Imperialism in Africa

Scramble for Africa

The occupation, division, and colonization of African territory by European powers during the period of New Imperialism, between 1881 and 1914. It is also called the Partition of Africa and by some the Conquest of Africa


A member of Dutch and Huguenot population that settled in southern Africa in the late 17th century. Also known as Afrikaaners

Cecil Rhodes

A British businessman, mining magnate and politician in southern Africa who served as Prime Minister of the Cape Colony from 1890 to 1896. An ardent believer in British imperialism

Berlin Conference

Meeting at which the major European powers negotiated and formalized claims to territory in Africa

Berlin Conference Outcomes

1. Rival tribal groups fought wars.
2. Traditional territories and culture groups were permanently fragmented.
3. African economies became dependent on the sale of cash crops and raw materials.

Congo Free State

Large state in Central Africa from 1885 to 1908, which was in personal union with the Kingdom of Belgium under Leopold II. Leopold II was able to procure the region by convincing the international community that he was involved in humanitarian and philant

Zulu people

Bantu ethnic group of Southern Africa who fought with both the Boers and the British

Shaka Zulu

Great Zulu King and conquerer. Created a fighting force that devastated the region.

David Livingstone

Explorer and mission in Africa. Henry Morton Stanley becomes famous after finding him.

Henry Morton Stanley

Famous for his exploration of central Africa and his search for missionary and explorer David Livingstone. Hired by King Leopold to procure the Congo basin.

King Leopold II

King of Belgium who posed as a philanthropist while he simultaneously extracted wealth from a forced labor system.

Otto von Bismark

German Chancellor, called on representatives of 13 nations in Europe as well as the United States to take part in the Berlin Conference in 1884 to work out joint policy on the African continent.

Great Trek

The Great Trek was an eastward migration of Dutch-speaking settlers who travelled by wagon from the Cape Colony into the interior of modern South Africa from 1836 onwards, seeking to live beyond the Cape's British colonial administration.

International African Association

A front organization created by King Leopold II of Belgium to further humanitarian projects in the area of Central Africa that was to become the Congo Free State.

Rubber & Ivory

Natural resources extracted from the Begian Congo


Element mined in the Congo that's used for production of electronics

South Africa

The southernmost country in Africa

Rhodes Collusus

Iconic editorial cartoon of the Scramble for Africa period, part of the New Imperialism, depicting British colonialist Cecil Rhodes as a giant standing over the continent.

Important inventions needed to conquer African continent

Maxim gun, steam engine, and quinine

George Washington Williams

African American who was shocked by what he saw in the Congo. He wrote an open letter to Leopold in 1890 about the suffering of the region's inhabitants at the hands of Leopold's agents, which spurred the first public outcry against the regime running the

Roger Casement

Was asked to investigate the Congo and wrote an official report to the British government

Joseph Conrad

Wrote "Heart of Darkness" to expose atrocities in the Congo

Internal factors in Africa that contributed to imperialism

Africans had a variety of cultures and languages, making it difficult to unite
Africans had strong leadership among the various ethnic groups.

Boers Wars

Wars between the British Empire and the Boers of the Transvaal and Orange Free State.

Cecil Rhodes motivation for controlling Cape Colony.

Hoped Cape Colony would serve as a base of operations to extend British control of Africa from Cape to Cairo

Who fought the Zulu people?

Boers and British

Reasons for Boers Wars

Discovery of gold & diamonds, annexation of territory, and resentment of British rule

Positive impacts of Imperialism in Africa

Transportation, education, and medical care were improved.
Resistance to imperial rule evolved into nationalist movements.

Negative impacts of Imperialism in Africa

1. Local economies became dependent on industrialized
2. Traditional political units were disrupted or destroyed
3. Famines occurred in lands where farmers grew cash crops for export for imperialistic nations
4. Systematic racism

Scramble for Africa

The occupation, division, and colonization of African territory by European powers during the period of New Imperialism, between 1881 and 1914. It is also called the Partition of Africa and by some the Conquest of Africa


A member of Dutch and Huguenot population that settled in southern Africa in the late 17th century. Also known as Afrikaaners

Cecil Rhodes

A British businessman, mining magnate and politician in southern Africa who served as Prime Minister of the Cape Colony from 1890 to 1896. An ardent believer in British imperialism

Berlin Conference

Meeting at which the major European powers negotiated and formalized claims to territory in Africa

Berlin Conference Outcomes

1. Rival tribal groups fought wars.
2. Traditional territories and culture groups were permanently fragmented.
3. African economies became dependent on the sale of cash crops and raw materials.

Congo Free State

Large state in Central Africa from 1885 to 1908, which was in personal union with the Kingdom of Belgium under Leopold II. Leopold II was able to procure the region by convincing the international community that he was involved in humanitarian and philant

Zulu people

Bantu ethnic group of Southern Africa who fought with both the Boers and the British

Shaka Zulu

Great Zulu King and conquerer. Created a fighting force that devastated the region.

David Livingstone

Explorer and mission in Africa. Henry Morton Stanley becomes famous after finding him.

Henry Morton Stanley

Famous for his exploration of central Africa and his search for missionary and explorer David Livingstone. Hired by King Leopold to procure the Congo basin.

King Leopold II

King of Belgium who posed as a philanthropist while he simultaneously extracted wealth from a forced labor system.

Otto von Bismark

German Chancellor, called on representatives of 13 nations in Europe as well as the United States to take part in the Berlin Conference in 1884 to work out joint policy on the African continent.

Great Trek

The Great Trek was an eastward migration of Dutch-speaking settlers who travelled by wagon from the Cape Colony into the interior of modern South Africa from 1836 onwards, seeking to live beyond the Cape's British colonial administration.

International African Association

A front organization created by King Leopold II of Belgium to further humanitarian projects in the area of Central Africa that was to become the Congo Free State.

Rubber & Ivory

Natural resources extracted from the Begian Congo


Element mined in the Congo that's used for production of electronics

South Africa

The southernmost country in Africa

Rhodes Collusus

Iconic editorial cartoon of the Scramble for Africa period, part of the New Imperialism, depicting British colonialist Cecil Rhodes as a giant standing over the continent.

Important inventions needed to conquer African continent

Maxim gun, steam engine, and quinine

George Washington Williams

African American who was shocked by what he saw in the Congo. He wrote an open letter to Leopold in 1890 about the suffering of the region's inhabitants at the hands of Leopold's agents, which spurred the first public outcry against the regime running the

Roger Casement

Was asked to investigate the Congo and wrote an official report to the British government

Joseph Conrad

Wrote "Heart of Darkness" to expose atrocities in the Congo

Internal factors in Africa that contributed to imperialism

Africans had a variety of cultures and languages, making it difficult to unite
Africans had strong leadership among the various ethnic groups.

Boers Wars

Wars between the British Empire and the Boers of the Transvaal and Orange Free State.

Cecil Rhodes motivation for controlling Cape Colony.

Hoped Cape Colony would serve as a base of operations to extend British control of Africa from Cape to Cairo

Who fought the Zulu people?

Boers and British

Reasons for Boers Wars

Discovery of gold & diamonds, annexation of territory, and resentment of British rule

Positive impacts of Imperialism in Africa

Transportation, education, and medical care were improved.
Resistance to imperial rule evolved into nationalist movements.

Negative impacts of Imperialism in Africa

1. Local economies became dependent on industrialized
2. Traditional political units were disrupted or destroyed
3. Famines occurred in lands where farmers grew cash crops for export for imperialistic nations
4. Systematic racism