Latin II Weather

Quaenam est tempestas hodie?

What is the weather today?

So?l lu?cet

the sun shines; it's sunny

s?l in cael? cl?r? l?cet

the sun shines in a clear sky

s?l omnibus l?cet

the sun shines for all

s?l iterum cras luc?bit


alter (dies) idem

literally: another the same

ser?na, tranquilis, placidus


her? vesper? l?x super lacum ser?na erat

yesterday evening the light over the lake was serene

mitis, -is, -e

mild (Eng. mitigate)

calidus -a -um (Eng. calorie)



it's raining

m?ne erant pluviae, tunc sol luc?bat

in the morning there were showers, then the sun began to shine


it's thundering


it's snowing

frigidus -a -um (Eng. refrigerated)


vent?sus -a -um (Eng. ventilation)


n?bil?sus -a -um/ n?bilus -a -um


nebul?sus -a -um (Eng. nebula)


Vide?mus quaenam sit tempestas hodie!

Let's see how the weather is today!

Discipul?, spect?te per fenestr?s! Dic mihi quaenam sit tempestas..

Students, look through the windows! Tell me what is the weather!

S?l l?cet

The sun is shining

S?l vehementer l?cet

The sun is really shining

S?l vehementius l?c?bat

The sun was shining rather strongly

S?l splendid? l?cet

The sun is shining brightly

S?l plerumque l?cet

The sun's shining for the most part

Est vix unus nimbus in cael?

There's barely a cloud in the sky

Apollo currum agit manifeste per caelum

Apollo is driving his sun-chariot clear across the sky

Caelum est plerumque serenum

The sky is mostly clear

Quam bellus dies!

What a pretty day!

Ver adest!

Spring is here!

Est tam calidus quam furnus!

It's as hot as an oven

Aridum et percalidum est

It's dry and very hot

Aestu?sum est

It's boiling hot

pluit; plu?bat

It's raining; it began to rain/it was raining

pluit paullulum

It's raining a little bit

Imbr?s praedicant

They're calling for rain

caelum est nubilum

The sky is cloudy

Caelum est subnubilum

The sky is partly cloudy

Vent?sum est

It's windy

Vent?sum et madidum est

It's windy and wet

Sunt fulg?r?s et tonitrua frequentia

There's lots of thunder and lightning


It's snowing

tempestas Buffaloniensis nivem atque tonitrua habet

a storm in Buffalo has snow and thunder

Tempestas frigida est

It's cold weather

Autumnus adest!

Fall is here!

Hiems adest!

Winter is here!

Aestas abfuit!

Summer is gone!

est fulmen

there is lightning

nix terram tegit

snow covers the ground


in winter

imber, imbris, m.

rainstorm, shower

nimbus, nimbi, m.

storm cloud