geo chap 5


Thesubtropicalhighpressureregionsare centered at approximately ______ degrees north and south latitude.

clockwise, spiraling inward.

In the Northern Hemisphere,the wind circulation
in a low is:


Lines used on maps to connect points of equal air pressure are called:

equatorial low.

A semi-permanent pressure system characterized by subsidence is the:

strong pressure gradient.

Closely spaced isobars on a map indicate:

at the North Pole

Where is the Coriolis Effect the largest?

They have an apparent deflection to the left
in the Northern Hemisphere.

Which of the following is NOT true of winds?

diverge; diverge

In an anticyclone,the winds__________at the surface and ___________ in the upper atmosphere.

all of these

Which of the following forces impacts the direction of surface winds?

both of these

Land masses affect the development of belts of atmospheric pressure due to:

subtropical highs.

The westerlies have their origin in the:


In general, subsidence is greatest over the __________ side of a subtropical high.


The broad circulatory patterns of the major surface ocean currents are called:


The replacement of warmer surface water by colder waters from below is referred to as __________.

all of these

Jet streams:

warm, dry, down.slope winds

Chinook winds are:

polar front

The __________ marks the location where the westerlies and polar easterlies meet.

move from the oceans over the land.

the monsoon winds in summer:


The zone of low pressure and calms located near the equator is referred to as the:


At a latitude of 80� S, the prevailing surface winds would be:

North Atlantic Drift.

Average temperatures in Great Britain would be much colder if it were not for the:

warmer and drier

After rising up and over a mountain range, a foehn-type wind will be __________ than it was before it encountered the mountain.


The polar front jet stream is embedded within the:

warm strip of the ocean.

El Ni�o is a:

Neither a nor b

Coriolis force moves winds to:


Drainage winds are ____________ winds.