Latin 1 Certamen Mythology Study Guide


Roman Name: Jupiter, Jove
Duty: King, weather
Symbol: Thunderbolt, eagle


Roman Name: Juno
Duty: Queen, marriage
Symbol: Peacock, cow


Roman Name: Neptune
Duty: Sea, earthquakes, horses
Symbol: Trident, horse


Roman Name: Pluto, Dis
Duty: Underworld, wealth
Symbol: Bident, helmet of invisibilty


Roman Name: Ceres
Duty: Agriculture
Symbol: Stalk of wheat


Roman Name: Vesta
Duty: Home fire, hearth
Symbol: Hearth, fire


Roman Name: Mars
Duty: War
Symbol: Spear, dog, vulture


Roman Name: Vulcan
Duty: Blacksmith
Symbol: Forge, anvil


Roman Name: Apollo
Duty: Sun, prophecy, medicine, music
Symbol: sun, oracle at Delphi, lyre


Roman Name: Diana
Duty: Hunting, moon
Symbol: Bow/arrow, moon


Roman Name: Minerva
Duty: Wisdom, war, handcrafts
Symbol: Owl, olive, helmet


Roman Name: Venus
Duty: Love and beauty
Symbol: Dove, rose


Roman Name: Mercury
Duty: Messengers, laughter, thieves
Symbol: Caduceus, winged sandals


Roman Name: Bacchus
Duty: Wine, life-giving fluids
Symbol: Grape leaves, thyrsus (stick with pine cone on top)


Roman Name: Proserpina
Duty: Queen of underworld
Symbol: Pomegranate


Mother: Aethra
Father: Aegeus (Poseidon?)


Mother: Danae
Father: Zeus


Mother: Alcmene
Father: Zeus (mortal dad = Amphitryon)


Mother: Thetis
Father: Peleus


Mother: Aphrodite
Father: Anchises


Mother: Hecuba
Father: Priam


Mother: Aerope
Father: Atreus


Mother: Clytemnestra
Father: Agamemnon


Mother: Alcimide
Father: Aeson


Mother: Anticlea
Father: Laertes


Mother: n/a
Father: Aeetes


Mother: n/a
Father: Peneius


Mother: Pasiphae
Father: Minos


Mother: Andromache
Father: Hector

Ascanius (Iulus)

Mother: Creusa
Father: Aeneas


Mother: Cassiopeia
Father: Cepheus


Mother: Semele
Father: Zeus


Mother: Maia
Father: Zeus


Mother: Leto
Father: Zeus


Mother: Europa
Father: Zeus


Mother: Aegina
Father: Zeus


Mother: Leda
Father: Zeus


Mother: Leda
Father: Tyndareus


Mother: Odysseus
Father: Penelope


boasted better weaver than Athena; turned into a spider


fastest runner; run faster to marry her; Hippomenes used Golden Apples to beat her; forgot to thank Aphrodite - turned into lions


golden touch; said Pan was a better musician than Apollo - donkey ears - reeds


flew too close to sun with wings dad (Daedalus) made; Icarian sea


tamed Pegasus with a golden bridle; killed Chimaera; tried to fly Pegasus to Olympus


asked dad (sun god) to drive chariot of sun; couldn't handle horses, burned earth, etc; lightning bolt

Deucalion and Pyrrha

repopulated earth with stones thrown over their shoulders

Baucis and Philemon

hospitable to Zeus and Hermes dressed as beggars; became priests of Zeus' temple; died together - became trees (oak and linden)

Pyramus and Thisbe

Romeo and Juliet; talked through crack in wall; met at mulberry bush; he kills himself when he thinks she was eaten by a lion, then she kills herself; mulberries turn red.

Aurora and Tithonus

She is goddess of Dawn, asks Zeus for immortality for Tithonus - forgets to ask for eternal youth - grasshopper.


son of Oeneus and Althaea; kills Calydonian Boar; gives Atalanta trophy; uncles mad - fight - he kills uncles; mom kills him by burning the log that had the same life span.

Punished in Underworld

1 IXION - spinning wheel of fire
2 TITYUS - bird eats liver daily
3 SISYPHUS - rolls boulder up hill
4 TANTALUS - eternal hunger and thirst
5 DANAIDS - 49 sisters who carry water in leaky bucket

9 Muses

1. Calliope (Epic Poetry)
2. Clio (History)
3. Erato (Love Poetry)
4. Euterpe (Music)
5. Melpomene (Tragedy)
6. Polyhymnia (Hymns)
7. Terpsichore (Dance)
8. Thaleia (Comedy)
9. Urania (Astronomy)

3 Graces (Charity)

1. Aglaia (Beauty)
2. Euphrosyne (Mirth)
3. Thalia (Good Cheer)

3 Fates (Moirae/Parcae)

1. Clotho (spinner)
2. Lachesis (allotter)
3. Atropos (cutter of the thread/inevitable)

3 Furies

1. Alecto
2. Megaera
3. Tisiphone

5 Rivers in the Underworld

1. Styx (hate/ oaths of gods)
2. Lethe (forgetfulness)
3. Plegethon (fire)
4. Cocytus (wailing)
5. Acheron (pain)


1. Charybdis - whirlpool
2. Chimera - part lion, goat, snake
3. Cerberus - 3 headed dog
4. Centaur - Horse's body/man's torso, head, arms
5. Echidna - mother of all monsters - half nymph, half snake
6. Orthus (Orthrus) - 2 headed dog
7. Satyr - part goat,

Homeric Heroes - Greeks

1. Menelaus - King of Sparta, husband of Helen
2. Agamemnon - King of Mycenae/king of the Greeks; husband of Clytemnestra
3. Achilles - Best fighter of Greeks; son of Pelias and Thetis
4. Ajax the Greater - 2nd greatest fighter of Greeks, vied with Odysse

Homeric Heroes - Trojans

1. Priam -- King of Troy; name means "ransomed one"/ originally named Podarces
2. Hecuba - wife of Priam; mother of Hector, Priam, Cassandra, Helenus and others
3. Hector - best fighter of Trojans, killed by Achilles
4. Paris - son of Priam, "stole" Helen

Heracles Notes

Heracles was born with the name Alcides to Alcmene and Zeus (Zeus visited Alcmene as her husband Amphytrion).
Heracles has a twin, Iphicles, whose dad is Amphytrion
Hera always hated Heracles - when he was 8 months she sent 2 snakes to kill him (he strang

Jason Notes

Jason's father, Aeson, was king of Iolcus.
Then Aeson's brother Pelias took over Iolcus with his army.
Aeson sent Jason away to be raised by the centaur Chiron so he would not be killed by Pelias.
Pelias heard an oracle that he should beware the man with

Theseus Notes

His mom is Aethra, princess of Troezen, his dad is Aegeus, king of Athens (some say Poseidon). Aegeus leaves a sword and pair of sandals for Theseus under a boulder. When Theseus is old enough to lift the boulder, they are his and he should visit his fath

Perseus Notes

Acrisius put his daughter Danae in a bronze tower because he heard from an oracle that any of her children would kill him.
Zeus saw her and visited her as a shower of gold and they had a son named Perseus.
Acrisius put Danae and Perseus in a box and set i