Water Conflicts- Key terms


A rock, such a chalk, which will hold water and let it through

Arid and semi-arid

Describe where rainfall is less than 250mm and 500mm of precipitation per year respectively


The conversion of salt water into fresh water


An extended period of abnormally dry weather that causes water shortages and crop damage. A drought starts when total rainfall is well below average for several months

El Nino

A southerly warm ocean current, which develops off the coast of Ecuador, it is associated with major variations in typical climates


All water found under the surface of the ground which is not chemically combined with any minerals present, but not including underground streams

High pressure

A region of high atmospheric pressure, otherwise known as an anticyclone


The process of the water entering rocks or soil


The supply of water to the land by means of channels, streams and sprinklers in order to permit the growth of crops

La Nina

An extensive cooling of the central and eastern Pacific. Globally La Nina means that parts of the world that normally experience dry weather will be drier and those with wet weather will be wetter


The filtering of water downwards through soil and through bedding planes, joints and pores of a permeable rock

Potential Evapotranspiration

The amount of evaporation and transportation that can occur given a sufficient supply of water


The deposition of moisture from the atmosphere onto the Earth's surface in form of rain, hail, snow, frost or sleet


Most frequent, most common


The sale of a business/industry so that it is no longer owned by the government

Rain shadow

An area of relatively low rainfall to the lee side of uplands (sheltered from winds). The incoming air has been forced to rise over the highlands causing precipitation on the windward side

Relief Rainfall

This forms when moisture-laden air masses are forced to rise over ground. The air is cooled, the water vapour condenses, and precipitation occurs


Relating to a river bank. Owners of land crossed or bounded by a river have 'riparian' rights to use the river

Spatial imbalance

The uneven distribution/location across a landscape or surface e.g. population

Stream flow

The flow of water in streams, rivers and other channels

Surface runoff

The movement of over ground of rainwater. It occurs when the rainfall is very heavy and when the rocks and soil can absorb no more


The migration of rural populations into towns and cities

Virtual water

The amount of water used in the production of a good or service

Water rights

The legal right of a user to use water from a water source e.g. a river

Water Scarcity

Can be divided into 'apparent scarcity' which exists when there is plenty of water buy it is used wastefully.
And 'real scarcity' which is caused by insufficient rainfall or too many people relying on a limited resource

Water Stress

Measured as annual water supplies below 1,700m3 per person

Water wars

International conflict as a result of pressure on water supplies

World Water Gap

The difference between those people, who live in water poverty and those who have ready and reliable access to water for drinking and sanitation