Latin Quarter 1 Exam

Oppress? bell? long? et ? de?s ?vers? duc?s Graec?rum, iam post decem annos, magnum equum ligneum arte Minervae faciunt.

The leaders of the Greeks, having been suppressed by a long war and having been turned away from the gods, now after ten years, make a great wooden horse by the means of the skill of Minerva.

Uterum mult?s m?litibus complent, equum in litore relinquunt, et ultr? insulam proximam navigant

They fill the womb with many soldiers, leave behind the horse on the shore, and navigate beyond the nearest island.

Tr?i?n? n?ll?s c?pi?s aut naves vident; omnis Troia gaudet; panduntur portae.

The Trojans see no troops or ships; all Troy rejoices; the gates are opened.

D? equ?, autem, Tr?i?n? sunt incert?.

About the horse, however, the Trojans are uncertain.

Ali? eum in urbem duc? cupiunt; ali? eum Graec?s insidi?s appellant.

Some leaders desire it in the city; others call it Greek plots.

Primus ibi ante omn?s, d? arce curr?ns, L?oco?n sacerd?s Tr?i?nus, haec verba dicit: "? miser? c?v?s, n?n estis san?! Quid c?git?tis?

Laocoon, the priest of Troy, running down from the stronghold, first there before all, says these words: "O miserable citizens, y'all are not sane! What are you thinking?

N?nne intellegitis Graec?s et sc?tis ?nsidi?s eorum? Aut inveni?tis in equ? mult?s milit?s acr?s, aut equus est machina bell?, facta contr? h?s, vent?ra in urbem, vis?ra cas?s nostr?s et populum.

Do you not understand the Greeks and do you not know their plots? Either you will find many harsh soldiers in that horse or the horse is a machine of war having been made against us, about to come into the city, about to see our homes and people.

Aut aliquid latet. Equ? n? cr?dite, Tr?i?n?: quidquid id est, time? Dana?s et d?na ferent?s!

Or something is hidden. Don't trust the horse, Trojans; whatever it is, I fear the Greeks and especially those bearing gifts.

D?xit, et potentem hastam magn?s v?ribus man?s sinistrae in uterum equ? i?cit; stetit illa, trem?ns.

He says, and he threw a powerful spear with the great strengths of his left hand into the womb of the horse; that thing stood, trembling.

Parse (tense and voice) and translate:

Perfect, Passive:
Having Been Oppressed

Parse (tense and voice) and translate:

Perfect, Passive:
Having Been Turned Away

Parse (tense and voice) and translate:

Future, Active:
About to Come

Parse (tense and voice) and translate:

Future, Active:
About to See

Parse (tense and voice) and translate:

Present, Active:

Parse (tense and voice) and translate:

Perfect, Passive:
Having Been Made

Parse (tense and voice) and translate:

Present, Active:

Sea Monsters in the Strait of Messina, who interfered with Odysseus

Scylla and Charybdis

Defeated by Bellerophon with Pegasus. He is a calendar
symbol of a tripartite year


Hideous female monsters who turn men to stone. Medusa was notably killed by Perseus


Two monsters killed by Hercules

The Hydra and the Nemean Lion

One-eyed monster blinded by Odysseus.

Polyphemus- Cyclops

Old ladies who share one eye and one tooth. They can see events of past and present.


The avengers of familial homicide


The guardian of the Underworld


The monster made to destroy Zeus

Typhon/ Typhoeus

Who was the first king of Rome?


Who was the second king of Rome?

Numa Pompilius

Who was the third king of Rome?

Tullus Hostilius

Who was the fourth king of Rome?

Ancus Marcius

Who was the fifth king of Rome?

Tarquinius Priscus: Tarquin the Elder

Who was the sixth king of Rome?

Servius Tullius

Who was the seventh (and last) king of Rome?

Lucius Tarquinius Superbus: Tarquin the Proud

Which king founded the Senate?


Which king moved the Vestal Virgins from Alba Longa to Rome?

Numa Pompilius

Which king conquered Alba Longa?

Tullus Hostilius

Which king seemed to be a pushover but was as good of a warrior as he was a diplomat?

Ancus Marcius

Which king had his cap snatched off by an eagle when entering Rome?

Tarquinius Priscus: Tarquin the Elder

Which king had his head catch on fire as a baby and survived?

Servius Tullus

Which king is known for the snatching of Lucretia?

Lucius Tarquinius Superbus: Tarquin the Proud