Geo 106 Final

Trilobites thrived...

In the Paleozoic

when continental crust meets continental crust in a convergent plate boundary what is the most likely feature to form?

A huge mountain range

what is the definition of a theory?

An explanation of observed phenomena that has been thourly tested through experiment and can be used to make predictions

All dinosaurs became extinct in 65 ma

False because birds are dinosaurs

Varved deposits corals, tree rings, glaciers, what do alternating bands of light and dark material represent?

annual fluctuations of the seasons

a sedimentary rock sequence contains two rock units tiled vertically so that you can't use the law of superposition to determine the relative age. Unit A contains rock pieces of unit B, which unit is older and why?

Unit B because of the law of inclusions

The following statements about polar magnetism on earth are true:

magnetic field orientation during the time of rock formation is recorded in solidifying lavas sea floor

Halte is an example of:


Hawaiian lavas can be characterized as:

Low in silica, non-explosive

New oceanic lithosphere is formed at ____________ plate boundaries


Which interval of geologic time. is the earliest (oldest) in which there was significant free oxygen in the atmosphere and oceans?


Which absolute age system would be appropriate to determine the age of the earth and what ages are produced by this system?

U-PB ; 4.56 Ga

Thermal convection cells distribute heat via....

Warm mantle, rising under mid-ocean ridges: then cooling and sinking under ocean trenches and then warming again to continue the cycle

Which of the following is not one of the eight most abundant elements in the crust?


The longest unit of geologic time is:


The principle of inclusions states that:

Rocks can contain inclusions of other, older rocks

Which of the following intervals of geologic time is not found in oceanic crust?


Conglomerates are rocks composed of:

Rock fragments larger than 2mm

Volcanic ash is an example of:

An extrusive igneous rock

A rock made from shells of small marine animals, including those that form coral reefs, would almost completely made of:

Carbonate Minerals

Oceanic crust is much younger than continental crust because:

Oceanic crust is more dense than continental, so it subjects and is recycled

Sandstone that bears similar characteristics of present day sand dunes indicates:

Both a and c. A:sandstone was deposited in a dune environment. C: The sandstone represents an interval of the geologic past when a dune field existed

why does some sandstone consist of only rounded grains of quartz?

Quartz is durable and can survive erosion and transport

The thickness of the crust at the Himalayas is greater than at the mid-atlantic ridge


Magnetic stripes are well preserved in ocean crust and represent:

Seafloor spreading and change in the direction of earth magnetic field

a rock containing radioactive element is found to have 250,00 parent isotopes and 750,000 daughter isotopes, if the hale-life and the parent isotope is 2 million years, how old is the rock?

4 million years

which is true about the density of magic and felsic minerals?

Mafic minerals are more dense

The direction of plate movement over geologic time scales is best indicated by:

the formation of linear chain of volcanic islands formed by mantle hotspots

which of the following is not a magic silicate mineral?


If mantle hot spot remains stationary and tectonic plate moves over it, a chain of district volcanos will extend away from the hot spot. dating volcanos such as those of Hawaii shows that rates of plate motion....

are not much slower than many ma ago

The two most abundant elements in earths crust are:

silicon and oxygen

characteristics of convergent plate boundaries include:

mid ocean ridges

the oldest rocks on earth come from___________; the oldest one known on earth is ___________.

continental cratons; the canadian shield

which of the following is likely a product of endosymbiosis during the archean Eon?

a eukaryote that originated from symbiotic prokaryote cells

which of the following is a positive feedback that helps ice expands during a snowball earth interval?

high reflectivity of ice and snow

In the absence of rain how might the earth start to warm up when covered in ice?

volcanic eruptions releasing carbon dioxide

What rock type deposited throughout the oceans after snowball earth interval ended and is consistent with high amounts of carbon dioxide in atmosphere

cap carbonate

which of the following fossils of the cambrian explosion was one of the first predators?


What property of the rock record distinguishes the paleozoic era from earlier intervebrates of earth history

large, easy to see fossils in sedimentary rocks

what types of sedimentary rocks represent orogenies of the Paleozoic

coarse-grained sedimentary rocks formed at the edges of mountains

which of the following Paleozoic orogenies is oldest


which of the following transgression occurred during the early Cambrian period


which 2 orogenies occurred during the silurian period

acadian & caledonian

which super continent was fully assembled by the end of the permian


what types of animals appeared during the cambrain explosion

shelly marine invertebrates

which of the following animals had 3 body sections and lived in both shallow and deep marine environments


a theorized result of the event which formed the moon include:

fused cores of 2 distinct planets and tilted rotational axis of earth

what was one of the first vertebrates/chordates to appear during cambrian


which of the following is one of the first jawed fish predators of the paleozoic and featured on armored head


what group of invertebrates are humans closets relatives


Dropstones are found in deep marine sediments and are derived from glaciers/icebergs. They are found in 600 MA sedimentary rocks all over the world, including those which were at tropical latitudes in the late Proterozoic


which of the paleozoic periods are poorly represented in the Williston basin corresponding with the regression following the Tippecanoes transgression

the silurian

archean stromatolites are most likely formed by___________, which are _____________ cells

anaerobic cynobacteria, prokaryote

the banded iron formations which formed during the proterozic represent which of the following events?

great oxygenation event

during which period of the paleozoic were reefs primairly formed by cup-shaped archeocythids


during the tippecanoe transgression, the thickest sedimentary sequences formed in the center Laurentia


which of the following animals thrived in the aftermath of the Argonomic revolution


which of the following animals groups were immobile filter feeders that appeared during the cambrian and were abundant for much of the paleozoic

bryozoans, brachiopods, crinoids, tabulate corals

during the Pennsylvanian-permian, laurentia was characterized by

thick coal-forming deposits in the east & thick carbonate deposits in the west

a Cratonic sequence with coarse grained sedimentary rocks on the bottom and finer grained sedimentary rock in the middle and carbonate rocks on top represent


which of the following evolutionary divergence lines is correct

aganthians> jawed fish> labyrinthodants> amniotic egg reptiles > synapsids

which of the following animal groups was first to lay amniotic eggs on land


when the rate of seafloor spreading increases global sea level


which of the following statements about earths precambrian oxygenation are true

in the presence of oxygen, uranium becomes soluble, so most sedimentary

animal with fish features and structures for land life


early vertabrate without jaws


amphibian land-dweller and lobe fish descendant


Which group of organisms would you most likely see in a marine deposit from the mesozoic?

Bivalves, gastropods, ammoiods

which event is highly correlated to be a cause of the end permian extinction?

Siberian traps

The niobrara formation was deposited in the late cretaceous and is rich in dinosaur fossils, this sedimentary rock records a _______________environment?


Tyrannosaurus rex, a theropod, is more closely related in time and in body form to birds than to stegosaurus.


Which statement about the relationship between orogenies relative sea level is true?

A foreland basin forms parallel to the orogeny and relative sea level increases

What happened at the end of the triassic period that may have created ecological space for dinosaurs to thrive and evolve?

Extinction of large therapsids

The oldest dinosaurs appeared during the __________ period


How did the breakup of Pangea affect the diversity of dinosaurs?

Continents become isolated, leading to divergent and speciation

What group of dinosaurs shared more than 20 body characteristics with birds?


What is the first bird identified in the fossil record of the mesozoic era?


What is the phylogenetic order largely agreed on by paleontologists to represent the relationships between oldest birds to modern birds?

Archaeopteryx-->Jeholorinis----> Enantiornithes------>Hesperornis--->Modern birds

What is a gastrolith?

Small rocks used by non-arian dinosaurs and birds to aid digestion

How did features amount early birds evolve to permit flight over greater distances?

They became asymmetric and tail fans became longer

Which of the following skull properties distinguishes mammals from reptiles in the fossil record

A,B, and C. A: Jaw bone. B:Ear bones. C:teeth

what body characteristic of mesozoic mammals suggest they were nocturnal?

Large eyes, powerful sense of smell, larger brain

Of the following choices, what would you NOT expect to find in hell creek formation?


what is the most likely source of concentrated iridium found in sediments deposited at the end of mesocoic era?

meteor or asteroid

Which of the following went extinct at the end of the cretaceous period?

all ammonites

what are commonly found in the hell creek formation?

Fossil egg clutches

_________ fractionates based on temp and _________ fractionates based on vital effect (biological mediated)

Oxygen isotopes, carbon isotopes

when did the Paleocene - Eocene thermal maximum occurs and how long did it last?

At 55, 100,000 years

Which of the following is a records warmth during the Paleocene Eocene thermal maximum?

All of the above.
-oxygen isotopes from marine fossils
-fossils of warm adapted trees at hight latitudes
-fossils of warm adapted marine organisms at latitudes

why geologists know more about the Cenozoic rocks than rocks from other ages.

They are most accessible being at or near the surface

which of the following may have been a source of the excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in the early Cenozoic (66-50 ma)

increased volcanic activity

in which sedimentary formation are you most likely to discover abundant dinosaur fossils?

Morrison (jurassic flood plains)

What is the Pierre shale in ND primarly composed of?

organic rich, black mud

according to oxygen isotopes records, what was the long term trend in climate change during the last 35 ma?


During the mesozoic, western American was an ____________ continental margin featuring a ___________plate boundary.

Active, Convergent

What was the first orogeny to occur in western North America during the mesozoic era, forming the first subduction zone along western North America?


Which of the following is a record of the Nevadan orogeny?

Granite batholiths along the western edge of North America

which of these groups of mesozoic orogenies comprise the Rocky Mountains?

Nevadan, sevier, laranide (those are spelled wrong)

A foreland basin forms landward of mountains that form along a subduction zone. During the mesozoic orogenies, a foreland basin formed ____________ of the mountains in North America


The end permian mass extinction was caused by _________

Degassing of metamorphosed sediments beneath continental crust

Which of the following fossil groups suggest that the cretaceous interior seaway was hundreds of meters deep, at maximum size

A, B, &C. Ammonites, mosasaurs, Ginsu shark

What are the two formations that show the evidence for the first phase of interior seaway in ND?

Niobrara Fm and Pierre Shale

Why are ammonites the index fossil's for the interior seaway in ND?

Each species has a distinctive survive pattern, very common, widely distributed (A, B, C are correct)

During the end permian mass extinction, about ________________ of species went extinct. During the end cretaceous mass extinction, about ___________ of species went extinct

96%, 75%

How does the marine paleoecology differ between mesozoic and Paleozoic?

Extinction and decline of immune organisms, and increases in mobile organisms and burrowers

Metamorphic rocks have been altered by temp and pressure, causing new minerals and structures to form, but were never melted


Straigraphy applies to all rock groups but it focuses primarily on

sedimentary rocks

Darwins theory of natural selection is best described as

survival of the individuals most adapted to the environment

Fossils preserved in sedimentary rocks include trace fossils and body fossils which of the following is a trace fossil


Sandstone can be deposited in which of the following environments

All of the above; beach, dune, fast flowing river

The principle of fossil succession states that assemble ages of fissils

succeed each other in predictable way

During marine transgressions and regressions several facies are deposited at the same time giving rise to vertical and lateral relationships. which principle summarizes these relationships

walthers principle

which of the following grain sizes is/are held in suspension in very low velocity

silt and clay

which of the following rock types is poorly sorted

conglomerate deposited by glacier

a piece of petrified wood consists of some of the original wood and some mineral material in its void space. The wood is fossilized by


when a marine regression occurs sea level ____________ and the shoreline migrates_______________

falls, oceanward

which of the following properties of sedimentary rocks is most useful for determining its depositional environment

sedimentary structures

which of the following condition is/are favorable for an organism to become fossilized

rapid burial, consists of hard parts, low oxygen environment

in which of the following environments can mud cracks form?

tidal flat where water evaporates

the precambrian internal accounts for the first __________ of earth history

4 billon years

According to the solar nebular theory a ____________ will form at the center of a rotating disk and ____________ will form alone the outer part

star, planets

Int he solar system the inner planets are ___________ and composed mostly of _____________ compared to the outer planets

smaller, metals

to be used as an index fossil the fossil organism

must have been very common and had a wide geographic distribution and must have included species that are both easy to identify and that went extinct quickly

in a cliff you see a sandstone bed resting on top of a coarse-grained igneous rock, the contact between them looks planar. Based on the law of inclusions the sandstone is

older than the igneous rock

For the image to the right the stratigraphic column is indicating


The grain size of a detrital sedimentary rock relates to

the velocity of the water which it was deposited

Sediments deposited in a braided stream close to eroding mountains would typically include

altering beds of poorly sorted gravel and cross-bedded sand, they usually have no muddy beds and no fossils

According to the theory of natural selection positive traits are known as __________ and are ______________ to be passed alone to the next generation

adaptations, more likely

What is the name of fossilized feces


In which marine environment are you likely to find a turbidite

continental slope

which of these is a transitional enviroment

barrier island and beach

which of the statements is most likely to cause speciation

a natural barrier between populations

Lamarck believed that organisms _______________ traits and _______________ pass

acquire, do

If a population nearly goes extinct the remaining individuals can evolve in just a few generations. This is an example of evolution by

punctuated equilibrium

If a sedimentary rock is in contact with a metamorphic rock, what is this unconformity called


The geological time scale is based on


which organism would make best index fossil


what type of fossilization is likely to leave a thin dark film?


what size of particles can a river like the red river of the north transport


_________ is triangular deposit of sand and soil, found at the mount of some rivers


____________ ripples form in channelled flow deposits while____________ ripples are formed in tidal flow, both produce_____________

asymmetrical, symmetrical, cross- beds

ancestor to mammal-like


during which internal of pre Cambrian time did the moon form


which of the following contributed free oxygen to the atmosphere during proterzoic eon

photosynthesis by cyanobacteria

which of the following continental represents the proterzoic and early paleozoic versioon of north america


the last snowball earth interval to occur in earth history was during the

Late Proterozoic earth