Exam 2 Study Guide

The largest ethnic group in China is the


An ethnic minority that is concentrated on the Japanese island of Hokkaido


When evidence indicates that the death rate in a less developed country had increased significantly, it is most likely due to

widespread disease and famine

Civilization first emerged in China along the banks of the

Huang He (Yellow) river

What is an example of complementary, interdependent principles emblematic of the harmonious interplay of opposites?

yin and yang

The Chinese leader who implemented sweeping economic reforms in the late 1970s was

Deng Xiaoping

Countries that have a mature industrial and service-centered economy tend to be high urbanized, which is true for


The term keiretsu refers to

a group of large companies that are built around a financial hub

A serious gender imbalance, indicated by millions of "surplus" males, will affect where in the next 25 years?


While Shanghai is rapidly becoming a well-connected global city-region, its main limitation is

using a currency that is not freely convertible on the global market

Southern China experiences which type of climate?

Subtropical climate

Approximately what percentage of global population lives in East Asia?

22 percent

Based on the map of China's population distribution, which of the following statements appears most correct?

95% of the population occupies only 45% of the land

The fact that Japan is so well developed indicated

comparative advantages that do not include natural resources

The East Asian country experiencing the least amount of development

North Korea

Closer ties between China and Taiwan could benefit Taiwan through

increased investments and other economic opportunities from China

Tsunamis, such as the one that hit Japan's east coast in 2011, are caused by

an earthquake under the sea or ocean

A good example of South Korea's "hallyu" becoming global is

the popularity of Psy's "Gangnam Style" video

The recent growth of Mongolia's economy can be attributed to

the extraction and sale of valuable minerals

China's economic growth rate is likely to decrease in the future because

factories are already moving to countries in Asia and other developing regions with lower wages

Indonesia is a former colony of which European country?

The Netherlands

As a consequence of Spanish colonization in the 16th century, this country is now predominantly Roman Catholic


The evidence in Southeast Asia suggests that developing tourism and an export-oriented economy

leads to higher gross national income

An important cash crop in Vietnam that is grown in the highlands is


The Green Revolution is southeast Asia

developed new varieties of rice that increased yields

The largest ethnic group in Singapore is the Chinese who migrated there because

Singapore sits on the shipping route between China and Europe

According to the policy approved by the UN, each country on earth with a shoreline on international waters may claim an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of what extent?

200 miles

Evidence that Muslims were active traders with Southeast Asia centuries before the arrival of Europeans

Indonesia, including the Spice Islands, is overwhelmingly Islamic

This technology was able to assist governments and aid agencies in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami


As a consequence of it's location, traders from where arrived in Southeast Asia long before the Europeans

China, India,, Middle East

A population distribution map of insular Southeast Asia will indicate

that Java is one of the most densely populated pieces of real estate in the world

A palimpsest is a writing... used to describe something with diverse layers. Why is this a good description for Southeast Asia

In Southeast Asia, there are chronological overlays of animistic, Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim, and Christian cultures

One of the lasting effects of the Vietnam War is

the barren hill slopes chemically defoliated by American troops

The primary reason for the establishment of ASEAN and APEC was to

increase economic and political cooperation among their members

The changes in Indonesia's population pyramid over time indicate

that the total fertility rate is decreasing

What could possibly motivate the Indonesian government to approve the deforestation of Borneo?

job creation and poverty reduction

The process of East Timor becoming an independent country

took decades and cost hundreds of thousands of lives

Countries like Singapore and Indonesia experience high rainfall and high temperature throughout the year because

they are located in the equatorial zone

Periodic volcanic eruptions and earthquakes that cause havoc in Indonesia and the Philippines can be traced to

their location on active plate margins

Oil and natural gas is SE Asia is most likely to be found

in the region's coastal seas and gulfs

Nowhere in the world is orographic precipitation more apparent than

in the Assam hills in northeast India

Maoist rebels disrupted the political stability of what for several decades, until a ceasefire agreement was concluded in 2006


The highest of the 4 main caste divisions in Hindu society is the


What comparative advantage does Bengaluru (Bangalore) have that enables it to attract domestic and foreign high-tech companies?

its engineering colleges

Pakistan's largest city, and major port servicing the country, is


What characteristics make the maldives so suitable for the mainstays of its economy?

it is a group of low elevation atolls in the Indian Ocean

What do Sri Lanka and Bhutan have in common?

Both are predominantly Buddhist countries

The rates of HIV/AIDS infection are highest

in the southern states

2 phenomena at opposite ends of Mumbai's cultural landscape

Bollywood and Dharavi

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is a political party associated with which religion?


The largest ethnic group in Sri Lanka is the


South Asia's external trade links were well-established by the ancient Greek and Roman times, but its seaborne trade, prior to the arrival of the Europeans in the 1500s, was controlled by


The major factor influencing whether India will produce an agricultural surplus of suffer a shortage

timing and duration of the monsoon cycle

The Khyber Pass lies along the border between

Pakistan and Afghanistan

Europeans, especially the British, were able to dominate South Asia from the 17th century primarily because they were able to expoit

the conflicts between many small, fragmented, and competing kingdoms

What is likely to perpetuate the poverty of a rural laborer in India

a daughter's dowry

The areas in South Asia that are likely to be most adversely affected by global climate change and rising sea levels are

Maldives and the Delta of the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta

Despite being largely rural, countries such as India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh have cities with over 10 million people because

of the growing population in these countries as well as rural to urban migration of people in search of jobs

Civil in Sri Lanka between the Sinhalese and Tamils occurred because of

post-independence policies that allegedly favored the Sinhalese over the Tamils

The per capita carbon footprint of a person living in India is more than double that of a person living in Sri Lanka because

India has more vehicles, industries, and other sources of pollution

Describe the "Great Leap Forward" in China. Identify at least two of its impacts on the Chinese people.

wanted to shift the economy from rural (farming) to industrial. Led to more pollution, starvation and famine, and migration of farms to cities

Contrast the political and economic systems of North and South Korea. How have they affected the lives of people living in each country?

North: dictatorship, poor, no freedom, low standard of living.
South: democracy, rich, free and fair, highly developed

Briefly discuss Japan's post WWII development. How has it changed from the 1950s until now?

During the 1950s, Japan rebuilt it's economy by manufacturing (companies such as Toyota and Sony). However, since the 1950s, the economy focuses more now on the service and financial economy since the standard living has gone up.

Identify at least three different cultures present in Southeast Asia and the country in which they occur. And identify at least three European colonial powers and a country each controlled.

1) Vietnam-Vietnamese-France

What is deforestation? Why does it happen? Where is Southeast Asia can it be seen?

Deforestation is cutting down trees. It happens in order to make room for industries such as farming, or to use the wood. On Borneo, the forest has been cut down to make room for Palm Oil plantations. It can be seen in Indonesia and Malaysia

Describe the geopolitical dispute in the South China Sea. Identify at least 2 countries involved.

The EEZ (exclusive economic zone) policy established by the UN that states that countries own the water 200 miles off their shores is being disputed. China, the Philippines, and Indonesia are arguing about who owns what water.

Contrast the politics, culture, and economics of India and Pakistan. Identify a location where they are engaged in a geopolitical dispute.

India: Hindu, faster-growing more diverse economy, democracy.
Pakistan: Muslim, political instability (mostly unsuccessful democracy), slower economy.
Dispute of Kashmir

Describe the monsoon, you may draw a picture.

6 months of winter: very dry. 6 months of summer: very wet, floods.

Identify three major world religions present in South Asia and identify a country in the region where each is the dominant religion.

1) Islam-Pakistan, Bangladesh
3)Buddhism-Sir Lanka, Bhutan, Nepal