13 colonies

13 colonies

England settled this land in North America to explore, make money, and for religious reasons.

New England colonies Memory Trick

Never - New Hampshire
Make - Massachusetts
Cynthia - Connecticut
Run - Rhode Island

Middle Atlantic colonies Memory Trick

New - New York
Pennies - Pennsylvania
New - New Jersey
Dimes - Delaware

Southern colonies Memory Trick

My - Maryland
Vehicle - Virginia
Needs - North Carolina
Some - South Carolina
Gas - Georgia

New England Economy

The region that made money by Fishing, whaling, lumber
Subsistence Farming

Middle Atlantic Economy

The region that made money by Agriculture - wheat, barley, oats, corn
"Breadbasket" of the colonies

Southern Economy

The region that made money by plantation Agriculture
Indigo, Tobacco, Rice

New England Reasons for Colonization

Religious Freedom

Middle Atlantic Reasons for Colonization

Diverse (different reasons)
Making money, religious freedom, agriculture

Southern Reasons for Colonization

Making money with plantation agriculture


Everything related to how a society makes money

New England Environment

Harsh, cold winters
Short mild summers
Rocky land - not good for farming
Natural harbors and waterways

Middle Atlantic Environment

Cold winters, warm summers
Good soil for farming
Lots of rivers

Southern Environment

Long, hot summers
Short, mild winters
Excellent soil for farming



Appalachian Mountains

Along the western borders of the 13 colonies
Created a natural boundary that made it difficult for the colonists to move farther west


England's first colony in North America
The colonists mysteriously disappeared


Land that is under the control of another, far away country


Someone who leaves their country, moves to a new land, but still follows the government and rules of their old country.


Treating people badly based on their religion or race


Accepting people and their beliefs


England's first successful colony
Settled in Virginia in 1607

Jamestown's Economy

Making money by plantation farming tobacco

John Smith

English colonist at Jamestown who taught the colonists how to grow tobacco, how to work, and made an alliance with the Powhattan Indians.


English people who journeyed to America for religious freedom and founded the settlement of Plymouth. They wanted to SEPARATE from the Church in England.


The 2nd successful English settlement founded by pilgrims for religious freedom


The ship that the pilgrims traveled on to settle in America

Mayflower Compact

A social contract written by the pilgrims to set the rules to keep order and safety in their colony.
An example of self-government

Virginia House of Burgesses

First REPRESENTATIVE LEGISLATURE in the American colonies (an assembly of people elected to make laws for all the people in the colony)
Was an example of self-government for other colonies to follow


Religious group who who believed in equality and toleration for all. They settled Pennsylvania with their leader William Penn


Religious group who settled in Massachusetts Bay Colony. They wanted to PURIFY the church, not separate from it. In their colony, religion controlled the government - so only good church members with land could take part in government/vote.

Fundamental Orders of Connecticut

The first written CONSTITUTION in the American colonies - created the procedures for the first government


Even though the colonists were still English subjects and still loyal to their king, they began setting up their own governments. This gave them more freedom than the people in England.


Southern Colony
Created by Lord Baltimore as a safe place for Catholics to live and practice their religion freely.


Last colony founded - 1732
James Oglethorpe founded it as a safe place for debtors.
Was the last colony between the English and the Spanish in America.

Effects of Geography in the Colonies

South: Warm climate, good soil = best for farming
North: Natural resources, lots of rivers and access to water = better for trade
Middle: Moderate climate and soil and natural resources = food farming and trade

Commerce / Commercial

Trade / everything related to trade


Making money


Economic philosophy in which a country conquers other lands to use their resources to make money


A group of people who make laws


A document that lists the fundamental principles (most important ideas) to run a government