geo exam 2


relating to or concerned with a city or densely populated area


Of, relating to, or denoting a metropolis, often inclusive of its surrounding areas

changes to urban areas

demographic changes, technological innovation, government policies
industrial change
financial institutions

Canadian cities distinction

greater acceptance of downtown living
greater social mix in terms of incomes and ethnicity; less of a central city/suburban divide
higher densities of population
more social activities
more employment

sectoral employment

primary, secondary, tertiary, quenternary, quinary

NAFTA- North American Free Trade Aggreement

A trade agreement between Canada, the United States and Mexico that encourages free trade between these North American countries.

changes in sectoral employment

primary and secondary jobs have decreased where as tertiary jobs have increased


mexican name for manufacturing operations in a free trade zone

canadian prime minister

stephen harper- conservative power

major canadian parties

conservative, liberal, NDP, bloc qu�b�cois


jean Gottmann (1961)- any agglomeration of large, coalescing super cities
-population- 50 million

problems with megalopolis

water supply, pollution, including solid waste, political splintering