SAE-Language Arts

The most effective way to develop students' reading fluency is through

repeated reading.

Which of the following instructional strategies would be a good way to introduce a variety of genres to a class in order to compare and contrast information about a subject?

book clubs

What is the most effective method for teaching beginning 1st grade students, who have had very little experience with print, to read?

instruction in phonics

Which of the following is the best definition of oral reading fluency?

accurate reading of connected text at a conversational rate with appropriate prosody

A classroom teacher working with low-ability students uses the repeated reading strategy for the purpose of

improving reading fluency.

Repeated reading is most effective when accompanied by a(an)

adult providing corrective feedback.

The following exercise provides practice of which vocabulary skill?
"The knight will bow before the king."
What does bow mean?
using a weapon with arrows
awarding a ribbon
bending at the waist to show homage
feasting to celebrate victory


A teacher is having his students rewrite their favorite fairy tale. As part of the assignment, the students must use a thesaurus. What processing skill is the teacher requiring his students to use?


Identify the word recognition method that could most effectively aid the pronunciation of the following words.
present, content, record, read

contextual analysis

Which instructional method would help students categorize the following words?
shred, flake, crumble, bake, broil, fry, stir, toss, fold, broiler, mixer, blender

semantic mapping

For 1st grade students, the best strategy to encourage vocabulary development through writing is to have students

incorporate words from a list into their writing.

Before students learn about reading a time zone map, the teacher presents slides of her trip to Greenwich, England, where the meridian time line was established by the British. The teacher then encourages discussion of the reasons for time zones and how t

background information and building concepts

Jeff is having difficulty remembering details from the story he has just read. What strategy would help him focus on details?


After students read a detective story in their basal reader, a teacher asks them to make a judgment about the guilt or innocence of the main character. What type of thinking is the teacher encouraging?


Which of the following tasks is the best for representing a sequence of events in a 2nd grade language arts lesson?


A teacher is having his students locate who, where, when, why, and how in a newspaper story. This activity will help the students develop which of the following reading skills?

literal reading skills

Willa is a potentially at-risk emergent learner who lacks exposure to literature. The most effective activity for her to engage in is

teacher read alouds.

Which literary device is being used when inanimate objects or abstract concepts are seemingly endowed with human characteristics?


Directions for characters is an example of an element frequently found in


Last summer, a student read a fact-based book about the life of Rosa Parks. The literary genre of this book is


By definition, poetry should contain

vivid images.

A 3rd grade teacher reads an informational, nonfictional text about frogs, and a fictional narrative text about frogs. He wants his students to write an expository piece using facts and details to compare and contrast the two texts. Which of the following

Venn diagram

One of the best methods for improving a reader's attitude toward reading is to

place students in books at the appropriate reading level.

Which of the following describes what happens in the graphophonic component of writing?

students learn that one sound may be formed a number of different ways

Which of the following modes of writing is intended to provide information and includes facts and data?


Which developmental stage of writing does Amy exhibit when she writes a string of standard letters from left to right on her paper?


A student writes about a dog.
Which of the following skills should be the teacher's primary focus when conferencing with the student about the writing?


Which of the following best represents a student's writing sample in the emergent writing stage?

use of scribbles with left-to-right orientation

A kindergarten teacher is reviewing students' journals. She notices one student's writing is not legible and the marks do not correspond to letters of the alphabet. Which stage of emergent writing is the student demonstrating?


To be most productive during the revising process, students should

work in small peer groups.

Recent studies of the stages of the writing process indicate that drafting is

an exploratory and tentative activity.

Beginning in the 4th grade, students must draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support which of the following?

reflection, research, and analysis

A 6th grade teacher has asked students to write a selection of prose in which they analyze the positive and negative aspects of a recent field trip. The best mode of writing for students to use for this assignment would be


What organizational pattern does the author of the following passage use to present the information?

cause and effect

Many members of a 2nd grade class have difficulty remembering which words are spelled with the letters i-e and which are spelled with e-i. Which of the following instructional methods would best help them overcome this problem?

using word walls with i-e and e-i patterns

A 3rd grade teacher asks the students to partner-read a literary selection. The teacher walks around the room and stops to question each pair of students about the story. Which type of assessment is the teacher using?


A kindergarten teacher prefaces reading to the class by pointing out the title, author, illustrator, and title page. Which skill is this teacher most likely developing with his students?

concepts about books

A 6th grade language arts teacher is looking for an assessment tool to use with his students' performance products this year. He would like a tool that has scoring standards composed of model answers to score the tasks. The best tool for this purpose woul


A 5th grade teacher is preparing to teach map skills to her social studies class. She should

give a pretest on map skills to determine what students know about maps.

An assessment device in which a student reads a series of selections gradually increasing in difficulty and showing the level of materials a student can read independently is a(an)

informal reading inventory.

Which of the following information about student assessment data can be shared with the public?

class reading levels combined in an overall point system

A 3rd grade student is working at a 2.5 instructional reading level. The student enjoys reading but has difficulty with comprehension when unable to pronounce many of the words within a passage. What would be the first type of assessment for a teacher to

phonics test

Students are assigned a complex project to include research, a visual aid, and a presentation. To provide the criteria for the assignment, the teacher should use a(an)


Teachers must make informed decisions about the appropriateness of modifications needed when using assessment instruments with special populations. In deciding how to address this issue in a class that includes several ELLs, which would be the best choice

preparing an alternate assessment form, based on ELL's ability levels

While conducting a guided reading lesson, a 1st grade teacher notices students in a small group were having difficulty with one-to-one correspondence. Which of the following instructional strategies would help develop this skill?

Elkonin boxes

Students need a collection of maps to complete an assignment. The best resource for students to use would be a(an)


Handwriting is a skill best described as

fine motor.

When children begin to negotiate the sounds that make up words in their language independently, what skill/s are they demonstrating?

phonological awareness

What is phonics?

the study of sound-letter relationships

Word analysis skills are NOT critical for the development of what area of literacy?


What area of study involves mechanics, usage, and sentence formation?

spelling conventions

How do the majority of high-frequency sight words differ from decodable words?

they do not follow the alphabetic principle

Reading fluency involves what key areas?

accuracy, rate, and prosody

When students study character development, setting, and plot, what are they studying?

literary analysis of fictional texts

The author's purpose, major ideas, supporting details, visual aids, and vocabulary are the five key elements of what type of text?

informational texts

When students use inference, what are they able to do?

make logical assumptions based on contextual clues

Story maps, an effective instructional tool, do NOT help children in what way?

read at a faster pace

Which text feature does NOT help a reader locate information in printed or digital text?


Read the following sentence to answer the question below:
He is a kind and generous man who wants nothing more than the best for his community, thought Michael as the board members discussed the nominees for head of council. Lana June, however, was far mo

third person omniscient

What do quantitative, qualitative, and reader and task measure?

text complexity

Autobiographies and memoirs are examples of what form of writing?


Rating scales, student logs, and the POWER method are effective assessment practices for what area of literacy development?

W-writing a rough draft
R-revise and rewrite

Which effective writing area engages and connects with the audience, igniting emotion?


When children begin to leave spaces between words with a mixture of uppercase and lowercase letters, what developmental stage of writing are they demonstrating?

words represented by consonants

First-hand accounts of an event, subject matter, time period, or an individual are referred to as what type of source?

primary sources

The following is an example of what type of sentence?
Although I wished it were summer, I accepted the change of seasons, and I started to appreciate the fall.


Read the following sentence to answer the question below:
The teacher directed the children's attention to the diagram, but the children couldn't understand the information.
This is an example of what type of sentence?


Read the following sentences to answer the question below:
Give me a shout back when you can.
Please return my call at your earliest convenience.
What is the main difference in there two sentences?


What type of literary device is being used in this sentence?
I worked a billion hours this week!


What are the three tiers of vocabulary?

conversational, academic, and domain-specific language

Volume, articulation, and awareness of audience help with what practice?

oral presentation

Offering a presenter with undivided attention and asking relevant and timely questions are examples of what skill set?

active listening skills

What is the method called that teachers use before and after reading to improve critical thinking and comprehension?

directed reading-thinking activities

When a student looks back at a previous reading section for information, he or she is using which of the following?

metacognitive skills

Which choice of skills is NOT part of Bloom's Taxonomy?

listening and speaking

When a student looks at a word and is able to tell the teacher that the letters spell C-A-T, but the student cannot actually say the word, what is the spelling stage of the student?

emergent spelling

Predicting, Summarizing, Questioning, and Clarifying are steps of what?

reciprocal teaching

When a student asks, "What do I know?" "What do I want to know?" and "What have I learned?" and records the answers in a table, he or she is using which of the following?

KWL charts

What technique might an author use to let the reader know that the main character was in a car crash as a child?


A graphic organizer is a method of achieving what?

integrating knowledge and ideas

A student is trying to decide if a character is telling the truth about having stolen candy. After the student reads that the character is playing with an empty candy wrapper in her pocket, the student decides the character is guilty. This is an example o

making inferences

What is the method of categorizing text by its structure and literary elements called?


A reader is distracted from following a story because they are having trouble understanding why a character has decided to cut school, so the reader jumps to the next page to find out where the character is headed. This is an example of what?

self-monitoring comprehension

Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension are the five basic elements of what?

reading education

A child reads the story Little Red Riding Hood aloud. He easily pronounces the words, uses an apprehensive tone to show that the main character should not be leaving the path, adds a scary voice for the Big Bad Wolf, and reads the story at a pace that eng

reading fluency

A student is trying to read the word "preferred." She first recognizes the word "red" at the end, then sounds out the rest of the word by breaking it down into "pre," then "fer," then "red." Finally she puts it together and says "preferred." This student


A class silently reads a passage on the American Revolution. Once they are done, the teacher asks who were the two sides fighting, why were they fighting, and who won. What skill is the teacher gauging?


Poems are often an effective device when teaching what skill?


What allows readers to effectively translate print into recognizable speech?


A teacher wants to help her students write a nonfiction essay on how the Pueblos built their homes. Before they write, she helps the students make clay from cornstarch and water, draw a plan for the house with a ruler, and build it using the clay and leav

cross-curricular integration

A student has quickly written a story and turned it in without reading it. To help reinforce the POWER strategy, the teacher tells the student go back and read his story. This POWER stage is called what?


During which stage of the POWER strategy are graphic organizers used?


A teacher wants his students to write a story over two weeks. They are instructed to write a draft the first day. On each of the following days, he asks the students to develop and edit the story for one of the following: ideas, organization, voice, word

6+1 traits

Which trait teaches students to build the framework of their writing?


Which trait ultimately forms the content of the writing?


Which trait is most commonly associated with giving individuality and style to writing?


A teacher asks a student to describe a beautiful day. The student says the flowers were pretty, the air was warm, and animals were running. The teacher asks the student to specify how many flowers there were-just a few hopeful buds or an abundance of blos

word choice

Writing practice for the sole purpose of communicating refers to what kind of writing?


A 2nd grade student brings a book to read to a group. It is about a caterpillar counting its food each day of the week before becoming a butterfly. Realizing the group is very familiar with their days and numbers, the teacher uses the story to explore the


A student is struggling with reading, especially aloud. When it is his turn to read to the class, the teacher offers an easier book she knows the student likes and is very familiar with. When the student reads aloud well and with enthusiasm, the teacher p

providing feedback

Preparation, Presentation, Application, and Evaluation are the four steps of what?


Students are asked to pretend to prepare a meal. At various classroom stations, they must draw a picture, engage in pretend play, or write a list of instructions: one for grocery shopping, cooking, and cleanup. The teacher helps each student choose which

giving assistance

Throughout the day, a teacher used language priority, beginning each subject by asking students to volunteer five related words that start with the letter "P." Then, during a reading exercise, the teacher partnered with a small group to turn their words f

the Abecedarian Approach

Speaking, listening, reading, and writing are four essential elements of what?

literacy development

A teacher is about to read a story. He tells the class they will be quizzed and need to pay attention. He instructs them to focus by clearing everything else from their desks, to look at his face for clues about the story's tone, and to think about the ad


Since teachers must be communicators, educators, evaluators, models, and agents of socialization, this is considered to be mastery of what?


Synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms are examples of what?

semantic relationships