Geography Final Exam


Which country of South Asia has the region's lowest level of economic development?

Shri Lanka

Which country of South Asia has the region's highest life expectancy at birth?

Shri Lanka

Which country of South Asia has the region's overall highest level of social development, in terms of favorable social indicators?

Shri Lanka

What country of South Asia has the region's highest adult literacy rate?

Air Polution, Water Polution, Acid Rain, Deforestation

What are some of the greatest environmental problems of South Asia?

North of South Asia

Relative to the South Asia region , where are Himalayan Mountains?


What climatic factor dominates South Asia, often causing summer floods?

Collision of India & Asian Land Mass

How were the Himalayas formed?


In what South Asian country is the Deccan Plateau located?


What is the most serious natural hazard in Bangladesh?


What is the tallest mountain chain in South Asia and the world?


What physical feature is needed for orographic precipitation to occur?

Area of low rainfall found on the downwind side of a mountain range

What is the rain-shadow effect?

East Asia

South Asia could soon surpass which region as the world's most populous region?


What is the most widely spoken language in South Asia?


What language has been suggested as a unifying national language in India?


What religion dominates in Pakistan and Bangladesh?

India & Paskistan

What two countries in South Asia have nuclear weapons?


What is the capital of India?

Rebel Force in Shri Lanka

What are the Tamil Tigers?

Software Development

India's economy is most advanced in what economic activity?

Wages are low

Why is Bangladesh internationally competitive in textile and clothing manufacture?

Industrial Development, resulting polution

What activity has placed the greatest pressure on the forests of Southeast Asia?


What type of animals is most closely associated with Australia?

Water Polution

Which of the following environmental problems is most prevalent in Oceania?


What causes a tsunami?

21.9 Million

What is the approximate population of Australia?

4.3 Million

What is the approximate population of New Zealand?

Along the Coast

Where do Australian cities tend to be located


What is the cultural origin of the majority of Australia's population?


What is the United States' main possession in Oceania?


What is New Zealand's most important commercial livestock?

Erosion, Increased flooding, Destruction of habitats, Smoke Polution

What environmental damage is often caused by logging in Southeast Asia?


On mainland Southeast Asia, what is the most common crop in the lowlands?


Which country in Southeast Asia contains the largest number of islands?


What are hurricanes called in Southeast Asia?

570 Million

What is the approximate population of Southeast Asia?

Relocations of nations population from one location to another within lational territory

What is transmigration?


What country in Southeast Asia is a city-state?

Emphasis on basic education but inadequate attention on University & Techniqual Education

What is education like in Southeast Asia?