Ch. 14 Western Europe

Why is Western Europe one of the most densely populated regions in the world

Economic growth has encouraged people to migrate

What is Western Europe the home of

many cultures

What is Western Europe's economy based off of

on industry and services

What are the Centers of Ancient Civilizations in Western Europe

Greece and Rome

What are the mountain ranges of Western Europe

Alps or Pyrenees and the Pindus or Appenines

What are the peninsulas of Western Europe

Scandinavian, Iberian, Greek, and Italian

What are the major climate regions of Western Europe

Mediterranean, marine west coast, subarctic, and humid continental

What are the major ecosystems of Western Europe

Mid-latitude deciduous forest, chaparral, mixed forest, coniferous forest, and tundra

Support It (S.I.) After the Renaissance, powerful new nations developed in Western Europe

Nations such as England, France, Spain, Portugal, and the Netherlands were able to explore and establish colonies in other parts of the world. The colonies est up by western European nations produced great riches for their merchants and kings

(S.I.) Western Europe is sometimes called a "peninsula of peninsulas.

Europe itself is a peninsula at the western end of Eurasia Several smaller peninsulas jut out to north, west, and south from the main body of the continent

(S.I.) Western Europe has several different types of landforms

Europe has high mountains ranges, such as the Alps. The Northern European Plain is a low land that stretches eastward from France to Northern Eurasia

(S.I) Climates of Western Europe are milder than those of other regions at the same latitude

No location in Western Europe is more than 300 miles from the moderating influence of the sea. Winds blowing toward western Europe across the warm North Atlantic Drift current warm the climate

(S.I) People have altered Western Europe's ecosystems

Much of the original forests and grasslands were cut and cleared long ago for farms, towns, and cities. Many types of large wild animals that once roamed freely in Europe are now found only in zoos and preserves

(S.I) Western Europe is a small but densely populated region

Western Europe occupies only about 3 % of the world's landmass yet it is one of the most densely populated regions of the world

(S.I) Western Europe's population is not evenly distributed

The nations of Scandinavia are lightly populated. The Netherlands is very densely populated

(S.I) Western europe has the natural resourcres and physical features to support industry

Western Europe has a wealth of natural resources, such as coal and petroleum. Rotterdam's harbor is large enough to hold 300 cargo ships at a time, making it one of the world's largest ports