Latin Lovers

Deucalion & Pyrrha

Repopulated the earth by throwing stones behind their backs; she was daughter of Epimetheus and Pandora

Baucis & Philemon

Showed hospitality to disguised gods & became joined trees outside a small temple that was once their house

Aeneas & Dido

Killed herself on a funeral pyre cursing the name of this hero of the Latin race

Uranus & Gaea

Father Heaven and Mother Earth; their kids were Titans

Zeus & Io

This girl inspired the majestic Olympian, but he turned her into a cow to avoid detection

Zeus & Europa

Zeus swept this Phoenician off her feet and onto the back of a great bull which took her to the island Crete

Artemis & Orion

Two hunters became lovers, but the maiden goddess was tricked by Apollo into killing Orion

Halcyon & Ceyx

Halcyon (Alcyone) was daughter of Aeolus, king of winds; she married Ceyx; his death at sea drove her to suicide, but metamorphosis turned her into a kingfisher bird

Agamemnon & Cassandra

The general of all the Greek army at Troy took a captive war-bride, a royal named Cassandra whose prophecies were never believed

Pan & Syrinx

She turned into a reed to escape this satyr's advances; the reed became the pipes of Pan

Paris & Helen

After the Judgement of Paris, their love affair began the Trojan War

Pyramus & Thisbe

In ancient Babylon, their blood stained the mulberries red and their love inspired Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet

Echo & Narcissus

He fell in love with his own reflection; she wasted away to a mere repeating voice

Daphne & Apollo

She turned into a laurel tree escaping this god's advances...He wore a laurel crown on his head- originating the title 'poet laureate'

Atalanta & Hippomenes

He won her love by beating her in a race where he threw Golden Apples on the course

Pygmalion & Galatea

He fell in love with his statue of the ideal woman

Marc Antony & Cleopatra

Together they could not defeat Octavian, & both committed suicide, leaving young Caesarion and other children to an unhappy fate

Orpheus & Eurydice

He looked back at her, so she must go back to the regnum Inferiorum

Cupid & Psyche

Betrayed her invisible god/husband but gained back his love by fetching some of Persephone's beauty, sorting grains, and scooping water with a sieve

Alcestis & Admetus

She chose to go to Hades in place of her husband and was brought back to life by Hercules

Theseus & Ariadne

The Athenian, son of Aegeus, killed the Minotaur and escaped with the ball of thread from the daughter of King Minos; but he sailed away abandoning her

Aphrodite & Adonis

She loved a mortal shepherd and mourned his death when attacked by a wild boar

Caesar & Cornelia Cinnae, Pompeia, Calpurnia

His three Roman wives, but his son Caesarion was with Cleopatra

Aphrodite & Anchises

The goddess of love seduced the mortal Anchises; their son was Aeneas of Troy