The Economy

Service Jobs

Seventy-five percent of people in the United States and Canada are employed in...

Market Economic System

The freedom to own, operate, and profit from one's own business is the basis for a...

Silicon Valley

Home to about 20 of the world's 100 largest high-tech companies.

1 Billion Acres

Number of acres the United States used for agriculture.

Wheat Belt

Prairie Provinces of Canada and the Great Plains of the United States is known as...


Since the 50's, the number of farmers in the U.S. and Canada...


Today, crops can be grown in nontraditional growing areas because of advances in agricultural...


In both the United States and Canada, manufacturing makes up this much percent of economic activity...


The region's largest manufacturing export is _____ machinery and equipment...


A Post-industrial economy is one in which technology and ___ employ a large number of people...


This implementation created one of the world's largest trading blocs.


Transforming old or abandoned factories for new uses, as is being done in Pittsburgh...


In the United States and Canada, the most popular form of transportation is the...

Air Pollution

Heavy use of the automobile in the region has lead to ____


U.S. government monitors rates and services of broadcasting and telephone services to make sure these do not exist...


Because the United States and Canada produce a ____ of goods, they have plenty of goods to trade with the rest of the world.

Trade Deficit

The large deficit of the United States caused by a lot of items being imported and less being exported.

Smart Border Action Plan

After the terrorist attacks of 2001, the U.S. and Canada created this to enhance border security...


Immigrants to Canada, called ____, remained loyal to the British government and fled to Canada after the American Revolution...


Most of Quebec's people are of this descent...

U.S.-Canada Border

Today, most of the Canadian population lives along the ____.


Canada's largest city.


When Europeans arrived in what is now Canada, about ____ native peoples were already living there...

Great Britain

In 1670, territorial rivalry over what is now Canada began between France and ____.

The Quebec Act

In 1774, this gave French settlers the right to maintain their own language, religion, and laws.


Self governing, but with close ties to Great Britain, Canada was created as a ____.


In 1885, British immigration fueled French ____ in Quebec.


Canada became a military and industrial power as a result of this war...


FTA and NAFTA have eliminated trade ____ between Canada and the United States...


Today many French-speaking Canadians support this reate independent countries


Canada's two official languages.


Largest religious group in Canada.


Canada's literacy rate.

Production Center

Toronto has the world's third largest ____ in the English-speaking world.


Canada is one of the ____ countries in the world.