5th grade Geography words


large land masses


imaginary line that runs west and east on the globe


equal halves

prime meridian

imaginary line that runs north and south on the globe

map title

tells the subject or kind of map you are reading

political map

shows cities, states, and countries

physical map

shows kinds of land and bodies of water

historical map

shows parts of the world as they were in the past

map key

explains the symbols on a map

inset map

a smaller map within in a larger one


a small globe or map that shows where the place on the main map is located within a larger area

map scale

compares distance on a map to distance on Earth

compass rose

shows directions

cardinal directions

north, south, east, west

intermediate directions

directions between the cardinal directions (ex. northwest, southeast)

grid system

a pattern of squares that help you identify places on a map

lines of latitude

run east and west on a map and measure distance north and south of the Equator

lines of longitude

run north and south on a map and measure the distance east and west from the Prime Meridian

absolute location

the use of latitude and longitude to show the location of a place.

relative location

the use of cardinal and intermediate directions to show the location of a place.