Health Program Planning and Evaluation MPH610

Health promotion was recognized for its potential to help control injury and disease and to promote health during the

20th century

The publication considered to have been the document that gave great momentum to the health promotion and disease prevention movement in America was

Health People: The surgeon generals report on health promotion and disease prevention

Which major area is NOT one of the responsibilities outlined in the Hierarchical Model of Responsibilities and Competencies for Health Educators?

I - Assess Individual and Community Needs for Health Education
II - Plan Health Education Strategies, Interventions, and Programs
III - Implement Health Education Strategies, Interventions, and Programs
IV - Conduct Evaluation and Research Related to Heal

Self-breast examinations would be considered which level of prevention?

secondary prevention

Chemotherapy for cancer treatment is considered which level of prevention?

tertiary prevention

When a person is healthy, without signs and symptoms of disease, illness, or injury, the level of prevention most appropriate would be

primary prevention

Which requirement below is NOT a part of qualifications to sit for the CHES examination?

A bachelor's, masters, or doctoral degree from an accredited institution of higher education; AND one of the following
-An official transcript that clearly shows a major in health education (health education, community health education, public health educ

assumptions of health promotion include all of the following except:

�Health status can be changed
�Health & disease are dynamic
�Disease theories & principles
can be understood
�Appropriate prevention
strategies can be developed
�Behavior can be changed &
those changes can impact
�Many things contribute to health

According to your text, many health educators' responsibilities are involved in some way with:

planning, implementing, and evaluation

the educational and ecological assessment phase of precede-proceed includes determining:

predisposing, enabling, and reinforcing factors

in the precede-proceed model phase _____ which seeks to subjectively define the quality of life of those in the priority population is called __________.

Phase 1
Social assessment and situational analysis

predisposing factors

factors that can facilitate or hinder a person's motivation to change and can be altered through direct communication (knowledge)

refusing to wear a seatbelt because friends will tease you is an example of

predisposing factors

matching appropriate strategies and interventions with projected changes and outcomes occurs during which phase the precede-proceed model?

phase 4 - Intervention Alignment and Administrative and Policy Assessment

according to precede-proceed, which of the following is not considered impact evaluation

immediate observable effects of program

the MATCH framework is recognized for emphasizing program


in the MATCH modle, individuals who exert influence or control over personal or environmental conditions related to the target health and behavior goals are referred to as TIA's, meaning

targets of intervention actions

describe and provide on example of each of the following components of the precede-proceed model

-Predisposing factors, - factors that can facilitate or hinder a person's motivation to change and can be altered through direct communication
ex: knowledge
-Reinforcing factors - different types of feedback and rewards that those in the priority populati

All but which of the following are considered to be appropriate sources for building a rationale?

literature, epidemiological data, evidence

Data that describe the status of a health problem within a population based on distribution and determinants of health are referred to as

epidemiological data

In order for resources and support to flow into health promotion programming

decision makers need to clearly perceive a set of values or benefits associated with the proposed program

The first step planners should take to gain the support of decision makers is to

identify appropriate background material

People willing to do the actual work needed to plan and implement a program are referred to as

planning committee/steering committe/advisor board

Health educators can access and understand background information to develop a rationale by

accessing literature

a program rational is

a plan for creating a program that is supported by evidence that the purposed program will benefit those for whom it is planned

When starting the planning process, health educators

asses individual and community needs, access health related data

Which of the following is a benefit statement for worksite health promotion programming

check book pg 64 and 65

List and explain three sources that can be used to build a rationale for a program.

Literature - articles, books, gov. explain past and current knowledge about particular topic
Epidemiological data - info and data that describe the status of a health problem within a population
Evidence - body of data that can be used to make decisions w

In the program planning process, the group who will be served is referred to as the

priority population

The process by which those who are planning programs can determine what health problems might exist in any population is called

needs assessment

Administering surveys, facilitating focus groups, and conducting interviews are examples of

primary data

What type of data collection is most likely to be timely and expensive?

primary data

Which of the following is NOT an important question for a needs assessment?

Who is priority population?
What are the needs of pp?
Which subgroups w/in pp have greatest need?
What is currently being done
Where are these subgroups geographically
How well have the identified needs been addressed

Telephone interviews

are single step surveys, offers a relative easy method of collecting self-reported data at a moderate cost

The American Cancer Society and the American Heart Association are examples

secondary data-non governmental agencies and organizations

one source of secondary data about substance abuse and mental health is


Which of the following is NOT a step to increase the accuracy of self-reported data?

1. Select measures that clearly reflect program outcomes
2. select measures that have been designed to anticipate the response problems and that have been validated
3. conduct a pilot study with the pp
4. anticipate and correct and major sources of unreli

Explain the difference between primary and secondary data, and give three sources for each.

Primary - ex) surveys, focus groups, and depth interviews
Secondary - ex) data collected by governmental agencies, data from existing records, data collected by nongovernmental agencies and organizations
Primary is data that is already collected for a spe

A mission statement can be described

as a program overview or program aid letting you know the objective of the program

a goal is

1. an expectation that is much more encompassing or global
2. It is written to include all aspects or components of a program.
3. Provides overall direction
4. More general in nature
5. Usually takes longer to complete
6. Does not have a deadline
7. Usual

Terms such as distinguish, infer, prove, synthesize, and contrast are important in creating


Questions such as "Can the objective be realized during the life of the program?" and "Does the program have enough resources?" are appropriate when planners

are trying to develop objectives

Which of the following is an example of the criterion element of an objective?

Realized in a reasonable time frame
Enough resources to reach
Consistent with policies & procedures
Don't violate rights
Reflects the culture of priority population
In other words, are the objectives SMART?

the words "explain" and "define" would be best suited for which type of objective?

knowledge-level objective

the words "understand," "know" and "appreciate" would be best suited for writing

a specific objective

to increase the number of people who have access to primary health care is an example of a program


name the four elements that must be present for a well-written objective

outcome conditions criterion priority

the primary elements of the building blocks of a theory are


the areas or responsibility that relate most directly to health promotion models and theories of behavior change are

Plan Health Education Strategies, Interventions, and Programs. & Conduct Evaluation and Research Related to Health Education

According to the Stimulus-Response Theory, reducing health insurance benefits for employees who continue to participate in a health-harming behavior is an example of

reinforcement punishment

When a group facilitator provides positive verbal feedback to a participant, it is an example of

reinforcement punishment

The Ecological Perspective recognizes multiple levels of intervention including all of the following EXCEPT:

it recognizes that health- realted behaviors and conditions are a part of a larger system and can be approached from multiple levels.
1 intrapersonal or indivual factors,
2. Interpersonal factors
3. Instituational or organizational factors,
4 community fa

according to the theory of reasoned action

individuals' intention to perform given behaviors are functions of their attitudes toward the behavior and their subjective norms associated with the behaviors.

the theory of freeing is comprised of


When a person exercises to achieve weight loss, prevent heart disease, and lower blood pressure he or she is acting according to which component of the Health Belief Model?

perceived barrier

In what stage of the Transtheoretical Model does a person actively plan change?


The Community Readiness Model defines nine stages. What are they?

1) No awareness, 2) Denial, 3) Vague awareness, 4) Preplanning, 5) Preparation, 6) Initiation, 7) Stabilization, 8) Confirmation/Expansion, and 9) Professionalism

An intervention is a _________ - __________ strategy or experience to which those in the priority population will be exposed or in which they will take part.


Attending a small group meeting to learn about heart-healthy recipes is an example of a(n)


____ refers to the breadth and depth of material covered


which intervention strategy generally has the highest penetration rate

health communication strategy

for the general public, writing at which grade reading level is usually best?

6th grade level

personal visits to educate or lobby key people, a community rally, and telephone call campaigns are examples of

communication mobilization strategies

environmental change strategies

are those designed to change the structure or types of services, or systems of care, to improve the delivery of health promotion

the culture of an organization can be thought of as its


social and material reinforcers are types of


Name five types of health intervention strategies and give an example of each.

Health communication strategies - brochure on skin cancer or a mass media campaign on preventing HIV
Health education strategies - prenatal classes for expectant parents, a workshop for parents on how to better communicate with their teenager