for grants.
b. identifying clients and soliciting board members' support.
c. identifying resources,

Community health program planning is population focused and puts the well-being of the public above private interests. Systematic planning for meeting the needs of populations in a community has benefits for clients, nurses, employing agencies, and

2. A community health nurse is conducting a community assessment as part of a program planning initiative and is seeking a tool that is low cost, allows clients to participate in identification of need, and would stimulate community support for the progra

There are several types of needs assessment tools, including community forums, focus groups, key informants, indicators approach, survey of existing agencies, and general surveys. Both community forums and focus groups are low-cost tools. The focus

3. A community-oriented nurse is writing a grant application for funding for a nurse-run clinic serving clients with chronic illnesses. The grant application asks for information regarding program benefits, effectiveness, and efficiency. The most effectiv

Cost studies are essential to show the value of nursing in the marketplace now and in the future. All cost studies involve three major tasks: financial, research, and statistical. The financial tasks include identifying total program costs. The sta

4. When planning a new community health center, a nurse will integrate knowledge of the nursing process and program management. The nurse's initial and most critical step for funding purposes would be:
a. finding the lay leaders in the community.
b. ident

The program management process is parallel to the nursing process and consists of a rational decision making system designed to help nurses know when to make a decision to develop a program (assessment and problem identification); where they want t

5. A nurse who is the program director for a new antismoking campaign is developing a written program plan that will include the program's goals, priorities, objectives, budget, and timelines. Before implementation of the program, the written program plan

When the planning process begins, the plan for evaluating the program should also begin. Everyone who will be involved in implementing a program should be given the opportunity to play a role in planning for program evaluation. Assessment of need i

6. The nurse engaging in a formative program evaluation would most likely:
a. conduct medical record audits for quality assurance.
b. make a home visit before a client is discharged from the program.
c. participate in a new client evaluation.
d. write a p

Process evaluation, also referred to as formative evaluation, occurs during program implementation and makes it possible to make midterm corrections to ensure the achievement of program goals. Process evaluation is an ongoing function of examining,

7. Local officials have requested a program evaluation of a comprehensive teen sex education program offered in the local schools in preparation for annual budget-planning discussions. The public health nurse (PHN) determines that the teen pregnancy rate

The efficiency of a program can be evaluated through a formative or summative evaluation. The evaluator may be able to determine whether a given program provides better benefits at a lower cost than a similar program, or whether the benefits to the

8. The community planning board is attempting to determine if the clients and health care providers affected by a recent mental health outreach initiative are satisfied that the program interventions have accomplished the program objectives and that clien

An evaluation of program effectiveness may help determine whether both providers and clients are satisfied with program activities, as well as whether the program met its stated objectives. A cost-effectiveness analysis is a subset of a cost-benefi

9. The nurse program manager is determining the direct client care costs as well as the cost of indirect nursing activities for home visits for a home health agency. Analysis of this information along with nursing workload information and client needs can

Cost-efficiency analysis determines the actual cost of performing a number of program services, both direct and indirect, by addressing the productivity of the workforce in achieving specific objectives. The relationship between direct and indirect

10. Which of the following are the major sources of information for program evaluation?
(Select all that apply.)
a. Community indices
b. Media reports
c. Program clients
d. Program providers
e. Program records

ANS: A, C, E
Both quantitative and qualitative methods may be used to conduct an evaluation. However, the strongest evaluation designs combine both qualitative and quantitative methods. Major sources of information for program evaluation are the program c