Geography Chapter 13

what agreement redrew the borders of the Balkans after WW1

Versaille peace treaties

who was sent to the former Yugoslavian region to promote a greater role for Slavs


the dinaric alps run parallel to the coast of which body of water

the adriatic sea

what were the six republics of Yugoslavia

Bosnia, croatia, macedonia, montenegro, serbia, and slovenia

what former republics claimed independence in the early 1990s

Slovenia and Croatia

What two empires once ruled over the balkan region in the 19th century

The ottoman Empire and Austria Hungarian

______ launched air strikes in yugoslavia for the first time on european soil since _____

Nato WW2

what event involving the Yugoslavian national basketball team sparked controversy between Serbia,Croatia, and created tension during the civil war in Yugoslavia

the yugoslavian players threw a croatian flag to the ground

when was the country of Yugoslavia formed


when did the country of Yugoslavia end


Define shatter belt

Shatterbelt was when a place was endangered by local conflicts in other states. Political tension.

What does the name of this region mean in the Turkish language?


When did the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Empires come to an end?

1918 after WW1

Which former country was a combination of smaller regions based on ethnicity?


Which two ethnic groups were most affected by ethnic cleansing during the 1990s?

Muslims and Croats.

What type of climate does the majority of Eastern Europe experience?

A humid continental climate.

World War II ends and the Cold War begins. Eastern Europe comes under Communist rule.


Yugoslavia breaks apart. Czechoslovakia splits into the Czech Republic and Slovakia.


Yugoslavia, breaks away from the influence of the Soviet Union


Communist governments begin to collapse in Eastern Europe. The former Yugoslavia breaks out into a civil war.


Archduke Francis Ferdinand is assassinated and eventually leads to World War I.


World War II begins and Nazi Germany rapidly takes over Eastern Europe.