
Too Deterministic

Rule of Natural Size


There are morals in international relations
Shouldn't be amoral


States are the level of analysis
Misses the role of people and decision makers

Misses People

Leadership makes decisions
Everyday people and society

Self Fulfilling Prophecy

Can make things important that aren't really
Assumptions force results

Temporal Critique

Tends to promote short run thinking

Life-boat survival versus Space Ship Survival

Selfish best interest versus interest of the group

Principal of Generality

You can't make on set of rules for yourself and another set of rules for others

Security Dilemma

Suggests to prepare for war, but it can make you less secure


Too Deterministic
Misses People
Flawed Decision Making Model
Self Fulfilling Prophecy
Temporal Critique
Life-boat survival versus Space Ship Survival
Principal of Generality
Security Dilemma

Global Systems Approach

Focus on actors beyond the state
Distribution of Power Assets
Patterns of Interaction
Decision Making

Cognitive Dissidence by Gervous

We assume everything other states do is on purpose
Lack of communication
It's hard to believe the other side sees us as a threat
Mirror Imaging


Nature of the International System
States Themselves
Human Nature


Hegemonic Stability
Arms Control
Machinery of International Organization
Democracies don't go to war with each other


State-sponsored Terrorism
State Terrorism

4 key misconceptions of decision making

-tendency to see other countries more hostel than you
-tend to see behavior of others more centralized, organized than your own
-hard to see that other sides view us as a threat
-mirror imaging

Kenneth Waltz 3 causes of war

1) nature of international system
2)states themselves
3)human kind

State sponsored terrorism

funded and coached by a state

state terrorism

carried out by a state, most deadly because they have access to military

Kants 3 circumstances that lead to countries to maintain peace

democracy, commerce, international organizations (IGO's)