Latin Stage 14 Culture

Describe how the majority of Britains lived in houses

1 round room where whole family slept, worked, and ate with no windows, one low door, and no chimney

What began to appear thirty years after the Roman invasion?

Simple Roman-British "villas

What were the purposes of these structures?

act as a center of a working farm community

Give one sign of Roman influence on the Britons

Changed from round huts to rectangular buildings

Describe the layout and building materials of this new building

4-5 rooms linked by a corridor, brick & tile

From what two items were the later villas constructed?

cut stone & cement

List thirteen things the grandest villas had

long colonnades, under-floor heating, ornamental gardens, mosaics, wall paintings, flushing toilets, glass windows, workshops, barns, sheds, living quarters for farm laborers, tepidarium, caldarium

What were two practical considerations an owner would look for before building a villa?

Shelter from winds and running water nearby

What were five main crops?

Wheat, barley, oats, rye, and m

For what five purposes were a variety of farm animals kept?

Food, transport, clothing, bone, and fertilizer

What did ancient peoples use for sweetener?


Name two foods the Romans introduced to Britain.

Cherries and peas

How did the Britons expand their farmland into the marshlands?

Drainage tiles and dikes

What would the occupiers of villas do to get things they could not produce?

Trade for them

Who supervised the villa? What would his standing in society probably have been?

A farm manager/overseer who was often a slave

What were three of his responsibilities?

buying anything that couldn't be produced, looking after the buildings and the slaves

List six industries provided by country estates

market-gardening, fruit-growing, wool, dye, pottery, tillery, Britain hunting dogs

What discovery indicated that there was no longer a barter economy in Britain?

coins were discovered

What was one landowner's definition of farm slaves?

farming equipment with voices

Compare the probable origin of Salvius' farm slaves to that of his household slaves.

Farm slaves are from Britain, the house slaves were imported

Compare the working conditions for domestic, farm, and mine slaves/

domestic-least harsh
farm- harsher

Why were slaves sent to the mines?

As punishment

In theory what protection did the law give to slaves? In practice?

The law was owners couldn't kill a sick slave, but in practice this law was often ignored

How did the availability of slaves in the first century A.D. affect their cost?

They were so scarce they were therefore more expensive

What was, thus, the effect on the owner?

They were more motivated to look after the welfare of their slaves