Beviglia Latin Midterm Translation #2

Translate "Ut civium numerum augeret" Provide the gender, Number, case, and reason of "Civium

In order to augment the number of citizens. Mas-Pl.-Gen- Partative

Provide the person, number, tense, mood, and voice of "augeret" Provide an explanation for the mood of this verb

3rd- singular-imperfect-subjunctive- active; In an adverbial clause of purpose

Provide the gender, number, case, and reason of "quod" What type of pronoun is this? which latin word is the antecedent?

Neuter-Singular- Accusative- PTW. Relative pronoun Ant. Asylum

Provide the gender, number, and case of "Suis". What type of adjective is this?

Fem-Pl-Abl- Reflexive Adj.

What is the grammatical identity of "pulsi"? What does this word mean? Provide its gender, number, and case? What latin word does it modify?

Perfect Passive Particle. Mas-Pl-Nom Mods. Multi "Having been driven

Translate the only independent clause in the first sentence.

Romulus opened an asylum

Translate the entire second sentence

But wives were lacking for the citizens of the new city

Provide the gender, number, case, and reason of "Civibus

M-Pl-Dat. reference

Provide the gender, number, case and reason of "Ludos". What does this word mean?

M-Pl-Acc-DO; Games

Provide the gender, number, case, reason and antecedent of "Hos". What is the grammatical identity of this word? Translate "Ad hos

M-Pl-Acc-PTW; to these; Dem. Pro

Transalte "Multi ex finitimis populis cum mulieribus et liberis.

Many came to these from the neighboring peoples with their wives and children

Provide the gender, number, case, and reason of "mulieribus


Translate "Cum spectaculi tempus venisset". What type of clause is this?

When the time of the spectacle has come. Cum temporal

Provide the person, number, tense, mood, and voice of "venisset

3rd-S-Plup- Subj-Act

Translate "Omnes ludos spectarent". Provide the person, number, tense, mood, and voice of "spectarent

3-Pl-Imp-Subj.-Act. Everyone was watching the games

Translate "Subito iuvenus Romani discurrerunt". What part of speech is "Subito

Suddenly Roman youths ran from all sides. Adverb

Translate "Populi illi". What is the grammatical identity of "Illi"? Provide its gender, number, and case.

Those peoples. Dem Adj. Mas-Pl-Nom-Subj.

What type of pronoun is "quorum"? Provide its gender, number, case, reason, and antecedent

Mas-Pl-Gen-Poss. Relative Pronoun. Ant. Populi

Translate "quorum virgines raptae erant". Provide the person, number, tense, mood, and voice of "Raptae erant

Whose maidens had been captured. 3rd-Pl-PP-Ind-Pass.

Translate "adversus raptores". Provide the gender, number, case, reason of "Raptores

Against their captures. M-Pl-Acc- "Adversus

Translate "Cum ad urban appropinquarent" What is the grammatical identity of Cum?

When they were approaching the city. Sub. Conj

Translate "forte in Tarpeiam virginem inciderunt

By chance they came upon Tarpeia the virgin

Translate "quae in arce sacra procurabat". Provide the gender, number, case, and reason and antecedent of "quae

Who was tending to sacred rituals. Fem-sing-Nom-Subj Ant. Tarpeia

What is the grammatical identity of "sacra"? Provide gender, number, case, and reason

Substantive Adjective Neu-Pl-Acc-Do

What is the grammatical identity of "hanc"? Provide the gender, number, case, and reason

Demonstrative Pronoun Fem-S-Acc-Do

What type of sentence is the one beginning with "hanc"? Identify all the verbs that are in subordinate clauses

Compound-Complex Monstraret; posceret

Translate "ut viam in arcem monstaret" Why is the verb in that clause in the subjunctive mood?

If she might show a way into the temple. Conditional clause

What is the grammatical identity of "ei"? Provide its gender, number, case, and reason

3rd Person personal pronoun. Fem-S-Dat-IO

Translate "ut munus sibi posceret". Provide the gender, number, case, and reason of "munus

That she could ask a gift for herself Neu-S-Acc-Do

What Is the grammatical identity of "sibi"? Provide its gender, number, case, and reason

Reflexive pronoun. Fem-S-Dat-Reference

Provide the gender, number, case, and reason of "ornamenta" What is the best translation of this word

Neu-Pl-Acc-Do Jewelry

Provide the gender, number, case, reason, and antecedent of "quae". What is the grammaticasl identity of this word?

Neu-Pl-Acc-Do- Ant. Ornamenta Relative pronoun

Translate "in sinistris manibus". Provide the gender, number, case, and reason of "manibus

On their left hands Mas-Pl-Abl-PW

Translate "anulos aureos et armillas significans" Provide the gender, number, case, and reason of "armillas

Golden rings and glittering bracelets Fem-S-Acc-Appositive

Translate "in arcem ab ea perducti" What is the grammatical identity of "ea"? Provide its gender, number, case, and reason

Having been led into the temple by her. 3rd person personal pronoun. Fem-S-Abl-Personal agent

Provide the gender, number, case, tense, and voice of the perfect passive participle "Perducti". Which latin word does it modify?

Mas-Pl-Nom-Perfect-Passive. "Hostes

What are "scutis"? Provide the gender, number, case, and reason of "scutis".

Shields. Neu-Pl-Abl-"Manibus

Prove the gender, number, case, reason, and antecedent of the demonstrative pronoun "haec". What is the correct translation of this word?

Neu-Pl-Acc-Do-Ant. "Scutis". These

Provide the gender, number, case, and reason of "hoste".


Translate "qui montem Tarpeium tenebat". Provide the person, number, tense, mood, and voice of "tenebat".

Who was holding the Tarpeian rock. 3rd-Sing-Imp-Indicative-Act

Translate "in eo loco". What is the specific location being referred to here?

In that place. Capitol line hill

Translate "ubi nunc forum romanum est". What part of speech is "nunc"? Which latin word does it modify?

Where the roman forum is now. Adverb. Mods. Est

Translate "in media caede". Provide the gender, number, case, and reason of "caede". Provide two english words that utilize this latin word.

In the middle of the slaughter. Fem-S-Abl-PW. Homicide and Suicide

What type of sentence is the one beginning with "in media caede"? Identify all of the verbs that are present in independent clauses in this sentence.

Compound-Complex. Processerunt, compectebantur, orabant

Who are "mulieres raptae"? What has happened to them in the months since abduction?

Captured women. The women grew found of their captures, and once they were fighting the women went to both sides and told them not to fight

Provide the person, number, tense, mood, and voice of "complectebantur". What type of verb is this? What is the definition for this type of verb?

3rd-Pl-Imp-Ind-Pass. Deponent verb. They only have passive forms but are translated active

Provide the latin words that are direct objects of "complectebantur". What does each one of these words means?

Coniuges and Suceros. Husband and fathers in law

Translate "ut caedis finem facerent". What type of clause is this? Provide the gender, number, case, and reason of "caedis".

That they make an end to the slaughter. Subordinate clause. Fem-S-Gen-Objective

Translate the entire sentence beginning with "Utrique". Provide the person, number, tense, mood, and voice of "commoti sunt".

Both sides were moved by these prayers. 3rd-Pl-Perf-Indicative-Pass

Translate the final sentence of the passage. What type of sentence is this? What is the grammatical identity of "et"?

Romulus made a treaty and he received the Sabines into the city. Compound. Coordinating Conjunction