World Geo Midterm Final

Inland areas of a continent tend to have more severe weather than coastal areas because of what climate factor?


The area around the equator tend to be warmest because it receives the most direct sunlight. It is called the...


The surface features of the earth such as bodies of water and mountains can affect.......


Which of the following does NOT determine a region's climate


Tropical rain forests are_________ and ________ all year.

Hot & Rainy

Places located in high latitudes have

Freezing temps

This region has hot, dry summers and cool, rainy winters. Ex: Southern Europe, Southern Calif.


The condition of the atmosphere at one place and time is called the ____________


The relative location of Early College High School to Cowboys stadium is...

South of..

A _______ is a climate region with dry winters, wet summers, and year-round high temperatures.

Tropical Savannah

A _________________ is an extremely dry area with sparse plant life


The _________________ is the latitude of 23 1/2�N

Tropic of Cancer

The Continental Drift Theory is based upon which of the following......

Plates are shifting atop of magma

The terms tropical, dry, mid-latitude, high latitude, and highlands identify

geographic descriptions

Which of the following describes a Mediterranean climate?

Hot summers, cool mild winters

Places located in the ____ have warm to hot climates

Low Latitudes

The earth's position in relation to the sun is the main influence on


The earth's polar areas lie in the

High Latitude

What are the two kinds of tropical climates?

Rain Forest and Savannah

Which of the following affect temperatures on the earth?

Location, Air Masses, Latitude (All of the above)

The seasons result from

the earth's revolution and its tilt in relation to the sun

The natural vegetation of a desert is

Cacti and Shrubs

What is the largest coniferous forest called?


When Plates move towards one another they referred to as...


What other type of natural disaster precedes tsunami?


What is the correlation between elevation and temperature?

Higher the cooler

What is the Rain Shadow effect?

Mountain Barriers block rain from the leeward side

What is the main problem with Map Projections?

they distort the shape of the earth

What is a 3D representation of the earth?


Where are earthquakes most likely to occur?

fault lines

LACEMOPS deals with


What kind of Trees Lose their leaves?


Islam began in which of the following areas?

Middle East

Which of the following is NOT a monotheistic religion?

Buddhism (& Hinduism)

Which of the following is the religion whose fundamental beliefs include salvation through faith in Jesus Christ's crucifixion and resurrection?


The dominant religion in Bolivia, Mexico, and Panama is Roman Catholicism. Which of the following is the best explanation of this fact?

All of these countries were colonies of the same European country

Which of the following religions relies on a caste system and reincarnation as part of its version of the afterlife?


Which of the following religions uses the Torah and the Talmud as their holy texts, and has worship services led by a rabbi?


Which of the following is a polytheistic religion?


Which of the following religions acknowledges the Four Noble Truths and uses The Eightfold Path to separate themselves from worldly cravings and desires?


Which of the following religions incorporates a statement of faith and a pilgrimage to Mecca as part of its worship practice?


Which of the following is NOT one of the Pillars of Islam?

You must travel to Jerusalem on Pilgrimage

What landform do civilizations tend to begin by?

Bodies of Water/ Rivers

Which of the following options has a high infant mortality rate?

3rd World Country

How wealthy the country is per 1000 people is also known as_________________

GDP per capita

The amount of time estimated that a person is going to live......

Life expectancy

The ability to read and write......


A least developed country will have......

Low Life Expectancy, Low GDP, High Infant Mortality, & Poor infrastructure

A highly developed country has......

a Low Infant Mortality rate

These people make stuff from raw materials in their workplace


These people invent new things.....


These workers take raw material from the earth.....


A teacher is an example of what group of employment?


Cuba and North Korea are examples of this form of government.....


A country that is led primarily by religious leaders is an example of a..........


A King or a Queen are examples of a................


having no outlet to the sea


materials on or in the earth, such as a oil, fish, or coal, that have economic value

Natural resources

a version of a language that reflects changes in speech patterns due to class, region, or cultural changes


taking existing elements of society and creating something new to meet a need


the cultural change that occurs when individuals in a society accept or adopt an innovation ? acculturation


the number of deaths per thousand ? fertility rate

false (mortality rate)

Birth Rate (What's happening to birth rates in Europe and WHY?)- Is there a difference between Eastern and Western Europe? Hint: remember human geography section

Western Europe birth rate is declining

What was the Cold War? Was there any actual fighting?

A continuing state of tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union

What was NATO?

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

What is an example of heterogeneous population?

A country with a diverse ethnic population

What was the WARSAW pact

Russian version of NATO

What is an example of a homogeneous population?

A country with a singular ethnic population

Eastern Europe After WWII was described as falling behind what?

An Iron Curtain

What is the Euro?

The EURO is the adopted currency of the European Union. Although not all countries in the EU use the EURO.

deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially of a particular ethnic group or nation

Ethnic Cleansing

communist countries controlled by Russia during the Cold War; they were all in Eastern Europe

Satellite Nations

water moderates climate; further inland=more severe temperatures


What concept of government did ancient Greeks introduce to the world?


process of taking in a comprehending information or ideas


religious leaders (Pope) controls the government

Vatican City

political theory developed by Karl Marx that should lead to a society where all property is publicly owned and everyone works and is paid according to their abilities and needs


the pollution that originates in one country but is able to cause damage in another county's environment by crossing borders through water or air pathyways

Transboundary Pollution

stands for "British exit," the impending withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU


period of rebirth and advancement in art and science after the Dark or Middle Ages


worst nuclear accident in history that occurred on April 26th, 1986 in Soviet Ukraine; caused many deaths and injuries and cancer and birth defects are still seen today


the division of a region into smaller regions


Part of Russia that is cold and mostly uninhabitable.....


years of little cultural progress and followed Feudalism

Dark Ages

production, investment, prices, and incomes are determined centrally by the government

Command Economy

What do the Ural Mountains signify?

The boundary between Europe and Asia

Vietnam and Korea were extensions of a conflict referred to as

the Cold War

What does Glasnost refer to?

Russian openness to western ideas

move from one area or country to settle in another


What does Perestroika refer to?

Economic restructuring in the Soviet Union

Why would the population decline in a 1st world country

better education and awareness

process of taking in a comprehending information or ideas


Why does Communism work in theory, but not in practice?

It forgets to calculate human selfishness, It does not use personal motivation that is part of capitalism, & The leaders become a bourgeois

Northern European Plain is located in Poland.....What is its significance?

it was staging ground for invasions into Russia