How has globalization created new globalized spaces of economic activity?

1. Global assembly line
2. Global Office
3. Offshore financial centers

Global Assembly Line

The reorganization of corporate operations in production, manufacturing, marketing and sales of a good that takes advantage of cost opportunities between countries, places, and regions

Advantages of the Global Assembly Line

1. Standardized product is cheaper
2. Take advantage of full range of geographical variations in cost
3. Not dependent on single source for inputs or components

Maquiladoras/Export-Processing Zones

Small areas or regions within semiperipheral/peripheral countries where governments encourage FDI

Problems with Maquiladoras/EPZ

1. Do not strengthen local economies
2. Environmental problems, labor repression, social disruption and child labor

Why would a country make an EPZ/Maquiladora?

Strategy for economic development; AGGLOMERATION economy- creates more jobs

What are the 3 trends for the global office?

1. Back office growth has been decentralized
2. Front office growth has been localized
3. Growth of offshore financial services to small island nations

World City

a city in which a disproportionate part of the world's most important financial services and businesses are concentrated

Environmental Ethics

the philosophical perspectives that prescribes moral principles as guidance for our treatment of nature and non-human things

Society and culture relationship is more than just..

environmental determinism" which is the defunct belief that physical environments alter human beings

Human modification of the environment has increased in what three ways?


Where are 2 examples of global water crisis due to privatization of water?

New Orleans

How many people die from water disease and what is their average age?

2 million people; most under 5

What is the #1 contaminant found in water and is a weed killer?


15th century phase of expansion not only changed the political map but also the environment in 2 ways:

1. Disease and Depopulation in the Spanish colonies
2. "Columbian Exchange

Crops going New to Old

maize, corn, potato, cocoa, cotton, cochineal, quinine, rubber

Crops going Old to New

rice, sheep, horses, pigs, sugar cane, wheat, grapes

The color red

discovered to come from cochineal bug; transformed the market

Land-use change

shifts in how humans use land resources

Forests are

renewable but not regenerating at the pace it is depleted

Where is there greatest forest cover?

Asia and South America

Where is there greatest forest cover loss?

North America

Grasslands/Savannas are

frequently used for grazing livestock

What is the world's most tropical savanna?

Brazilian Cerrado

Greening of the Sahel

additional biomass due to increase in rainfall


large category that includes land that is temporarily flooded or experiences; important for birds/migrating

Global Land Grab

nations go places to buy land

Global Land Project

purpose is to measure, model and understand the coupled human environmental system

Nuclear Energy

regarded as cleaner technology than fossil fuels because no emissions but has security problems

What kinds of countries are expanding the nuclear energy and which are preventing expansion?

Semiperipheral are expanding
Core are preventing

What is the dominant energy source for the periphery?


Where is there major dam development?

The periphery and semiperiphery

What is the most famous dam?

3 Gorges Dam

Wind Power

provides power for the electrical grid


has exponential growth in wind capacity

Largest nation in capacity for wind power?


What are biofuels?

global ethanol, liquid forms...corn and sugarcane from Midwest/Brazil

4 criticisms of biofuels

1. Expensive and ineffective at reducing petroleum consumption for transport
2. "Green" cloak for farm subsidies
3. Cause of food price increase
4. Unnecessary intensification of farming

Evidence for Global Climate Change

-sea level rise
-more intense and extreme events
-less precipitation some places and more in others

What was the era we have been in for the past decades? What are we in now?

Holocene; Anthropocene

What is the evidence that we are in the Anthropocene Era?

exponential growth

Agriculture is a

science, business, and art

What is the largest user of water resources?


Seed Perk Areas

where seed crops grow well

Where is the highest level of biodiversity for a crop?

its original hearth location

The Fertile Crescent

the relationship between the rise of seed crops and domestication

First Agricultural Revolution

-in South Asia and MesoAmerica
-land tenure and division of labor
-created a surplus

Second Agricultural Revolution

-in Western Europe in the 1600s
-higher yields; replace yoke for oxen; replace ox with horses/mule
-crop rotations
-intimately linked to the Industrial Revolution
-new inputs for fertilizers

Third Agricultural Revolution

-in North America
-replacement of humans with machines
-introduction of the use of fossil fuels
-large scale changes in ecologies
-worldwide usage of fertilizers

what is necessary for chemical farming?

high capital

Who is the father of the Green Revolution?

Dr. Norman Borlaug

What is purpose of the Green Revolution?

to develop a production system to be successful in developing countries; subset of third agricultural revolution

Hybrid Crops

mature in a shorter time than normal seeds; respond better to fertilizers; more nutritional

Biorevolution focuses on what as their main goal?

control, not yield


genetically modified plants that produce pharmacueticals

Biorevolution purpose

it's not about yield, its about finding new markets for the products created
-helps to solve the overproduction problem

Bue Rvolution

essentially aquaculture with pens of fish farming; negative: destruction of mangroves

What is an agricultural production system?

integrated system of inputs and outputs for agricultural production
-intensive vs, extensive
-labor vs. capital