Key Words- Population Change, GCSE

Birth rate

The number of babies born per year, for every 1000 people

Death rate

The number of people who die per year, for every 1000 people

Natural Increase

The number of people added to, or lost from, the population per year, for every 1000 people

Population growth rate

The number of peopole added or lost from a population each year as a result of Natural Increase and migation

Demographic Transition Model

Shows the stages of development. It is a simplifed version of population change

Population Pyramids

Graph showing the age and sex of the population

Sustainable development

Meeting the needs of people now and in the future, limiting the harm done to the enviroment

Young dependents

The population aged under 15 and dependant of tax payers to provide for them

Working population

Those aged between 15 and 65 who are eligible to work

Elderly dependents

The population aged over 65 who may be dependant on others

Dependency Ratio

Ratio of younger and older to : working population

Pro-natalist strategy

Persuade people to have more children


Is the movement of people from one place to another


Is the person that migrates

Source Country

Is the country that a migrant come from

Host Country

Is the country that the migrant goes to

Economic Migrants

Are migrants that come over to earn money

Push Factors

Are factors that can force people to leave their own country

Pull Factors

Are factors that can attract people to a new country