The First Americans


it is what scientists called the land bridge between Alaska and Asia about 30,000 years ago.

Where did the first Americans come from?

From Siberia in Asia.

Where did the Americans migrate?

They migrated to North America, Central America, and South America.

2 examples of how American Indians used natural resources to adapt to their environment

1. They fashioned warm, hooded clothing from animal skins
2. To avoid being blinded by the Sun's glare shining on the snow, they made goggles out of bones with slits to see through


the beliefs, customs, food, dwelling, and clothing in people's way of life.

Which American Indian cultural region do you live in?

The Southeast region.

What type of clothing would most American Indians living on the Plains wear?

The would wear mainly animal hide and fur.

What type of housing would most American Indians living the Southeast build?

Rectangular house with pointed leaf roof

What type of food would most American Indians living in the Great Plains eat?

The food was: Rabbits, lizards, snakes, ducks, and tender shoots of cattail plants.

Northwest Coast

main geographic features: thick forests of fir, spruce, and cedar; rugged mountains
main food source: seals, sea lions, and whales. Deer, moose, bear, elk, beaver, mountain goat
types of homes: planks to build large, sturdy houses. To keep out rain. They


main geographic features: coast, coastal foothills, inland valleys, deserts, western side of Sierra Nevada
main food source: salmon, shellfish, deer, roots, berries, pine nuts, and acorns.
Types of homes: In forested areas, men used tools made from the an

Great Basin

Main geographic features: mountains on either sides. Large dry land.
Main food source: rabbits, lizards, snakes, ducks, tender shoots of cattail plants
Types of homes: temporary shelters of willow poles shaped into a cone and covered with brush or reeds


Main geographic features; flat lands, rolling hills, steep gorges, and large rivers.
Main food source: fish, salmon, camas
Types of homes: lived in a house partly underground pit lined with logs and covered with reed, sapling, and mud.
Types of, and mater


Main geographic features: mountains, flat-topped mesas, deserts, and canyons
Main food source: corn, beans, squash, rabbit meat, chili peppers, and corn bread
Types of homes: made homes from Earth itself. Using adobe (sun- baked clay)
Types of, materials,

Great Plains

main geographic features: treeless land. 2000 miles from Rokies to Mississippi valley to Canada to Gulf of Mexico.
Main food source: buffalo
Type of homes: using tendons as thread, women sewed 8-20 buffalo skin that fastened around tall cone poles called

Eastern Woodlands

main geographic features: forests, lakes, and streams
main food source: deer, beavers, corn, squash, bear, birds, fish, greens, nuts, berries, and syrup from maple trees.
types of homes: sturdy log framed houses made from elm bark. 20 ft. wide x 100 ft. l


main geographic features: river valleys, mountains, coastal plains, and swamps
main food source: corn, beans, squash, pumpkins, sunflowers, sweet potatoes, wild rice, turkey, rabbit, squirrels, and deer.
Types of homes: they built homes from Earthen mound