Chp 14

Which of the following led to the capitalist world economy?

a huge increase in international trade during and after the 15th century

According to world-system theory,

- countries occupy three different positions based on their differential economic and political power.
- a global system was formed when the Old World established regular contact with the New World.
- individual countries are part of a global system based

What is the term for countries that have the least amount of political power and wealth in the form of capital?


One of the earliest and most popular things imported to England from distant lands was


The trans-Atlantic slave trade to the New World flourished primarily to supply cheap labor for


The ______ world economy is a single world system committed to production for sale or exchange, with the object of maximizing profits rather than supplying domestic needs.


A key component of the Industrial Revolution was

investment of capital obtained from overseas trade.

In world-system theory, which are the positions of economic and political power?

core, periphery, and semiperiphery

Because of the Industrial Revolution, the world's supply of food and manufactured goods


What is the term for the countries that have the greatest political power and wealth in the form of capital?


European industrialization developed from and eventually replaced which system of manufacturing?

domestic (home handicraft)

Before Europe established regular contact with the Americas, most rural people throughout the world produced goods

- for their own needs.
- to purchase trade items, such as salt and iron.
- to pay taxes.

New World plantation economies were mostly based on which two crops?

- cotton
- sugar

Because of the Industrial Revolution,

- production of affordable merchandise increased dramatically.
- people moved from rural areas to work in factories in cities.
- factories were crowded together in places where coal and labor were cheap.

By the 18th century the transformation of traditional into modern societies was happening, as the economy was becoming


The capital required for the Industrial Revolution came from

transatlantic commerce

Before the Industrial Revolution, in the home-handicraft system of manufacturing,

- people were paid for work they did in their homes.
- the business owner distributed the merchandise.
- the owner of the enterprise supplied the materials.

The Industrial Revolution began in England because

- England possessed many useful natural resources.
- England's rapidly increasing population forced innovation and industrialization to meet demand.

Cotton products, iron, and pottery were among the first goods produced during the Industrial Revolution becauseIn modern times the division between workers and capitalists is complicated by the fact that

- they were widely used products.
- their manufacture could be performed by machines doing simple repetitive motions.

During the 1700s England's colonies in America helped the mother country's industrial growth by

purchasing large quantities of English products.

During the Industrial Revolution, wages for factory workers

were relatively high at first, then slipped downward.

True or false: During the Industrial Revolution, from 1800 to 1850, England's population doubled.


Karl Marx contended that 19th-century society had become sharply divided into what two classes of people?

- capitalist business owners
- workers

According to Karl Marx, the ______ were the working people who owned no property and had to sell their labor to survive.


Some social scientists contend that the English middle class contributed to industrialization because many members

- were Protestant nonconformists.
- believed in thrift and inventiveness.

The Industrial Revolution

- created low-paying jobs for women and children.
- created jobs that paid relatively well for some workers.
- caused cities to become more crowded and polluted.

The recognition of collective interests and personal identification with one's economic group is called

class consciousness

Karl Marx said that a wealthy commercial class of people had been created by

Europe's capitalist ventures overseas.

According to Karl Marx, proletarianization

- was beneficial to the bourgeoisie.
- happened because people had left their land and moved to cities.
- meant workers had become separated from the means of production.

According to Karl Marx, the ______ were the capitalist owners of the factories, mines, large farms, and other means of production.


During the 19th century, labor movements in England were focused on

- removing young children from factories.
- limiting working hours for women and children.

In modern times the division between workers and capitalists is complicated by the fact that

the workers often own part of the company.

Karl Marx expected workers to stage revolutions propelled by their sense of

class consciousness

Max Weber contended that social stratification was based on

- wealth
- power
- prestige

According to Karl Marx, _____ hastened the process of proletarianization.


Workers organized during the 19th century to

- secure better working conditions.
- obtain higher wages.
- form trade unions.

Class conflicts tend to occur

within nations

While workers in the United States sometimes own stock in a corporation, the means of production is controlled by

the CEO or chairman of the board of directors.

Gerhard Lenski argued that advanced industrial societies tend to experience

- social mobility.
- the growth of a powerful middle class.
- social equality.

In the United States in 2016, the top fifth of American households earned _____ of all income generated in the country.

more than half

What is the name for the system that divides the world in economic ways?

world stratification

Research indicated that polluting facilities are often built in which neighborhoods?

those in transition

Unlike bands and tribes, industrial economic systems

seek perpetual expasion

Attempts to unite all the workers of the world have been unsuccessful because

the workers feel patriotism to their individual countries.

A country practices imperialism (becomes an empire) when it

- takes and holds colonies on foreign soil.
- rules other nations.

According to Gerhard Lenski, advanced industrial societies have experienced a shift in political power to the masses due to

the growth of a middle class of skilled and professional workers.

After 1492, the two primary colonizing nations in South America were which of the following?

Portugal and Spain

Some people have not recognized the difference in wealth and income between the richest and poorest people in the United States because

U.S. workers often perceive themselves as part of a vast middle class instead of a lower working class.

The first stage of British colonialism began in the 16th century and ended with

the American Revolution

Which of the following statements about environmental hazards in communities on the American periphery are accurate?

- Poorer communities are more likely to be victims of toxic waste exposure than are more affluent or even average (middle class) communities.
- Environmental hazards are located disproportionately in minority and poor neighborhoods.
- Polluting facilities

What major forces have influenced cultural interaction among nations during the past 500 years?

- commercial expansion
- the dominance of colonial and core nations
- industrial capitalism

Why did France establish an empire?

- for financial profit
- for glory and prestige
- to spread French culture and Roman Catholicism

What is the term for the political, social, economic, and cultural domination of a territory and its people by a foreign power for an extended time?


What was the type of rule that France exercised when its empire governed through native leaders and established political structures?


By the early 19th century the first phase of European colonization in the New World was ended because of

rebellions and wars aimed at independence.

Both the British and French empires began to disintegrate after

World War II

Britain's second colonial empire included

Singapore, Australia, South Africa

The genocide in Rwanda pitted Tutsi and Hutus against each other. How were those identities determined for the colonial registers which were used for systematic "ethnic" identification?

Colonial Belgian officials had based designations on numbers of cattle a person owned.

The second phase of French colonialism took place mostly in which of the following?

Indochina and Africa

The term ____ refers to the study of the interactions between European nations and the societies they colonized, mainly after 1800.


What was the type of rule that France exercised when it imposed new government structures to control its empire's diverse societies?


During the Industrial Revolution, there was a strong belief that industrialization indicated


France fought particularly hard to keep its empires in

Indochina and Algeria

An ideological justification for outsiders to guide native people in specific directions is called

an intervention philosophy.

____ is a deliberate policy of exterminating a group through warfare or murder.


Neoliberalism, also known as economic liberalism or financial conservatism, contends that

- a nation's economy improves when commerce and trade are liberated from stifling government regulations.
- the economy will perform better if government bureaucrats are not trying to manage it.
- free trade, free enterprise, and competition create a thri

Keynesian economics contends that

- government should promote the common good.
- governments and central banks should intervene to increase employment.
- full employment is necessary for capitalism to grow.

The term postcolonial can refer to

- taking a position against imperialism and Eurocentrism.
- the second half of the 20th century.
- the study of interactions between European nations and the societies they colonized.

In which of the following ways have NAFTA and other international forces impacted Mexican farming?

- They have resulted in the degradation of Mexican agricultural land.
- They have destroyed traditional Mexican farming systems.
- They have displaced Mexican farmers and workers.

Why do some economists agree with the general consensus during the Industrial Revolution, that industrialization is beneficial?

- They believe that it promotes development and progress.
- They believe that Third World countries will benefit from going through the process that empowered Great Britain in the 18th century.
- They believe that it increases production and income.

In the First World, Second World, Third World system, states in which of the following are part of the Second World?

the former Soviet Union

John Bodley contends that the basic reason why colonialists, missionaries, government, and development planners sometimes try to intervene in other countries is

they believe that modernization, industrialization, Westernization, and individualism will benefit the local people.

Communist countries operated under governments that

- usually demanded that individuals give total submission to the state.
- promoted obedience to authority rather than individual freedom.
- usually banned all political rivals, allowing only the Communist Party.

In modern political language, someone advocating the "economic liberalism" described in Adam Smith's capitalist manifesto The Wealth of Nations would be called a

capitalist conervative

What is the term for a government that promotes obedience to authority rather than individual freedom?


In Keynesian economics, what are government's roles?

- Promote the common good.
- Intervene to increase employment.

Today many nations that were previously communist (now known as postsocialist societies) have abandoned the notion of planned economies and state-owned resources in favor of

- democratic elections and a balance of power.
- free markets.
- privately owned enterprises.

Which of the following are largely responsible for the migration of Mexican workers to the United States?

- new technologies that negatively impacted Mexican farming systems

True or false: Because of their state ownership, Communist nations were also socialist, and their successors are referred to as postsocialist.


The United States generates a large percentage of the world's products but also

consumes a large percentage of the world's resources.

What is the term for the social system in which property is owned by the community and in which people work for the common good?


At what point was the unionized percentage of the American workforce at its highest?


What is the term for a government that bans rival parties and demands total submission of the individual to the state?


Postsocialist societies used to be communist states, where

bureaucrats redistributed wealth by taking money from certain people and giving it to others according to a central government plan.

A sociopolitical organization and economic system in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the government, rather than individuals or corporations, is best described as


Industrialization during the 20th century created

- millions of new jobs.
- a culture of consumption.
- hundreds of new industries.

Which of the following statements about American labor unions is true?

Union membership in the United States has fallen to its lowest point in more than 70 years.