Geography Unit 1

Geography is the study of

The distribution and interaction of Earth's physical and human features

In a _____, the government determines and regulates the production of goods and services

Command economy

How many tectonic plates meet at the Ring of Fire?


This is the theory that an original supercontinent broke apart into plates that caused individual continents to form

Continental drift

What deadly form of weather usually arrives with little or no warning?


Every nation is a

Territory inhabited by a specific and unified group of people

The spread of ideas and customs from one society to another is called


Which set of imaginary lines goes around the earth over the poles?

Longitide lines

A population will be most likely to grow if

Its birthrate is greater than its mortality rate

A region's systems for transporting its good to market, communicating with other regions, and fueling its factories are examples of the region's


Magma can flow out of cracks in the earth's surface as


Humus is an organic material that contributes to

The fertility of soil

What term is used to identify the land on the side of a mountain or hill that receives little preciptation due to the lack of moist air?

Rain shadow

A version of a language, such as a Southern drawl, is a


What is a prairie grassland in the tropical region called?


The people of the U.S. and Canada share a limited number of similar characteristics: the same continent and similar cultural style. What kind of region is this considered?

A formal region

A meteorologist who wanted to track an oncoming hurricane could consult data recorded by


The average amount of money earned by each person in a nation or state is measured as ____ income.

Per capita

The transfer of heat in the atmosphere by the upward movement of air is


Which term names the type of weathering that changes the size of a rock, but not its composition?

Mechanical weathering

In the mid-1960s, Great Britain's new rock band, the Beatles, came to the United States. Suddenly, young men all over the nation were wearing their hair longer, in styles that matched the Beatles. This is an example of


What term is used to identify weather conditions at a particular location over a long period of time?


This term refers to the layer of gases that surround the earth.


What is another name for needleleaf trees?


What is another name for trees that have broad leaves?


In a ____, citizens vote for representatives to serve them in the central government.


What document is a particular type of map that shows natural and man-made features of the earth?

Topographic map

Along with a city, suburbs and exurbs make up

A metropolitan area

What term identifies a flat, treeless area, such as that forming a ring around the Arctic Ocean?


Which term is used to describe the location of a geographic feature in relation to other nearby features?

Relative location

In the tertiary level of economic activity, we would

take our new product to a store to see if anyone would buy it

The ____ of an area might be expressed as 26.8 people per square mile.

Population density

What type of map shows the variety of landforms and bodies of water in a specific area?

Physical map

Weathering breaks large rocks into fine particles that are generally referred to as


The total of knowledge, shared attitudes, and behaviors of the members of a specific group of people is their


If your research project required a three-dimensional view of the earth, you would need to consult a


A religion that involves the belief in many gods is a

Polytheistic religion

A biome is

A specific area containing interdependent plants and animals

A _______ is a way of drawing the earth's surface that reduces distortion caused by converting three dimensions into two dimensions.

Map projection

Urban geography refers to the study of

How people use space in cities

What is a regional ecosystem called?


The earth's surface from the edge of a continent to the deep part of the ocean is known as the

Continental Shelf

A rocky ridge or hill, often left behind by a receding glacier, is called a


The term for the rise in the number of cities (which often results in lifestyle changes) is


What type of extreme weather results from air moving across warm ocean currents?


The central core of a city where its commercial activity takes place is called the


What factors are used to define world climate zones?

Temperature and precipitation.

An mixed economic system has features of

Market and command

What term is used to name each half of the earth, divided either north and south or east and west?


What term identifies a dry, desert region containing drought-resistant vegetation?
