Geography chapter 1

absolute location

the precise point where a place is located on Earth

relative location

where a place is located in relation to another place


a change in the shape, size, or position of a place when it is shown on a map

map projection

a way of representing the spherical Earth on a flat surface

compass rose

a diagram on a map that shows directions such as north, south, east, and west

cardinal directions

the four main directions on a compass rose: north, south, east, and west

intermediate directions

the directions on a compass rose, such as southeast, that are located between the cardinal directions

map legend

a box or other display on a map that explains the meaning of the symbols used on the map

map key

another name for map legend

map grid

a system of imaginary lines that divides up the space on a map

global grid

the system of imaginary lines (called parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude) used to divide the surface of Earth on maps and globes

parallels of latitude

an imaginary line around Earth that runs parallel to the equator


the line of latitude that circles Earth exactly midway between the North and South poles

meridians of longitude

an imaginary line between the North and South poles that crosses the equator at right angles

prime meridian

the meridian of longitude labeled 0 degrees, from which all other degrees of longitude are measured. The prime meridian passes through Greenwich, England

International Date Line

the meridian of longitude located at 180�. By international agreement, the date is one day earlier to the east of this line


a set of numbers that together describe the exact location of something, such as a place on a map

map scale

an element of a map that shows how a unit of distance on the map (such as an inch) relates to actual distance on the surface of Earth


one half of a sphere. Earth can be divided into eastern and western hemispheres or into northern and southern hemispheres


the seven largest areas of land on Earth


a very large, unbroken area of land


one complete trip by Earth around the sun


an imaginary line that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole through the center of Earth


the spinning motion of Earth around its axis

Tropic of Cancer

the northernmost line of latitude where the sun's rays ever beat straight down. This line marks the northern limit of the tropical zone

Tropic of Capricorn

the southernmost line of latitude where the sun's rays ever beat straight down. This line marks the southern limit of the tropical zone

tropical zone

area between the equator and the Tropic of Cancer and between the equator and the Tropic of Capricorn, where the climate is generally hot

Arctic Circle

the line of latitude at 66�33'N that marks the boundary of the northern polar zone

Antarctic Circle

the line of latitude at 66�33'S that marks the boundary of the southern polar zone

polar zone

the area between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole or between the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole, where the climate is generally cold

temperate zone

the area between Earth's tropical zones and polar zones, where the climate is relatively mild

absolute location

the precise point where a place is located on Earth

relative location

where a place is located in relation to another place


a change in the shape, size, or position of a place when it is shown on a map

map projection

a way of representing the spherical Earth on a flat surface

compass rose

a diagram on a map that shows directions such as north, south, east, and west

cardinal directions

the four main directions on a compass rose: north, south, east, and west

intermediate directions

the directions on a compass rose, such as southeast, that are located between the cardinal directions

map legend

a box or other display on a map that explains the meaning of the symbols used on the map

map key

another name for map legend

map grid

a system of imaginary lines that divides up the space on a map

global grid

the system of imaginary lines (called parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude) used to divide the surface of Earth on maps and globes

parallels of latitude

an imaginary line around Earth that runs parallel to the equator


the line of latitude that circles Earth exactly midway between the North and South poles

meridians of longitude

an imaginary line between the North and South poles that crosses the equator at right angles

prime meridian

the meridian of longitude labeled 0 degrees, from which all other degrees of longitude are measured. The prime meridian passes through Greenwich, England

International Date Line

the meridian of longitude located at 180�. By international agreement, the date is one day earlier to the east of this line


a set of numbers that together describe the exact location of something, such as a place on a map

map scale

an element of a map that shows how a unit of distance on the map (such as an inch) relates to actual distance on the surface of Earth


one half of a sphere. Earth can be divided into eastern and western hemispheres or into northern and southern hemispheres


the seven largest areas of land on Earth


a very large, unbroken area of land


one complete trip by Earth around the sun


an imaginary line that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole through the center of Earth


the spinning motion of Earth around its axis

Tropic of Cancer

the northernmost line of latitude where the sun's rays ever beat straight down. This line marks the northern limit of the tropical zone

Tropic of Capricorn

the southernmost line of latitude where the sun's rays ever beat straight down. This line marks the southern limit of the tropical zone

tropical zone

area between the equator and the Tropic of Cancer and between the equator and the Tropic of Capricorn, where the climate is generally hot

Arctic Circle

the line of latitude at 66�33'N that marks the boundary of the northern polar zone

Antarctic Circle

the line of latitude at 66�33'S that marks the boundary of the southern polar zone

polar zone

the area between the Arctic Circle and the North Pole or between the Antarctic Circle and the South Pole, where the climate is generally cold

temperate zone

the area between Earth's tropical zones and polar zones, where the climate is relatively mild